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Fistful of Dollars

Been hesitant for too long to watch a Clint Eastwood film, and my first is a very good one. Holds up superbly well and really has sold me instantly on both Sergio's work and Clint in this role (not that I doubted he'd be perfect for it). Good pacing to the film, although some of the scenes irked me with their delivery and suspension of belief. Particularly, the two dead soldiers not moving when a gun fight has surrounded them, yet nobody is aware of this, and then the Baxter Massacre where they all walk like cows to the slaughter, one by fucking one. That nor the little boys whiny inputs aren't enough to sour this film though, great throughout and a thumbs up from me. Somewhere around a 7/7.5 rating probably.

Very much looking forward to seeing Millers Crossing now since both are based on the same source material.

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I finally got around to watching Howl on Netflix Instant. James Franco was brilliant, as expected. It was a great take on Mr. Ginsberg's poem, which is definitely one of my favorites of all time. Admittedly, the animation parts were a bit odd, but the court scenes with Jon Hamm were awesome, as was the Ginsberg "interview," which was basically Franco chain-smoking and recounting his tale of the late '50s. All in all it was pretty good, better than I thought it would be going in. I expected it to be a little too "art house-y" for my tastes, but I didn't come away with that impression at all.

Overall, I'd give it a 3.9 out of 5, if not just for the awesome performances by the whole cast. I'd recommend it to anyone with an appreciation of literature, namely The Beat Generation.

Edited by Dxfan555
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Intended to continue my 24 Season 1 run but watched Transformers instead. It was alright, gets a thumbs in the middle from me for being decent to watch despite not doing a whole lot to really immerse me in the story. Standard action film most of the time though. But that could be simply because I don't find transformers to be cool :shifty:.

I also watched The Expendables which was sort of the same in that it didn't really grab my attention but it was mindless fun. The Arnie cameo was enjoyable, although I was definitely sick of Statham's knives by the end it it. Terry Crews was badass with whatever gun he was using >_>. But I'd suggest you check it out if you like action films, although only if you haven't seen any of the classics, because it's got a very 'B-Movie feel' at times. The sequel should be...interesting.

Both were similar in my reaction to them, think I preferred The Expendables a bit more though. Or disliked the bad bits a little less.

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Howl was one of the very few movies ever to put me to sleep.

Diff'rent strokes for different folks and all that. The movie was quite niche, and I can see those in that niche disliking it as well. The cast, especially Franco, Hamm, and Jeff Daniels kept me interested though.

Funnily enough, I missed the last 5-10 minutes due to falling asleep. More lack of sleep than lack of interest, though.

On a sidenote, watching A Clockwork Orange now and likely Full Metal Jacket tomorrow. I'm on such a Kubrick kick right now.

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Howl was one of the very few movies ever to put me to sleep.

Diff'rent strokes for different folks and all that. The movie was quite niche, and I can see those in that niche disliking it as well. The cast, especially Franco, Hamm, and Jeff Daniels kept me interested though.

Funnily enough, I missed the last 5-10 minutes due to falling asleep. More lack of sleep than lack of interest, though.

On a sidenote, watching A Clockwork Orange now and likely Full Metal Jacket tomorrow. I'm on such a Kubrick kick right now.

It's such a shame, for me, that I really disliked the film but thoroughly enjoyed the book. Yet saw the film first :(.

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Wanderlust. I'm ill and I wanted something funny to watch. It was okay, honestly! Definitely the kind of film you only watch when you've got nothing better to do and just want a comedy, but I enjoyed it enough. Nothing laugh out loud funny and some bits I just wanted to skip, but it's okay.

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30 Minutes Or Less

Inoffensive. Not the worst movie ever, but far from being good. One or two decent laughs in there, but really, given the cast I expected more. Oh well.

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During my Buffy/Angel rewatch, my jaw hit the floor when Jeremy Renner showed up on a S1 episode of Angel.

I'm sure he prefers his more recent Joss Whedon paycheck, but it made me smile.

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I Saw The Devil

Fantastic. In the vein of one of my all-time favorites, Oldboy. I give it a sterling recommendation for anyone who likes that movie. Revenge is the primary theme in this film too, and the film attempts to explore the depths of revenge. How far will our lead character, Soo-hyun, go to get revenge? How deep will he plunge? It's not a new twist on the revenge story, but it's a great use of it. Choi Min-sik (of Oldboy fame) stars as the antagonist while Lee Byung-hun stars opposite him. All in all, highly recommended if you liked Oldboy. I daresay it's even better.

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During my Buffy/Angel rewatch, my jaw hit the floor when Jeremy Renner showed up on a S1 episode of Angel.

I'm sure he prefers his more recent Joss Whedon paycheck, but it made me smile.

I was like that when he turned up. Kind of just wanted to tell him to hang in there cos in like 8 years things would pick up for him.

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