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Everything posted by CobraKaiEnTai

  1. So this Neville guy seems pretty good. I know they were gonna make him Mighty Mouse, but I think they should make his gimmick Daredevil.

  2. Damn, I've got all the season DVDs in my collection (plus the two Christmas themed ones and Treehouse of Horror and such). I've kinda run out of room for anymore right now, but still was looking forward to getting more in the future. Seems incomplete that they have Seasons 1-17 and then Season 20 without 18 and 19 getting released. But I guess that's just the way of the world, DVDs will go the way of VHS and so on, but still disappointing to hear.
  3. Its something to do with golf....I think?
  4. Lint is the last one to post in every main area of EWB. Come on everyone else, get on the ball. :)

    1. Benji


      EWBingo is fun. Go Lint!

    2. TEOL


      In the trade it's known as a 'Benji'.

    3. Noah


      Sounds painful.

  5. Happy Pi Day! 3.14.15, but don't celebrate until 9:26:53, that would just be irrational :)

  6. Truly a legend in front of and behind the camera. When you think of Star Trek, Spock is usually the first one that comes to mind. Also a part of not one, but two memorable Simpsons episodes. He will be missed....unless William Shatner can find a way to bring him back. Live Long and Prosper *Vulcan salute*
  7. I spit in the face of people who don't want to take a poop

    1. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      I poop in the face of people who don't want to spit.

  8. I don't know how or why, but after a month and a half, I'm finally on EWB again from my own computer. Woohoo! Hope this isn't temporary.

    1. GA!


      Who will challenge your DNS?

  9. Well EWB, another week down, still no access at home. I-3 Title and FutR polls have been updated (only things I have time for right now), so check those out. See ya next week.

  10. Well EWB see ya in another week, or in the Facebook group I guess until I can get EWB on my computer again anyway. Take care.

    1. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      I'm surprised you didn't just take the hint.

    2. Draevyn


      Bad Ellis! Back under your bridge! :P

  11. Hey EWB, been too long, I asked random people on the street who will challenge Carlito, they just looked at me funny. Please help.

  12. GREAT SCOTT! Its.....the Future!

  13. Merry Christmas everyone! Hope none of you got left home alone, weren't visited by 3 ghosts during the night, didn't knock Santa Claus off your roof so you have to become the new Santa, that you all live on 34th street so you can experience a miracle, and everybody gets their Turbo Man action figures and Red Ryder B.B. Guns and has a wonderful life. Just don't feed any furry creatures after midnight and enjoy your Christmas Vacation.

    1. EWB's Best Poster.

      EWB's Best Poster.

      Phew yeah. Glad none if that happened to me. I couldn't take much more after what just happened to me at Nakatomi Plaza. Here's hoping next year is better, but I do have to go to the airport then. Le sigh.

    2. Draevyn


      John McClain does not Le Sigh! -.-

    3. Benjamin


      I just had TO serenade Marjorie Reynolds with White Christmas, which I pretended I had written.

  14. Anybody hear about the burglar who broke in through the bathroom? I heard he didn't get very far, the police caught him when he stepped on the scale and gave himself a-weigh.

  15. Not that I necessarily blame them, but given NBC's recent track record with comedies, that's probably a good thing.
  16. Something...something.....Nell Carter 80's sitcom: Gimme a _______!

  17. I too feel the need to take a break from EWB. Be back in about 20 minutes.

  18. But they're only up to E. Guess I should stop watching NBC on Thursdays, anything I watch inevitably gets cancelled.
  19. Damn, wanted the Royals to win this year. But oh well. Next year is the Cubs year right? Back to the Future II said so.
  20. Its my birthday today EWB. Gimmie, gimmie, gimmie! :D

    1. Noah


      I spit in the face of Birthdays that don't want to be cool.

    2. 9 to 5

      9 to 5

      .....a man after midnight?

    3. TEOL


      Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away?

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