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Everything posted by CobraKaiEnTai

  1. *sigh*, I thought the first half of the year gave us enough deaths, but I guess we have to add one more to the growing list. R.I.P. Gene Wilder, one of my absolute favorites growing up. I used to come home from preschool and watch Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory every day and still watch it once every year around my birthday, this year will be difficult though . Thanks for all the amazing work you've done, from Young Frankenstein to Blazing Saddles to Stir Crazy, See No Evil Hear No Evil and countless other memorable roles, but most of all for showing me a whole world of pure imagination. You will be missed, but I take solace knowing Richard Pryor and Gilda Radner are waiting for you on the other side with your own personal golden ticket, and I know you have so much time and so little to do (strike that, reverse it), so with that I say to you "Good Day Sir."
  2. When Shelley Long left is when the show got good imo. I just hated her pretentious character so much I've never gone back and watched any episodes from the seasons she was in. Conversely I could watch any episodes from 6-11 over and over again, though I did like that she came back for the series finale to give closure. And I don't even dislike Shelley Long, I've enjoyed her in plenty of other stuff, but as Diane Chambers she just irritated me. Friends definitely after season 8 (arguably after season 7). The Monica-Chandler stuff revitalized the show that had become a bit too much about Ross & Rachel. But once they got married, it lost a bit of its luster, especially when they tried to force a Joey-Rachel romance repeatedly in the last couple of years, just didn't work for me. I was always rooting for Joey & Phoebe to get together, or Phoebe to end up back with the scientist David played by Hank Azaria. Not that I had a problem with Paul Rudd or anything, just would've preferred one of the other two. Then maybe Joey would've had a reason to stay in New York and we wouldn't have gotten that ill-fated spinoff.
  3. There's an FX Atlanta now? Oh, the show on FX is called Atlanta, gotcha. Punctuation makes a difference.
  4. Can I call the heed again?

  5. To this day, I have yet to watch Raiders of the Lost Ark, I don't know why, just never got around to it. Seen all the rest of the Indiana Jones movies, just not the one that started it all. Top Gun is another one I probably should've seen by now, but for whatever reason, I haven't. Come to think of it, there's a lot of 1980's Tom Cruise movies I haven't seen. Just saw Risky Business for the first time about a year ago. Planes, Trains and Automobiles is one I've meant to watch for the longest time, still on my to-do list. Animal House and Caddyshack also come to mind. I didn't actually watch The Empire Strikes Back all the way through until a few years ago. Now I watch it every year. I'm probably one of the few people who's never seen Titanic. How I've never seen E.T. or Jaws I'll never know. Never seen any of the Fast and Furious movies, and only one of the Harry Potter movies. Same with the Rocky movies (or Rambo for that matter). Nothing on the James Bond, Godfather or Star Trek front either. Hell I don't think I've seen any of the Die Hard movies except in bits and pieces. I'm sure I'll think of more.
  6. So will they retain some minority ownership, or do they just have their eye on some minority ownership?
  7. Fuck yeah! Lesnar FTW. (To add to all the fucks in this thread ) Glad to see Brock had a successful comeback to UFC, at least to give him that peace of mind knowing he could still do it and do it well and not be left with the "what if?" hanging over his head. Whether this leads to more fights in the future remains to be seen. I'd secretly like to see Brock become the first man to hold the UFC and WWE Titles at the same time (I know Dan Severn already did that with the UFC and NWA Titles before, but this would be even bigger obviously), but I won't get too far ahead of myself. But good for Brock tonight. Orton is so screwed at Summerslam.
  8. Its currently 102 degrees where I'm at.
  9. Yep June was going along just fine, knew it couldn't last long. No matter what you thought of the man, there's no denying the profound influence and lasting impact he made as athlete, entertainer and in life. 2016 continues to sucker punch us, but this one feels like a knockout blow from the champ himself. If this keeps up, pretty soon all of EWB's forums will have to be renamed RIP Muhammad Ali aka Cassius Clay aka "The Greatest"
  10. https://www.yahoo.com/news/alan-young-two-legged-star-mister-ed-dies-040004663.html?ref=gs Damn, missed this yesterday. Grew up watching Mister Ed reruns on Nick at Nite and loved Duck Tales. 96 is certainly a great age to reach, but darn it, 2016 claims another one. RIP Alan Young.
  11. I'm just going to stop watching new shows when they premiere. Every show I start watching from the beginning in the past 5 years ends up getting cancelled after 1 season.
  12. If its just a show I put on in the background while I do other things, then the obvious answer is Raw every Monday night Sometimes I'll have Conan or How I Met Your Mother on in the background too, though I usually just sit down and watch those.
  13. Damn you 2016, stop kicking everybody in the gut.
  14. An actual Super Nintendo Chalmers
  15. Holy crap, there's a 29th of February now?!? When was this decided? Hope its not a recurring thing, I don't like my March 1sts being delayed like this.

    1. The Lusophone

      The Lusophone

      In 1712, there was a 30th of February. Mad ting.

  16. Son of a.... 2016 is off to a terrible start.
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