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Battle Royale: 72 Hours

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Just read through the last two updates after being away for a bit, and I gotta say, great stuff (Y) I love the character development with Cade- I hope he goes far :) And, I'm still going for Funaki and Taka :D

Edited by Zaz
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Hour 27

Day 2

0200 to 0300

Christian stood at attention, waiting for Billy Gunn or John Cena to make the first move. His eyes moved from Gunn, to Cena, back to Gunn again. Right now, Cena was the lesser threat, with his baseball bat in the open. On the other hand, Christian had no idea what Gunn’s weapon was, which could mean the difference between life and death.

However, despite what seemed like an eternity, neither Gunn nor Cena budged from their positions. It appeared that all three men had the same idea in mind. Christian simply bided his time, waiting for something to happen. He guessed he could easily get rid of them right now, but he would risk getting injured. Not something he wanted, especially this early in the competition.

Suddenly, just as he was beginning to lose focus, Cena suddenly moved forward, followed instantly by Billy Gunn. Trying not to get flanked, Christian rolled aside, raising his gun and squeezing the trigger.

Nothing happened.

What a perfect time for his gun to jam.

Christian thought he saw Gunn grin, as he raised what looked suspiciously like a table leg above his head. Just as he was about to bring it down, Cena raised his hands, pulling him back.

Cena: “Wait!”

Gunn paused, turning to look at his comrade.

Gunn: “Whatever the hell for?”

Cena: “Don’t kill him.”

Gunn: “Why not?”

Cena: “Just don’t…he could be of use to us.”

Gunn: “What the hell are you talking about? In case you haven’t noticed, he just tried to kill us.”

Cena: “True, but three hands are always better than two. Besides, all we need to do is take his weapon and he’ll be harmless. We’ve got a better chance of winning this thing if we group together.”

Gunn: “I don’t know…but you do have a good point there. But what difference does it makes? In the end, I’m not jobbing to you just because you helped me.”

Cena: “Exactly. If he’s with us, it means we control his fate. We can kill him anytime we want!”

Cena turned to look at Christian, who was listening to their conversation with a bemused tolerance. Christian tried to suppress a grin. Did these two idiots even realize that he could hear every word they said? Heck, if he wanted to, he could open fire on them right now, but instead, he chose to play along.

Cena: “So how about it?”

Gunn: “It’s your choice. But if anything goes wrong, I’m killing him ASAP.”

Cena: “Look, if you’re so worried about it, then take his gun.”

Gunn: “Alright. But don’t expect me to share it with you. Don’t forget, it’s every man for himself.”

Gunn approached Christian, armed outstretched. Christian got to his feet, handing over his Uzi, butt first, towards Billy Gunn. Gunn opened his hand, about to take it from him. However, just as he was about to snatch it away, he noticed Christian was smiling. Puzzled, he hesitated, wondering what was going through Christian’s head.

Sensing his doubt, Christian spun the gun around, so that the barrel was now pointing towards Gunn. Before he could even begin to comprehend to situation, Christian squeezed the trigger again. This time, the gun worked flawlessly, filling Gunn’s gut with burning lead.

Gunn screamed, as a bewildered Cena rushed to his aid, trying in vain to stop the blood gushing out his abdomen. Meanwhile, taking advantage of the confusion, Christian slipped back into the darkness.

He ducked into an alleyway, while he pondered his options. The obvious choice was to finish them off right now, but a much better idea sprung to mind. Basically, with Gunn screaming his lungs out just like a little girl, there was no doubt everyone left in town would be converging on their position to see what the commotion was about.

Just ripe for the killing.


Steve Corino yawned.

Time was but an imaginary concept to him. Who knew how long he had been sitting in this very position, waiting for somebody to cross his path? His joints were aching, and sleep seemed like such a good idea. His eyelids grew heavy, tempted to succumb to the joy of sleep.

