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EWB's Top 50 TV Shows of 2012: The Results

GoGo Yubari

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Yeah, I've never used a .gif for a show image before, but this time I had no choice. If Alfie and Abner wasn't going to show up as my Coming Up quote, it had to be the show image.

Anyway, this is a good five. Castle seems like a perfectly fine procedural show that I'll likely never watch, I'm bound to actually watch through New Girl someday, and Modern Family I used to really like but got bored of and think it's a bit overrated now.

I watched the first season of The League and I liked it but didn't love it. The Mr. McGiblets episode was absolutely magnificent, though. I will watch more on Netflix eventually.

30 Rock is consistently very good but not a show I think is outright great anymore. It's why it just missed my top 15, basically. If I extended it to a top 20, it'd be #16.

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It was called The New Girl in the first season, pretty sure people still called it that out of habit.

Don't really watch any of those shows regularly, though I will watch Castle from time to time, especially if I'm really jonesing for a Psych fix but readily can identify the plot of every Psych episode on the first disc I grab down to a T.

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Castle - On the to watch list.

New Gril - Meh.

Modern Family - Loads of fun. I like it a lot. It seems to get a lot of heat around here because of how many awards it gets. Admittedly it beats shows much better than itself to get those awards, because it is a catch-all show rather than one with a cult following, but that doesn't mean it is not good.

The League - Heard of it and was on my to watch list. May jump up the list now that I recognise some of the cast from NTSF:SD:SUV.

30 Rock - Meh. Never got into it.

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LOVE LOVE LOVE that the League is on the list, not a fan that it's not higher. This season has been hysterical. Easily my favorite comedy on TV, and I think that over the past two seasons, it's been much funnier than Always Sunny. Such a good show, and anyone who wants a good laugh should check this out.

Also, Brooklyn Decker was on this past season. She's hot.

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I like Castle, it's one of the few procedurals I enjoy but a lot of that has to do with the fact that Nathan Fillion is wonderful. Stana Katic ain't bad to look at , either.

I watched the first couple episodes of New Girl and wasn't that impressed. Apparently it gets better over time but I don't know, I may give it a shot because I have liked Jake Johnson in other things.

I've never been on the Modern Family bandwagon. It's a decent enough show, I just don't go out of my way to watch it. The fact that it sweeps the Emmys all the time doesn't exactly make me like it anymore since I know there are more deserving shows.

I love The League but I'm not a big fan of the show's evolution to "bad people doing to dumb things" when it's tremendous at snappy dialogue and jokes. The Rafi character is one of the best in any sitcom right now though and Taco is always funny.

30 Rock is very similar to Modern Family for me, in that I don't have a strong opinion one way or the other and tend to think it's a bit overrated. That said, I would never complain when watching it.

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Castle just isn't on my radar. No interest.

I have friends that fucking love New Girl. In the interest of maintaining those friendships, I refrain from telling them just how fucking terrible I find it to be.

Modern Family is good, yes. It is in no way as good as it is made out to be by those who carry its banner. It gets samey awful fast.

The League strikes me as a show that does what it does well, but I can't say I'm interested in what it does.

30 Rock's always been good and sometimes it's been great. I feel this current and final season falls under the latter, and I'm very interested in seeing the final few episodes.

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I watched the first season of The League and I liked it but didn't love it. The Mr. McGiblets episode was absolutely magnificent, though. I will watch more on Netflix eventually.

I felt it wasn't until the third season that The League really picked up, they had a tough time establishing the dynamic of the show for the early episodes since they have to explain bits and pieces of fantasy football to an audience who doesn't get the concept in full. So they suffer from this problem of "do we just talk about fantasy football or do we make a funny episode with fantasy football in the background?" Eventually they found a good balance in season three. I've not seen season four as it's currently airing and I didn't DVR any of the episodes, regrettably, as I never get around to watching TV live. But it did have a slow start for me, I watched a couple episodes when it started airing and was not impressed at all. Took until this past year for me to sit down and watch it. Rafi, Taco, and Andre are hilarious characters.

As Always Sunny has gone downhill this show has climbed uphill, I hope it can last. Always Sunny struggled once it hit seasons 5 and 6 since a lot of the humor turned to inside jokes when its strength was always on hilarious premises to episodes. What worries me about The League is it taking the characters around Pete and having them basically be turned to 11 for every episode, basically what Always Sunny has done recently.

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EDIT: Speaking of NCIS. You know what I didn't vote for? NTSF:SD:SUV. That has been a lot better than Dexter. :(

Never been a huge fan of it, but I saw the one with the girl from The Office and it slayed me.

Catching up...

#40. Haven't seen Burn Notice in ages. I liked it for the wacky caper of the week, but the overall story lost me. Still no idea who burned him or why or how. It's neat how he knows spy tricks though.

#39. One of my all-time favorites. Should've ended when Carell left though. It's been a shell of itself.

#38. Never seen it, but the two blonde girls are pretty. I feel comfortable with this ranking above The Office in 2012.

#37. Waiting until it ends, then going to watch it marathon-style. High hopes.

Going to just skip the "don't watch/never heard of/British" ones from here on out...

#34. I know a lot of people who like it and swear by it, but it doesn't seem like my cup. Neat idea for people into it.

#32. Is that Jessica Lange? Never seen this one either. Looks neat though.

#29. They should call it Team New Girl. No interest.

#28. Liked it waaaaaaaaaay more than I expected to. Would've definitely voted for this one.

#27. Great show. Sorry to see it drop from last year.

#26. It's okay. Not better than The League. Not better than Modern Family.

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Castle: N/A

New Girl: Perfectly alright most of the time and it has some really strong episodes. If you hate Zooey Deschanel, don't watch it.

Modern Family: Again, perfectly fine. Massively overrated, but perfectly fine.

The League: Really fun and crazy. Most of it is not scripted I beleive which makes it all the better.

30 Rock: Seen Season 1, which was really good. I will continue watching.

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