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Status Updates posted by Boulder

  1. Ten Times WWE Said "Fuck You" To The Fans - tell me whatcha think!: http://whatculture.com/wwe/wwe-10-times-wwe-said-fk-fans.php

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Boulder


      He coulda been a contender (to the Intercontinental Title)!

    3. Noah


      If Eric Young can be a knockouts tag champ, Ryder could've been a divas champ.

    4. Benji


      Zack Ryder was no Eric Young. EY has been pretty consistently entertaining for nearly a decade.

  2. Ten Reasons The Miz Is Already Hall Of Fame Worthy. Really? Really! http://whatculture.com/wwe/wwe-10-reasons-miz-already-hall-fame-worthy.php

    1. Your Mom

      Your Mom

      Miz retweeted your article!

    2. Boulder


      Now that's AWESOME!

    1. Tyrone


      Very enjoyable article, good read. I'm thinking of going there to train after I graduate uni, so this was quite helpful.

    2. Boulder


      Glad you enjoyed it! Any further questions, don't hesitate to contact me!

  3. Hey, I'm WhatCulture.com's new WWE writer! Check out my first article: http://whatculture.com/wwe/wwe-8-wrestlemania-main-events-almost-happened.php

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      Why would you promote Ad Blocker on your own work?!

    3. Boulder


      I get paid by the article click and I'd rather people read than not.

    4. MalaCloudy Black

      MalaCloudy Black


  4. WCW Worldwide is up - check it out in the Dome! Come on, the WWE Network will still be there when you get back (probably).

  5. Thunder is up in the dome! The last major TV show before Mayhem! Horrible puns! Check it out!

  6. My girlfriend's website has an indiegogo going, and it's almost over. Check it out at http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/mater-mea

  7. Hey, so when I said I was waiting to post shows, I lied! WCW 2000 is back, and Nitro is up!

  8. I came back, where the fuck are you?!?

  9. Start the damned WWE Network already, I want to watch WrestleWar '92.

    1. nufan


      i managed to acquire supertape 4 the other day, love the 90's wrestling. still have 1 and 2 on vhs

  10. Why I'll Never Have a Good Job, Reason #149: While browsing through listings, I see an add for an Executive Assistant. My first thought? "Just like Mr. Perfect!"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JasonM


      They didn't hire me when they asked me if I wanted the job and I went ''YES! YES! YES!''

    3. Boulder


      Argh, and I misspelled "ad.". I'm a mess!

    4. LittleDaniel
  11. Whooooo! Uncensored 2000 on WWE 24/7! Still a super-fun show.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Boulder


      Yeah, he didn't quite get all of that one.

    3. ROC


      "Yeah, he didn't quite get all of that one." -- The story of Ahmed Johnson's career.

    4. GA!


      This is a weird, weird show. It's WCW giving up months before it fully gave up - yet I enjoy watching it.

  12. I watched the 1997 World War 3 match tonight. John Nord lasted surprisingly long.

    1. Sousa


      "John Nord lasted surprisingly long" is really the story of John Nord's career.

    2. VerbalPuke


      I was there live for that one. They always seemed to talk him up during Royal Rumbles, like he was a favorite because a battle royal style match was just right up his alley.

    3. Sousa


      Well, Berzerker's whole gimmick was "guy who liked tossing people over the top rope."

      Okay, that and "a Viking," but still.

  13. Thanks for the birthday wishes!

  14. I will do my best to come around these parts more, specifically as an atheist-Christmas present for you!

  15. Bet you haven't thought about "Lightning Foot" Jerry Flynn yet today.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      I have that one covered.

    3. GA!


      Mr Hole In One Barry Darsow

    4. Sousa


      I bet I can win this by asking if you've taken a stroll down Lenny Lane.

  16. Check out www.timeforpizza.podbean.com, my new wrestling/comics/misc. podcast!

    1. C-MIL
    2. Boulder
    3. caucasianheat


      RSS'd. Subject matter is pretty much right up my alley.

  17. From the "Things You Didn't Expect" Department: I saw a guy at the New York Comic Con dressed as Hard Gay.

    1. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      You sure you just weren't at the wrong convention?

  18. Whether fightin' or spittin', my discipline is unforgiven.

    1. New Damage

      New Damage

      Got chu' backing up in a defensive position...

  19. In WWE News, Ted DiBiase Jr. announced the official changing of his name to David Flair.

    1. LL!


      Amazing. The guy goes from worst WWE theme to best!

  20. Haha, yes. I love the show, so just being mentioned was a thrill.

  21. Sorry for the delay on the Top 25 Matches list. Much work will be done this weekend.

  22. I'm Greg Gagne and I'm in a rage! I want Brody and I want him in a cage!

    1. Sousa


      The high flyin' dropkick will make 'im see double!

      I'll grind 'im up at the Wrestlerock Rumble! WHOO!

    2. Benjamin


      Nick Bockwinkel made rap cool.

  23. Lunch is cancelled due to lack of hustle. Deal with it.

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