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Discovery spoilers







I gave up on the show 3 episodes in because it didn't really feel like Star Trek to me, so i have n to idea about anything to do with the show. But this Ferengi redesign ...isn't great?

I've been told discovery is in the same universe as other TV trek and not the JJ Abrams movies like I thought it was. Which makes major alien redesigns make ... less sense?



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  • 4 months later...

I watched the new Picard yesterday and:



It took a long time to get going. I swear 50% of the episode was just playing catch up on where all the cast where now. tbh, I had kinda forgotten the names of every character not named Jean Luc Picard or Seven of Nine and honestly found it hard to care too much about any of them during the first season.

Except for Orla Brady, the Irish Romulan. I am glad she is back and I hope we get more of her. Although I don't really know if I need her and Picard to have feelings for each other. Can't they just be pals who live and work together? I think most of this comes down to me not really wanting to see 81-year-old Patrick Stewart kissing anyone.

I kinda do still wish this was Jean Luc Picard dicking about on his vineyard and occasionally doing a bit of Starfleet stuff in serialized format but that is not what we're ever going to get.

What I didn't like about Season 1 was that it mostly took place outside of a Starfleet. We barely saw any ships and not much beyond Starfleet Academy. And since they quite clearly end up going back to 2024 we probably aren't going to get much of that either here? Because I liked the time spent on the Stargazer. I liked seeing what looked like newer versions of the ships from the era of Star Trek I like the most.  I did think its weird that Rios was just smoking a cigar on the bridge of his ship (or at least holding an unlit cigar shape object).

The Guinan cameo was nice. It did was the third time we'd had a character talk to Picard that episode about his emotions though. And it wasn't that long after Raffi had had a similar enough conversation with him about the exact same topic.

Overall, I didn't think the pacing was all that great. It picked up towards the end. I guess the idea is that this is going to be a mirror universe series with a bit of time travel? We never did get mirror universe TNG so that would be interesting. John de Lancie was ... John de Lancie. He has barely aged and he sounds exactly the same (and the brief bit of de-ageing they did was a nice touch that worked for the few seconds of screentime).


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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm excited for it. I've been recording this season of Picard so I can watch it all in one or two sittings. Discovery kind of lost me this season, but I'll go back and give this season another shot when I'm looking for something to do in the summer.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm really behind on Star Trek. There are entire new shows out that I haven't heard of.

My wife and I are just finishing up Star Trek Picard season 2. We absolutely love it. Really enjoy it.

After we're done with that I'm going to rewatch Discovery by myself. I'm not sure where we got up to, but we gave up at some point. It was mid-pandemic and the show was just too bleak to deal with at the time, but I'd like to finish up.

I've seen one season of Lower Decks, so I need to watch the second season, and I don't know anything about Strange New Worlds or Prodigy, which I think is a kids show?


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13 minutes ago, K said:

I don't know anything about Strange New Worlds or Prodigy, which I think is a kids show?



Prodigy is a kid's show, I know nothing about it. Probably as relevant to Star Trek as that one Lego Star Wars kids show was to Star Wars. 


Strange New Worlds is actually pretty neat and good. It focuses on Christopher Pike, and is more of a prequel to TOS than Discovery was. 




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just rewatched Discovery Season 1 for the first time since it aired, and man that was an anticlimactic finale? I don't think I realised at the time, but like the the whole last episode they're talking like "Ok, we're gonna beam the ship into a big sub terranian cavern, then send a drone flying through a network of firey tunnels in an extinct volcano to scope out the klingon's defences, and then we're going to stage a targeted attack and do a big space battle to disable this enemy that has nearly wiped the federation to extinction.

then like ten minutes before the end of the episode they say "Actually nah, we'll just do some mild diplomacy and install a puppet government, ok peaceeeeee" and they just fuck off. 

I miss DS9. They knew how to do a cool space battle.

I get that star trek is supposed to be diplomacy over battles, but dont spend forty minutes talking about all the cool stunting you're gonna do then. And their actual diplomacy was forcing the klingon factions to co-operate under the threat of annihilation, and then installing a leader sympathetic to federation ideals... I mean I get that they're probably doing a 'lol america' analogy, but the federation are supposed to be better than that?

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Ok I'm just finishing my Discovery season 2 rewatch.

I think what I liked was the idea that they had an overarching mission (Find out what these red lights are) and then that linked to sort of classic, monster-of-the-week style episodes. So like they would go to kaminar and investigate the red light and it turns out Saru's family is there and most of the episode is just about that.

Except it didn't really work out that way. There were seven lights, two of which turned out to just be afterthoughts in the last episode, which left five lights over 14 episodes. By the time they had done three of them it seemed like they got bored with the lights thing and shoe-horned the next two in.

I wanted each light to go to a classic star trek episode, and then they had to piece together the link. Like in TNG's The Chase, where the Enterprise had to go on this treasure hunt and befriend all different species only to discover why all aliens look like humans. I think that's what they were going for, but they really half-assed it.

I felt like the season had some great moments, but it was overly complicated and a bunch of stuff didn't make sense.

Why did the signals appear simultaneously and then reappear one-by-one? Wasn't explained. What exactly were the red lights? Like i know the red angel made them, but what were they? Wasn't explained. Why did that big octopus go back in time? Wasn't explained. Who broke the Enterprise? Was it really just that the communicator was broken? seems weird. Voq's son became an adult in just a few months, ok but when did he learn all the stuff? He talks about how everyone fails the time trials, but like... he's only been there a little bit, how does he speak with such experience? Didn't make any sense.


Season three next which I'm not looking forward to. It was the one I gave up on half-way through last time for being too bleak during a pandemic.

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I think season 2 was the best season of Discovery so far. I don't want to spoil anything, but season 3 probably had the weakest story to it so far. Season 4 was a bit better, but the setting takes me out of it just a little bit. 


I'm just not a big fan of the "far in the future" setting. I did like the end of season 4, and really loved Discovery learning how to communicate with this new species. I'd love for a season with lower stakes so we could just spend more time with the characters, though. 


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I'm up to the guardian of forever/mirror universe episodes in season three. I think this is where I gave up before. It's not a good story. I feel like I've been watching this two parter for like four hours

What the fuck I'm only fifteen minutes into the second one

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Season 4 was the best so far I think, followed by 3. 

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What the fuck the source of the burn, the single most significant event in the history of the galaxy, not to mention an entire season of television writing, was a baby having a tantrum??????????? What the fuck. What a waste. 

  • Haha 1
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