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The Simpsons

Lord Nibbler

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I don't watch it that often anymore but it's easily the most consistantly enjoyable thing I've ever watched and I'll never stop loving it.

I stopped watching it all the time when my mate moved away who I used to smoke weed and watch countless episodes with in a day. They were the best of times, they were the blurst of times. :(

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They were the best of times, they were the blurst of times. :(

Crap, this is exactly what I'm talking about.

When my friend Hugh still lived in Jersey - and still now when he comes over, or when I see him at festivals and whatnot - we used to say that on pretty much a daily basis, almost always followed up with "stupid monkey!". But it became so much our thing that I totally forgot it was a Simpsons quote.

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I think I'm with Bart on that one in thinking it's a lot funny than it is.

We tend to use the phrase "He prefers the company of men! Who doesn't?" a lot, and from the same episode...



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Also I've used...and keep threatening to use the line "If I could just say a few words.....I'd be a better public speaker" whenever I need to give a speech.

I used that when I was best man at my sister's wedding. Went down a storm.

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Also, typically when I'm say on the PC or whatever and my dad comes to see me/annoy me on purpose, he'll often do the stiff-legged walk and humming of the broken tune that Homer does to Frank Grimes whilst he's trying to work.

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I often use the "You might remember me from such [insert something here] as [insert something here] and [insert something here]." And it's glorious.

Also, so many couch gags.


Edit: You think? Say it, man. Say it loud and proud.

Edit 2: There's also something incredibly nerdy and awesome about this Tumblr. http://lisasimpsonbookclub.tumblr.com/

Edited by Will? Yum.
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