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I know delving into the murky world of online comments is a fools game but some of the people talking about the trailer are real morons.

'I can't wait for the last good X-Men movie before Disney ruins the franchise. '

Seems to be a lot of variations on the above comment floating around. Like the Fox X-Men franchise is free of crap. <_<

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21 hours ago, Maxx said:

There's just not been nearly enough of Turner's Jean Gray to have any sort of real investment in this, much like there wasn't nearly enough time spent with Famke Jansen's Jean Gray for there to be any sort of real investment the last time they put the dark phoenix story on screen.  In better hands it's a hell of a story to tell that could pack an emotional punch.  I have zero investment into Cyclops and Jean Gray this time around.  This is just going to be another chapter of the oh no Magneto is doing the bad thing again, I thought we could trust him story that every single one of these McAvoy/Fasbender films has had.  It's a shame too, because they're both fantastic in the roles, and they deserve better films than they've gotten.

Oh well, Fox's run on X-Men dies with this one, and it's a death that's loooooooong overdue.

In fairness, it might actually be in better hands. It's the first movie since First Class not to be directed by Singer. I'm not sure how up to the task Kinberg is but I will be at least cautiously optimistic rather than dismissing out of hand like I would had Singer still been involved. 

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I expect DARK PHOENIX to be better than the pile of shit that was THE LAST STAND. BUT....I'm glad it'll be the last FOX X-Men movie. As was already sad, the Professor X- Magneto friendship/rivalry thing has already been done to death. McAvoy and Fassbender have been great in the roles, but wasted due to the material. Hopefully when the X-Men join the MCU, they'll use Magneto sparingly, and get the Xavier-Magnus relationship crap out of the way quickly. 


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On 28/09/2018 at 16:57, Jericruise said:

Fuck sake just kill it and give us MCU X-Men already.

I'm also still annoyed they haven't even attempted to integrate the Netflix stuff into the films yet. 

They definitely won't moving forward, once this Disney streaming thing comes out. Feige having his hands in "TV" miniseries dedicated to popular supporting characters from the films drives an even more clear wedge between the film and TV divisions of Marvel.

If I'm being honest, I'm more annoyed that the Netflix Defenders shows don't clearly reference MCU events. "The Incident"? Vague allusions to the Hulk and little easter eggs like Captain America toys? C'mon, that shit is weak. I don't expect a big budget Marvel film to address some third string shadowy gang like The Hand, but I do expect the TV shows to reference something that affects the entire fucking universe like Infinity War.

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List of songs from the Spidey Christmas album


Spidey, It's Cold Outside
Swingin' Around The Mistletoe
Silent Night (You're Welcome)
Joy To The World (That I Just Saved)
Spidey The Snowman
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like A Non-Denominational Holiday
Ave Maria


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So Venom's reviews are in.

And they are not favourable. At all. One called it a 1990s superhero film that accidentally got time-warped into 2018, others have focused heavily on how the tone of the movie is a complete mess, jumping from horror to comedy randomly. Everyone seems to think Hardy does alright in it though.

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Some scores of Venom reviews:

1 / 5 Guardian
2 / 5 Empire
3 / 5 Total Film

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17 minutes ago, Tigerstyle said:

I would say why even bother allowing other people than Marvel to produce comic book movies but Deadpool, Logan and Kick Ass were all good enough.

I think the biggest case for both Deadpool and Logan is that they gave Miller/Leitch/Reynolds and Mangold full control over what they wanted to put in the film with no corporate meddling. They forced through an R-rating too to allow them to put down a film that was inherently different than all the X-Men films and also the MCU in tone.

Don't forget that before the leak and subsequent excitement that Deadpool was going nowhere as a film, and FOX saw no money in a Deadpool film. Only after Miller/Reynolds forced the issue with the leak (which pretty much everyone knows was in some way done by them) FOX started to realize there was money to be made, and they really did a tough sell in trying to force FOX to be completely hands-off with the film making process and only be the bankrolling/publishing factor in the equation.

Deadpool's precedent allowed Mangold to also take a bigger controlling stake in the creation of Logan, which ended up having them remove some elements such as Mr. Sinister from the film to make the tone a lot darker than they originally had planned it out as being. And again, without the added noise of corporate pressure they could make the film they wanted, and the film moviegoers wanted, and they made a comic book masterpiece that made everyone a lot of money.

The difference is clear between Spider-Man: Homecoming and Venom, one had Marvel take direct control over the creation, the other had Sony with the reins in hand. One is a great film, the other might rival Fant4stic for worst comic film of this century.

Marvel knows what its doing, since its their own IP and they hire the right people for the job and Disney let them do their thing. Sony doesn't, WB doesn't either (if you look at the dissapointment that is the DCEU). FOX has its ups and downs but they're all linked to how hands off they are with the product being made.

tl;dr - Sony fucked Venom because they can't let professionals do their job.

Edited by Jasonmufc
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