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Not sure how this person has seen it already but here's someone's report on Aquaman.



Wait, I'm first?
Spoiler space,
Damn those are some muscles
Spoiler space.
Could she even breathe in that outfit?
Spoiler space...

OK. Saw it last night, but missed the first five minutes.

The short, short version is that the script has good ideas but the Dialogue is clunkier than a droid army and fails them. A few line changes could have made the whole 'of two worlds' thing suck infinitely less, for example.

The visuals though...Dear gods, the undersea vistas were beautiful. I haven't read any aquaman comics, so a LOT seemed cribbed from the Black Panther movie as 'how to do themed architecture' but that wasn't a bad thing. The shot on the roofs in taly when they jsut kept pulling back...so pretty. The bit at the ring of fire fight, when you realise that big ledge is just the rim of a statue's shield - someone should ship the director off to JJ Abrams so he can go "look, this is how scale works, OK?"

I really loved the looks of it all, despite the constant 'Look, slow-mo! SEE HOW AWESOME THIS ALL IS!!1!

It's clearly DC's big reboot of their movie series, heavily cribbed from Marvel's formula, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. The colour and crazy over the top bits were fun until they just kept going bigger and it felt...weightless. Like I say, good ideas but the delivery felt...off. The big fight reminded me very much of Clone Wars and not in a great way. 

Also, Orm was boring as feck.

But I enjoyed it. The ideas poking out were decent, it looked spectacular and Momoa carried it well. 

And the thing with the bikers in the bar...saw it coming a mile off (like a lot of bits), but still funny. It's be interesting to freeze on the polaroids to see what's going on in the background.



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It could be someone from China, because the movie's already out there. Bummer to hear that the dialogue is as bad as the trailers suggested it might be, though.

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That looks great. Not as exciting as a James Gunn produced Bloodborne movie would have been, but that rumor seemed a little bit too good to be true.

The Superman-esque origin is cool, especially because of how many interesting Superman stories have used the "But what if he wasn't the good guy" idea in the past. To see it on the big screen will be a nifty little moment.

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8 hours ago, livid said:

Didn't quite know where to put this...horror via Superman?


Is this original or based off an existing thing? I've read three "Bad Superman" series lately and might as well add more to see if anything gets close to Irredeemable or Injustice.

This seems a bit different because the Super starts off as a little monster instead of being a superhero turned bad.

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This does not change my desire to see it at all but damn, I thought there was universal love for Into the Spiderverse.


Seeing as I've never heard of the above site before the link popped into my google news feed, I'm hoping its a random idiot with a low traffic website being anti for the clicks. :P

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Figured I'd stick this here instead of the Flash thread since it's got Arrow and Supergirl episodes as well.

I FUCKING LOVED ELSEWORLDS PART 1! So geeked out about everything. Seriously, it was said a billion times last year during Crisis on Earth X, but Arrowverse does these Justice League team ups so right. It was simple yet so full of vibrancy and excitement.


Man, when Clark opened his shirt, I gotta' admit, I geeked out. Also, I hope that's not the end we see of Lois in Supergirl, she was really cool.

Can't wait to watch Part 2. Only thing I'm sad about is Sara and Ray and the rest of the Legends are joining in, but well, they're basically involved in their own mess right now. Seeing Constantine on-screen with Kara would have been amazing, though. Somehow hope that when we get to the Supergirl episode, there's Alex because we always need more Alex.

Also, cool cliffhanger, can't wait to see the Arrow episode.

Oh, also, "Save Me" being played was incredible.

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Argh, I'm so behind on all the shows. I need to start digging in.

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On 21/11/2018 at 14:37, livid said:

I don't hate it? 

Beats Birds of Prey: Prey Harder or whatever it could have been if they were lazier with it, at least. 



I don’t know if I’m officially allowed to say, but there’s no reason why not. It was an unofficial aka when I wrote the script. I added it about a year or so ago, almost exactly as it is, just as an aka. I didn’t think we’d ever use it. We’d always used a working title, so I just had it as a cheeky little thing, on the front cover. And then, when we were talking about a title and brainstorming, we all kept drifting back to that one.

So it basically started out as a joke and stuck. :lol: I love that.

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On 10/12/2018 at 20:15, Benjamin said:

Figured I'd stick this here instead of the Flash thread since it's got Arrow and Supergirl episodes as well.

I FUCKING LOVED ELSEWORLDS PART 1! So geeked out about everything. Seriously, it was said a billion times last year during Crisis on Earth X, but Arrowverse does these Justice League team ups so right. It was simple yet so full of vibrancy and excitement.

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Can't wait to watch Part 2. Only thing I'm sad about is Sara and Ray and the rest of the Legends are joining in, but well, they're basically involved in their own mess right now. Seeing Constantine on-screen with Kara would have been amazing, though. Somehow hope that when we get to the Supergirl episode, there's Alex because we always need more Alex.

Also, cool cliffhanger, can't wait to see the Arrow episode.

Oh, also, "Save Me" being played was incredible.

Honestly, the reason I post most of the Arrowverse stuff here is because there are so few watchers of it on EWB, I really don't think they should have individual posts.

So after watching watching all three episodes tonight, my thoughts

I love the running gag of "Is this like Freaky Friday or Quantum Leap?"

