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Yeah, I don't particularly mind Joaquin's look, although it's dumb and trying to be too much like a cheap knock-off of Ledger-Joker... But I just don't care for the Joker anymore, ever since Ledger did his thing they've been trying to catch lightning in the bottle with Leto and no Phoenix.

I just simply don't care for this Joker film because it'd be the third joker in ten years, and I don't trust DC to make this one captivating enough to have his own starring film. Not even Scorsese's presence interests me.

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11 hours ago, =BK= said:

Is that Joker supposed to be in the same continuity  as Suicide Squad Joker? Cause that's a hell of a difference.

They are essentially doing some Elseworlds-type movies

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The only Joker I'd be interested in is live action Mark Hamill Joker in a Batman Beyond movie.

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Another thing I wish to have a whinge about. Why would I as a moviegoer care about this whole over-arching DC film universe, when DC is making non-continuity films left, right, and center instead? Why should I get invested in the big tickets when they themselves are clearly not particularly invested enough to make things connected.

It's the same with Suicide Squad, the only thing that ever connected that movie to the DCEU was a bunch of cameo's that were basically just shilling for Justice League rather than making Suicide Squad properly connected to the world. Nothing that happened in Suicide Squad had any bearing on the rest of the universe. Not that it needed to be connected, because it would've just became a worse film than it already was, but it was just lazy.

But yeah, it's my continued issue (and most people's) that DC wants all the success of Marvel, but doesn't to put in the effort or the legwork. They're not just copying Marvel's homework, for some inexplicable reason they're filling in the wrong answers.

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In spite of massive Joker fatigue on my part, I'm marginally interested in this movie mostly because I'm interested to see what Joaquin Phoenix can do with the role, and I actually like the makeup. To me, it's not actually beholden to any previous incarnation, it's much more of a seedy, '70s carnival clown thing than the traditional Joker look. I've also long-since given up on caring about whether DC can create a coherent universe going forward, so if this movie is an Elseworlds deal then whatever, sure.

At the same time, of course, this movie could fall off the face of the earth tomorrow and I'd be like "oh, yeah, sure."

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Yeah I'm interested because Phoenix rarely seems to pick bad projects and Scorcese's involvement doesn't hurt either but I am still sitting here like "why?". 

That said, I think it's smart of DC to focus on individual stories for now and maybe get those good before they start doing more DCEU stuff. 

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They should have just put everything into a Harley movie because it's pretty clear she's on her way to passing Joker in popularity if she hasn't already. Or just give a proper try at Catwoman.

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There's just not been nearly enough of Turner's Jean Gray to have any sort of real investment in this, much like there wasn't nearly enough time spent with Famke Jansen's Jean Gray for there to be any sort of real investment the last time they put the dark phoenix story on screen.  In better hands it's a hell of a story to tell that could pack an emotional punch.  I have zero investment into Cyclops and Jean Gray this time around.  This is just going to be another chapter of the oh no Magneto is doing the bad thing again, I thought we could trust him story that every single one of these McAvoy/Fasbender films has had.  It's a shame too, because they're both fantastic in the roles, and they deserve better films than they've gotten.

Oh well, Fox's run on X-Men dies with this one, and it's a death that's loooooooong overdue.

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