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EWB's Top 50 TV Shows of 2012: The Results

GoGo Yubari

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I feel like I'm the only person in the world who thinks Girls is just ok. Srars criticism is accurate, but it's kind of the point, they're supposed to be unlikeable, I like how much I don't like these people. My problem is it's more of a dramedy than a comedy, and in my opinion it's neither gut-bustingly funny, and the dramatic tension isn't interesting enough for me to care.

I could see that. I just have to have at least one character I like. Otherwise why am I sitting here wasting my time watching these jerks?

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See, I dunno. I watched the first two series of Peep Show and I'd just much rather watch either That Mitchell and Webb Look or various panel shows with either of those two on it.

Edit: Though, ten minutes later I'm watching Peep Show and having a good time, so whatever.

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Man I didn't expect Fringe to crack the Top 20, but that was a sad placement. I will admit the quality of the last season was very hit and miss, but so far, in its final season it has been spot on perfect and of the highest quality.

Glad Girls made it at all, and surprised it made it that high. It's not a terribly funny show, although it had moments where I was quite amused. I would count it as a dramedy as Pizza said, but one that works better than most of them do. I totally understand the criticisms of the show and understand why people hate it. I can't even explain why I enjoyed it as much as I did. I tried her movie and didn't make it 20 minutes into it before I was annoyed, bored, and hating everything about it. I am looking forward to season 2 here in a few weeks, although I wonder if I will still like it as much going forward, or if it was more of a lack of anything else to watch that I really enjoyed this past summer.

I tried the pilot of Revolution (quite liked it) and the second episode (quite bored by it as nothing happened at all other than a last minute reveal that made no sense and seemed to just exist because). I never went back. Between other new shows I enjoyed far more like Arrow and Mindy, and rewatching shows like Community, Misfits, and Doctor Who with my girlfriend who has never seen them, I always just figured if I heard it got better and it didn't get cancelled then I'd give it a shot this summer.

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Revolution is actually pretty good. I almost gave up after the first episode but one day had a tonne of spare time and powered through a few more episodes and eventually began to enjoy it. It's certainly not brilliant, but it's good.

Peep Show is one that I've had on in the background before but never really say down and properly watched.

Still haven't got round to seeing Fringe and haven't seen the other two either, though today was the first time I heard of Girls, may check it out at some stage.

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I find the hatred of the characters one of the most interesting things about Girls because shows like It's Always Sunny can totally get away with that because they're geared towards men and go WAY over the top. But Girls is pretty real, although obviously exaggerated, portrayal of 20-somethings that live in the bubble.

Dunham readily admits that the girls, especially Hannah, are supposed to be unlikable, but they have a certain charm to them. Hannah's fuck buddy is a great example of the character development on the show though, he starts out as this disgusting piece of shit, but once you dig a little deeper, you find out he's a better person than most of the other people on the show. I like a series that can do that in ten very short episodes.

They are easy to dislike, but I'm sure a lot of us weren't (aren't) the best people in the world either when we were 23. It's a fun journey to take though.

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Personally I'm okay with shows where I don't like anyone. BUT ANYWAY.


45. Don't Trust the B---- in Apt. 23 (32 pts, appeared on six ballots) (Last Year: N/A)


44. Workaholics (32 pts, appeared on seven ballots) (Last Year: N/A)


43. Arrow (36 pts, appeared on eight ballots) (Last Year: N/A)


42. Shameless (41 pts, appeared on four ballots) (Last Year: N/A)


41. NCIS (43 pts, appeared on five ballots) (Last Year: #30)

Next Time, on EWB's Top 50 TV Shows of 2012: There’s no happiness without order. That’s a Nazi quote, but it nonetheless stands the test of time.

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Workaholics! Total guilty pleasure show for me. It's just really stupid stoner shit, but I like it. Arrow I dropped after like, three episodes. Maybe I should give it another shot.

I've only seen the pilot of Shameless.

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I find the hatred of the characters one of the most interesting things about Girls because shows like It's Always Sunny can totally get away with that because they're geared towards men and go WAY over the top. But Girls is pretty real, although obviously exaggerated, portrayal of 20-somethings that live in the bubble.

Dunham readily admits that the girls, especially Hannah, are supposed to be unlikable, but they have a certain charm to them. Hannah's fuck buddy is a great example of the character development on the show though, he starts out as this disgusting piece of shit, but once you dig a little deeper, you find out he's a better person than most of the other people on the show. I like a series that can do that in ten very short episodes.

They are easy to dislike, but I'm sure a lot of us weren't (aren't) the best people in the world either when we were 23. It's a fun journey to take though.

I don't get it. Why does it matter if we were good people or not? It doesn't make these characters any more tolerable. What is the appeal of watching a show full of unlikeable characters? The chance they might get better later?

It's always Sunny is a horrible show too.

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Thoughts on this past five;

Don't Trust the B---- is wonderful. It's pretty much a live action cartoon and probably my third-favorite network comedy right now (behind Parks and Community, of course). I will desperately miss it after its inevitable cancellation.

I don't think Workaholics is really for me.

