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Josh last won the day on February 14 2019

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About Josh

  • Birthday 19/03/1981

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    Chicago, IL

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Main Eventer (10/12)



  1. Josh


    I love Ed Gamble’s description of Phil Wang on Taskmaster as Winnie the Pooh.
  2. Josh


    Dara might just be the one to break the curse of the first chair. And that was an incredible live task.
  3. I’m cautiously excited. One, I’ve long wanted this and didn’t think it would happen. Two, UGH, Peacock. I guess I might pay for it for a single month and then cancel? Finally, I still don’t see confirmation of Yvette Nicole Brown and Donald Glover. I need them to be in it. To a lesser degree, I also reeeeaaally want Keith David, Paget Brewster, Jonathan Banks, and John Oliver in it. Some of them seem more likely than others. If they could get a quick Brie Larson cameo, that’d be the cherry on top. I also just realized Leonard won’t be in it. 😢
  4. Something about the making of Nosferatu, featuring Willem Dafoe, and not Shadow of the Vampire.
  5. Neat: The Story of Bourbon is an educational and interesting watch if you’re at all a drinker. Some good overview of history, study of how it’s made, look at some of the current makers, and even a good profile on at least one key personality. Really enjoyed it. Also Too Funny to Fail, which is a look back at the short-lived sketch series, The Dana Carvey Show. Fascinating story of how it came about, the people involved, and the challenges it faced, all leading to its doom. Funny and interesting.
  6. Josh


    Excellent news. We finished NZ a couple weeks ago and it was outstanding. Chris Parker had one of the all-time best prizes along the way.
  7. Josh

    GTA VI

    Someone help me: how is the leaked footage bad for Rockstar?
  8. I actually quite like that lineup. I wasn’t at all expecting Red Guardian or Ghost. I also love that we can call the next Captain America nWo.
  9. I remember liking Sudden Death. Part of that is Powers Boothe.
  10. It was a particularly brilliant episode among many others. A series highlight.
  11. Yeah, that was a really satisfying finale. And I’m glad they took that route to set up another season.
  12. Josh


    Having now watched the first episode of NZ series 3, I can confirm it’s gonna be a good one. I think what makes this one stand up so we’ll compared to the other non-UK ones is they’re great at devising their own tasks and planning how they film things. The golf task is a great example.
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