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Your Mom

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Status Updates posted by Your Mom

  1. Anyone know how to resize the pic in my signature?

  2. I want a girl with a short skirt and a loooooooooooooooooooooong jacket

  3. Well done Jeremy. It turns out the crotch blinder was inside you all along

    1. LL!


      Is that what you tell Christopher in order to withhold sex?! YOU ARE EVIL!

    2. Berober


      After 47 years I've decided to move to Orlando to be closer to Disneyland

  4. Whoa! I guess I can conjure ceiling pizzas now

  5. Why back in my day you only had 2 EWB's and you liked it that way. You kids and your fancy 6 EWB's. What do you even do with that many??

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Fudge


      I & V vs II, IV & VI vs III is a license to print money

    3. Noah


      It's the goddamned EWB IV people.

    4. NobBe Nobbs

      NobBe Nobbs

      We use one of them to store all the drugs we use to keep DMN sane.

  6. We should thank the leader. Who the hell is that? Some kinda leader?

  7. Maybe single people eat crackers. We don't know. Frankly we don't want to know

  8. That wasn't part of our deal Blackheart! THAT WASN'T PART!

    1. Benji



    2. stokeriño


      Isn't that what we're all asking in our own lives - "Where's my elephant"? I know it's what I've been asking...

  9. In walked a man in the shape of a man holding a hat shaped hat

    1. thatshortguy


      Peace, Srar. That's where it's at.

    2. Your Mom

      Your Mom

      This is why you are the best sir. Oh wait are people watching? Grr... I hate Midget!

    3. thatshortguy


      I think it's time we bury the hatchet and rule this place.

      Wait, it's still baseball season...

      I hate the letters S and R! I hate the letter A twice as much! Yeah, take that, you terribly-lettered person!

  10. Anyone ever bought from Groupon? They have a used 3DS for $100 but I've never used them before and was a bit concerned

    1. Loz


      I use Groupon quite a lot. Mainly for the cheap 2 for 1 meals and such. I have bought a few things from there, though. Got a Zippo lighter on there cheap. It's very good. Highly recommended. :)

    2. Blue Rosler

      Blue Rosler

      I've used Groupon for days out and other stuff - they're trustworthy. (Atleast in the UK)

    3. LittleDaniel


      Groupon is legit.

  11. Pervert Dave loved to fuck. Just ask his dog Sad Jeff

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 9 to 5

      9 to 5

      How dare she insult my father!

    3. HC


      Wendy's Dave? The EWB member, I mean. -_-

    4. Owen


      Dave Thomas, Founder of Wendy's?

  12. Everybody sounds like Sandy Duncan to you Mom!

  13. Game of Thrones can suck it!

  14. Did somebody say swing vote?

    1. HC


      That awful movie with Kevin Costner?

  15. What the heck? A jet pack wearing Zombie? I'LL CHOP YOUR HEAD OFF!

  16. Don't put metal in the Science Oven!

    1. OctoberRaven


      What about the Biology Toaster?

    2. Benji


      Okay, but I'm not going to be held responsible for when the Mexican Microwave breaks.

    3. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      Don't put Science in the Metal Oven!

  17. Black Friday has begun super early! Just got Lego Marvel for super cheap!

  18. Anyone ever bought music from Amazon? Artpop is on sale for $5.99 but I dont want to buy it if I can only play it on Amazon's site or something

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skummy


      Yeah, it's just an mp3. I think they have a downloader program you need to install to download the stuff, but beyond that it's a standard mp3.

    3. Sousa


      Skummy got it exactly right--you get both cloud streaming and MP3 downloads.

    4. Your Mom
  19. Whoever was going to buy all 3 Dead Space games for $50 I just saw 1 and 3 for $10 each on Gamefly


  21. If it isn't the Lee Brothers. Ug and Home

    1. MalaCloudy Black

      MalaCloudy Black

      Did not know those guys were brothers.

  22. Anyone see the new Star Trek movie? It came out this week and we may watch it tonight. But I heard it kinda got some bad ratings by critics. If I liked the first one will I like this one?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      Yeah, it's fair to say that if you don't really care about what is Star Trek and what isn't you'll probably like this. I thought it was kind of dumb, to be honest, but I love the cast and they're all typically good. I wasn't that into Cumberbatch even though he's a great actor.

    3. Sousa


      I thought it was sort of like the first one: a pretty lousy film that was saved by pretty much every actor being good enough to carry it.

    4. Noah


      From what I've heard non-fans seem to think it's silly star trek nonsense and fans seem to think it's not star trekkie enough.

  23. Let's get rich and give everybody nice sweaters and teach them how to dance

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