He couldn’t risk it. For one thing, sleep meant anyone could walk past the mansion undetected. For all he knew, all 30 men left in the contest could pass by, while Corino lay sound asleep. No, every killed counted, and he would not give up the opportunity to score some free frags.

Plus that wasn’t the only thing he had to worry about. With his guard down, anyone could simply enter the mansion and kill him in his sleep. To top it all off, they could even steal his rifle, AND his camping spot. To die fighting was one thing, to die while he pleasured himself in his dreams was another.

In an attempt to keep himself awake, he pondered the effectiveness of his location. It was an excellent camping spot, no doubt about it, but why wasn’t he finding anyone? It made no sense. Had he ended up insolating himself by mistake? He considered finding another location, but scouting for another place to snipe meant putting himself at risk again. Sure, it was dark, but with more than 30 men still alive, the odds were against him.

Just as he was about to give in to temptation and doze off, he caught sight of a small flash of light. It was nothing much, one he would have missed had his eyes been looking anywhere else. Still, it meant that someone was coming closer, and that was a good thing. Hopefully, it would be a sign of things to come.

Looking through his scope, he saw not one, but two figures in the distance. And if that wasn’t enough, they were even walking right towards him! Corino felt his fatigue disappearing as adrenaline filled his bloodstream, as his finger wrapped around the trigger, ready to make his first kill.

Today was going to be his lucky day.

33 Wrestlers Remaining

OOC: Sorry for the somewhat rushed update. Got stuck with writer's block, and I'm trying to write myself out of it.

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nice update. I hate Billy and im gonna guess hes a deadman within the next couple hours. I like Christian's charecter too, he's ruthless, a good thing in something like this.

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Hour 28

Day 2

0300 to 0400

John Cena held his companion in his arms; his arms stained a crimson red. There was blood everywhere, and the stench was nauseating. Billy Gunn was whimpering, too tired to scream and more. Meanwhile, Cena was stroking his head, trying to comfort him. He noticed Billy Gunn starting to get pale, but he kept quiet about it, not wanting to cause any unnecessary panic.

“Relax,” he said. “You’re going to make it.”

“He shot me…” Gunn whispered back. “That bastard shot me!”

“You’re fine,” Cena continued. “Just keep talking.”

Gunn: “Fine? I’ve been shot in the gut! How the hell can you say I’m fine?”

Cena: “Look I know it hurts…”

Gunn: “Of course it hurts! I wouldn’t be screaming if it didn’t hurt!”

Cena: “Calm down, you’re only stressing yourself out. You don’t die from getting shot in the gut…you’ll just bleed to death.”

Gunn started to cough. Quickly, Cena continued talking. “All we need to do is find something to patch you up.”

He wasn’t exactly lying, but Cena wasn’t exactly sure if it was true either. Still, he had to keep Gunn calm. The moment he lost hope was the moment he died.

Meanwhile, Gunn started to say something, but stopped once he realized that Cena wasn’t listening. Lost in his thoughts, Cena failed to notice anything until Gunn slapped him across the face, finally getting his attention.

“Somebody is coming.”


Nervously, Undertaker poked his head out from behind the dumpster. Upon hearing the screams, he had started to head towards the residential area. Having lost his supplies earlier to a trigger happy Violent J, he was in desperate need of food and water, not to mention maybe a map and compass. Hopefully, whomever attacked Billy Gunn would have been courteous to have left the kit bag behind.

Carefully, he snuck down the alleyway, entering the house by the back entrance. He had no idea how lucky he had been. Had he entered the house by the front, he would have been gunned down by Christian’s Uzi within seconds.

Carefully, he stepped into the kitchen. Spotting a pesticide spray on the counter, he picked it up. It could prove useful, especially when combined with the lighter he had been given. Stuffing it into his pocket, he entered the living room. The stench of blood filled the air, causing Undertaker to pinch his nose in disgust.

