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Critically panned movies that you liked

MalaCloudy Black

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Dirty Work full stop. From a modern perspective, it would've gotten 17% on Rotten Tomatoes and it was a financial failure, yet was a perfect encapsulation of Norm MacDonald's style of comedy. It was by far a better film than everything else he starred in afterwards. (This could also be the part where we praise The Norm Show.)

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Norm MacDonald just makes me sad now since he's doing 1-800-SafeAuto commercials.

And Scary Movie 1-3 were all solid. In fact, I don't know if any movie has ever made me laugh in the theater as hard as the first one. One of my favorite theater experiences I've ever had, the entire crowd was practically on the floor.

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YEa, I've always liked the first few Scary Movie ones.

Dirty Work is a great movie, one of the movie I can put on when I"m bored and watch and laugh no matter how many times I've seen it

Neccesary Roughness. Something bout Scott Bakula being a 40 year old college QB. The reviews weren't great, but the cast was pretty solid, including Sinbad at the height of his popularity. Speaking of which, is he even alive anymore?

PCU was the first time I was ever exposed to Jeremy Piven and the movie is hilarious as hell

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I know that I'm gonna' get grief for this, but I actually liked the football film The Replacements. Yes, I know, Keanu Reeves plays the roles he normally plays (but with romance!), Gene Hackman is type cast, but the film works for me. It's mostly because of the supporting cast, truth be told. Orlando Jones and Rhys Ifans stand out here, and it's just a bunch of fun.

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I know that I'm gonna' get grief for this, but I actually liked the football film The Replacements. Yes, I know, Keanu Reeves plays the roles he normally plays (but with romance!), Gene Hackman is type cast, but the film works for me. It's mostly because of the supporting cast, truth be told. Orlando Jones and Rhys Ifans stand out here, and it's just a bunch of fun.

No shame in that. The Replacements is a guilty pleasure of mine as well

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The Stoned Age, god I love that fucking movie. Its just an absurd tale of two slacker stoner pals trying to get laid, encountering the buffalo chicks, Crump's brother, and jealous friends along the way. It also takes place in the 70s so you get the full on 70s rock soundtrack to make it sillier (Deep Purple, Blue Oyster Cult, that bang a gong song).

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Oh my God, Street Fighter. There is no terrible film that is more enjoyable than Street Fighter.

I dunno...the Double Dragon film is pretty bad yet enjoyable. Plus


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Oh my God, Street Fighter. There is no terrible film that is more enjoyable than Street Fighter.

I own Street Fighter: The Movie on laserdisc. I don't own a laserdisc player. It was in amongst a bunch of old stock in a record shop I worked for, that was given to us by another shop that went out of business. I just thought it would be the most fantastically crap thing to own.

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Also, Road House and Bloodsport.

Nobody ever said anything bad about Roadhouse.

Not true.

Ebert gave 2 1/2 stars and put it down: Link, 'ol Patrick was slammed for his performance, it was nominated for 5 Razzies (worst actor, supporting actor, screenplay, director, and worst picture), Washington Post slammed it: link, Variety negatively reviewed it, etc etc ... there are others

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