Arrow is interesting. It's a rare superhero show that doesn't fully indulge in stupid shit like having the cops be imbeciles, and I like the overarcing stuff. Its only major failure is that thusfar every time I've seen an episode introducing a character from the comics, they don't adapt them that well. The way they fucked Deadshot up is criminal.

Haven't seen Shameless.

NCIS is eleven spots lower than it was last year, and for that we should all pat ourselves on the back (except for Molly. Sorry Molly!).

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I don't get it. Why does it matter if we were good people or not? It doesn't make these characters any more tolerable. What is the appeal of watching a show full of unlikeable characters? The chance they might get better later?

It's always Sunny is a horrible show too.

I don't think it is or should be everyone's cup of tea. I'm just saying, that's part of the show, deeply flawed characters. Most shows like this, where the main character is an aspiring writer (or musician, actor, entertainer, whatever), the show will cast them as brilliant and misunderstood through their struggles. What I like about Girls is that it's not afraid to say the main character might not be that good. I connect to that because, well, I am that.

As for the new shows on the list, I've only seen the pilot of Arrow, but it's the only show of the group that I've seen a full episode of.

Been meaning to watch Apt. 23, but now that it's certainly going to be canceled, I'm afraid to get into it because I'll just get pissed.

I've seen a few minutes here and there of Workaholics and it seems cute.

Shameless looks hysterical, just haven't got around to it. I'll probably catch up now that Dexter and Homeland are over and I have to justify the Showtime subscription somehow.

I've only seen the last five minutes of NCIS while waiting for Raw to come on, but holy shit, it's horrible.

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I really need to catch up on Don't Trust the B---- in Apt. 23. I liked what I saw when I was watching it but like many shows, just got lost in the shuffle of what I was watching.

I've been meaning to watch Workaholics as I've been told numerous times that it's really good, I just haven't gotten around to it. The fact that Comedy Central doesn't have the greatest history with their scripted shows hasn't exactly helped.

I've really enjoyed Arrow. It didn't start out the greatest but showed potential and the last episodes have reached and surpassed that potential. I included it on my list so it's nice to see it on the list. If you're someone who holds the Green Arrow canon dear to your heart though, I understand why you would be turned off by it as they do change quite a few things from what I understand.

Shameless is good, I just didn't find Season 2 to be all that great. Don't get me wrong, it's good but it wasn't nearly as good as Season 1 and thus, did not make it on my list this year. I have no qualms with it making it though.

New year, same opinion on the piece of shit that is NCIS.

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Peep Show: Fantastic show. Not had the best series this year though. I full recommend people watch it though. Series 4 leading up the Mark's marriage is where it peaks for me, but everything after that is quality as well.

Fringe: On my "To Watch" list.

Girls: Not heard of it. Will probably give it a try though since it seems to have split the audience on EWB.

Revolution: I wanted to like it but gave up after episode 5. It was way too boring to keep my interest and I found every character apart from the fat guy who worked at Google completely unlikable. Especially the main guy, what a twat.

Suits: Heard good things, also on my "To Watch" list.

Don't Trust the B---- in Apt. 23: Currently watching but only a few episodes in. I'm enjoying it so far.

Workaholics: I've heard comments dotted around. Doesn't seem like something I'd like to be honest. I'm sure I'll give it a try down the line.

Arrow: Watched and enjoyed the first three episodes but lost track from there. Will pick up most likely in the summer when there are no good TV shows on anymore.

Shameless: Never really bothered with this due to what the UK Shameless has devolved into over the years.

NCIS: Seriously? Did my dad get a ballot in?

EDIT: Speaking of NCIS. You know what I didn't vote for? NTSF:SD:SUV. That has been a lot better than Dexter. :(

Edited by WalkerWGZ
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Arrow is pretty fun, Don't Trust The B---- in Apartment 23 can be insanely awesome and is at it's worst at least okay. Haven't seen the rest, except for the off episode of NCIS on TV and it's boring.

I don't get it. Why does it matter if we were good people or not? It doesn't make these characters any more tolerable. What is the appeal of watching a show full of unlikeable characters? The chance they might get better later?

It's always Sunny is a horrible show too.

I don't think it is or should be everyone's cup of tea. I'm just saying, that's part of the show, deeply flawed characters. Most shows like this, where the main character is an aspiring writer (or musician, actor, entertainer, whatever), the show will cast them as brilliant and misunderstood through their struggles. What I like about Girls is that it's not afraid to say the main character might not be that good. I connect to that because, well, I am that.

I am with zero here that is a interesting concept, but I do not think Girls is able to pull it off at all, except for as zero mentioned with one character, Hannah's boyfriend. The problem here is that none of the other characters have at least one redeemable quality about them (and this is especially true for Hannah), they seem like people that you absolutely do not want to succeed. And it's a weird place to be when you are watching the show, that you are hoping that every character just fails all the damn time. Although not every character needs to be likeable, I think you need to have at least a character that you can identify with or understand why they are the way they are, but this is not the case for me. AND I share the whole "I wanna be a writer" dream with Hannah and it still doesn't work.

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