"Oh Barry, what have you done now?" Yep, exactly what I would be thinking

"You woke up in bed next to Iris?"  nervous nod "We need to fix this NOW!"  Honestly, I'd rather wake up next to Iris then Felicity.  Candice Patton is just so...damn

Damn you Tyler Hoechlin!  Why do you have to be so handsome and have that smile?  You've managed to replace my memories of the DCEU Superman to the point I had to google him to remember that actors name.  Tyler is pretty much the Superman animated series version brought to life and I love it!

That shot of Oliver Flash, Supergirl, Superman and Barry Green Arrow coming out of the vortex was awesome

Barriver "Finish him..." and Superman diving out of the sky?  Holy shit!

AMAZO showing how fast The Flash can phase by avoiding Supermans punches was awesome too

Grant Gustins "AMAZO, you have failed this city!" was kinda weak.  He doesn't give it the same gravitas that Stephen Amell does

Part 2 had some great cameos for props, like the freeze gun, the Bane mask from Dark Knight Rises (So does this take place in the Nolanverse too?)

I had read some doubt about Ruby Rose being cast, that she wasn't a good actress etc.  I've never seen her in anything before this but I thought she did good.  If Batwoman does get a spinoff like its rumored to, I think she'll do a great job

Kara "My cousin Clark and Bruce are friends....well...frienimies"

Again with the "camoes"...the patient doors said "Cobblepot, Isley, Karlo, Nigma, Guggenheim.  Read as Penguin, Poison Ivy, Clayface, Riddler, Marc Guggenheim (Arrows original showrunner).


Merlyn giving Barry a bit more insight into Oliver, as well as Thawn giving Oliver more insight into Barry was a nice touch

Part 3 GARY!  A Legend did show up!

Merlyn, Diaz and Slade Wilson's son as cops!

Black suit Superman!  Oh wait, thats not Superman!

Think it was assuming a lot that the rewritten universes Cisco could vibe, but ok

Kara's speech to the alternate Alex actually had me tear up a bit.  Melissa and Chyler have great chemistry together

They come from Earth-38 with Superman!

And Cisco immediately vibes the fuck out of there!

If you had told me during Arrow S-1 I'd eventually witness a Superman vs Superman fight, I would've laughed out loud

Brainy!  And J'onn J'onzz!  And Lois with...Mjölnir?  I actually dunno what THATS about... 

Oliver talking sense to The Monitor!  Until now The Monitor was basically shown to be evil, but he's not!  Just trying to get a universe ready for a "crisis"

Even though I knew they weren't going to kill Barry or Kara, their run around the world was tense as fuck

Did Oliver have a blue kryptonite arrow?  Not sure about that, I thought the arrow was going to go through the book and into the fake Superman, but it seemed to just hit the book


Oliver and Barry throwing back beers and Oliver is happy he can feel the effects of alcohol again!

Batwoman series teaser a bit at the end

"Worlds will live...worlds will die...and the universe will never be the same"

"Coming fall 2019: Crisis on Infinite Earths"  NO FUCKING WAY!  I was never a HUGE comic fan but even I know what that means.  I always figured that was a story that would be saved for a movie.  So we might be things like Earth-38 merged with Earth-1 so Kara is "there".  Dunno what that might hold for Black Lightning, which has shown to be in the "real" world with Supergirl, Green Arrow and The Flash as comic book characters and NOT a part of the Arrowverse

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Part 3 of Elseworlds was almost as good as the other two, had some really great bits. Loved the crossover. The Arrowverse is actually full of great characters (like the black guy and Felicity and Digger from Arrow are the only ones I remember from there so I'm glad they're the only ones that showed up). Can't wait for fall next year.

However, Legends of Tomorrow only needed one episode to do a better Elseworlds. I'm sorry, but "Legends of To-Meow-Meow" might have been the best episode on TV this year. Fucking stellar all-around.

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'Somebody Save Me' had me screaming like a goof.

What a crossover. Everything just seemed to land. The fake-out of Lois/Clark being the price Oliver needed to pay. Watching as Barry and Oliver got a better understanding of each other. Kara/Alex's adorable connection. BRAINIAC!!

But, as good as the rest was, I was almost only watching this crossover to see Ruby. And she killed it. Batwoman can not come soon enough!

Also, am I the only one actually looking forward to seeing Jon Cryer as Lex Luthor?

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37 minutes ago, Ace said:

'Also, am I the only one actually looking forward to seeing Jon Cryer as Lex Luthor?

I think he's a bad choice for the role. Lenny from Superman IV is a bad choice to play Luthor. He doesn't look intimidating enough. 

I hope John Wesley Shipp has a bigger role in the next crossover. His appearances were barely more than short cameos in this one. 

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13 hours ago, GhostMachine said:

I think he's a bad choice for the role. Lenny from Superman IV is a bad choice to play Luthor. He doesn't look intimidating enough. 

THey love their easter eggs.

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Titans season finale trailer.



Jesus fuck why is this so hard for them to get.



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On 09/12/2018 at 05:26, GoGo Yubari said:

It could be someone from China, because the movie's already out there. Bummer to hear that the dialogue is as bad as the trailers suggested it might be, though.

For what it's worth, with really strong overseas takings so far and what is now expected overall internationally, plus what they expect the movie to do in America, Aquaman may now end up being the DCEU's first billion dollar movie.

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On 15/12/2018 at 03:51, =BK= said:

Titans season finale trailer.

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Jesus fuck why is this so hard for them to get.



Season finale already? I still remember seeing the first trailer and remarking how stupid it was.

Clearly it really went all in on the stupid 

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