Gunn was lying on the floor, wallowing in his own blood. His kit bag lay a few feet away, just ripe for the taking.

However, just as he stepped into the room, he felt something slam into his back. He fell to the floor, but not before bumping his head against the table. Miraculously, he remained conscious, but not for long. John Cena raised his bat again, slamming it into the back of Undertaker’s head. While it had failed to kill him, it did manage to knock him out, which was good enough for now. Looting his pockets, he soon came across his lighter and spray can. Cena smiled. Perhaps this intrusion wasn’t as bad as he had thought.


Nunzio couldn’t believe his luck. He had managed to get rid of New Jack, but instead getting stuck with Ken Shamrock instead. He couldn’t take it anymore. At least with New Jack, his ego allowed him to be ambushed by Nunzio. He doubted Shamrock would fall for the same trick, especially after watching it happen right in front of his very eyes.

Instead of trying to repeat the stunt, Nunzio gave up, figuring his odds would be higher if he simply waited out the rest of the contest. It managed to work for the first part of the game, so why fix what ain’t broke? Besides, with even less people in the contest, the odds of being found out were even less. After some trekking, he climbed up another tree, stretched out his arms, and began to wait.


Funaki laughed. It was an honest laugh, not tainted by the horrors madness or hopelessness. Considering the brutality of the Battle Royale, it was a rather strange thing to do. Yet Funaki continued to laugh, and Michinoku couldn’t help but join in. Ever since he had presented his plan to Funaki, he had been in high spirits, his encounter with Jonathan Coachman already pushed to the back of his mind. By daybreak, the contest would be nothing more than a memory.

TAKA Michinoku had already taken care of everything. He held the screwdriver they found back in the office building carefully with both hands, as though it was the Holy Grail. Heck, he even managed to find a boat, most likely left over by one of the inhabitants. Considering that their collars would detonate once they left the island, he guessed that Bischoff saw no need to take it away.

Boy, was he going to be pissed once he found out what happened. Good thing they weren’t be there to see it…just not in the way they imagined.


Steve Corino looked through the scope of his rifle, taking one last good look at his targets. After he fired the first shot, his position would be given away. He had to act fast, quickly taking down the other as soon as possible. His crosshairs centered on TAKA Michinoku. They were behind a rock, but Corino could still see their heads bobbing up and down. They were doing something – checking their map most likely, Corino hardly cared. Smiling, he squeezed the trigger of his rifle twice in quick succession. He waited, just to see if anyone would come crawling out from behind the rock. Nobody did.

Back at the bunker, Bischoff watched in amusement as the red dot that represented Funaki blinked twice, and then disappeared entirely. A few seconds later, TAKA Michinoku was gone from the game as well. Bischoff smiled. Only 30 more to go.

31 Wrestlers Remaining

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To somehow remove the collars, but once again Gongsun keeps us in suspense! So, either Corino killed them, the collars exploded, or they successfully got the collars off. I don't know which I would prefer..


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Guest Triple 6

I think one of them is dead, the other removed the collar. Notice Bischoff believes there are only 30 left, yet it says 31 wrestlers remaining. Since the collar had no way to find a pulse, it ruled them as dead.

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I think one of them is dead, the other removed the collar. Notice Bischoff believes there are only 30 left, yet it says 31 wrestlers remaining. Since the collar had no way to find a pulse, it ruled them as dead.

"30 to go" refers to the fact that thirty more will die before there is a winner.

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Guest Triple 6

Ah, OK. Thanks for clarifying that. Well...that rules out my idea. Damn, I thought I had finally figured something out before it happened.

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Not necessarily. They may have gotten the collars off. Gongsun is clever at writing things like this, keeping everyone in suspense. Thats why he's a great writer :P

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Great ending Gonsun :) And, whilst I've been away, I've managed to watch and get hold of the movie, and within 36 hours of that happening, get the book :) That's good, seeing I was trying to get both for about a month before hand

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