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The Lesnar thread over on DVD-VR makes me all kinds of sick. Instead of people being happy that Lesnar's health is getting better and he won't have to live an uncomfortable life, some of the nutjobs are claiming it's a hoax and that Lesnar is still sick and blah blah blah. What kind of fucking moron do you have to be to actually think something like that? It's just sickening.

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The Lesnar thread over on DVD-VR makes me all kinds of sick. Instead of people being happy that Lesnar's health is getting better and he won't have to live an uncomfortable life, some of the nutjobs are claiming it's a hoax and that Lesnar is still sick and blah blah blah. What kind of fucking moron do you have to be to actually think something like that? It's just sickening.

Yeah, but a lot of the people over at DVD-VR are douches. And unfortunately, at least one of the moderators is. Its the only board I've ever been suspended at, and that's because Pete (I think it was Pete) decided to suspend everyone who posted in a thread that some people started flaming in for a week, rather than just the people who actually did the flaming. I don't think I've ever posted in the MMA section over there, and if I have its been a hell of a long time.

I use a different name at DVD-VR, by the way.

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That IS a fight I like and while Lashley seems like he should be able to take it I wouldn't be too shocked to see Wes sneak an upset.

There is also an interview on MMAJunkie where Anderson Silva's manager mentioned he would be open to taking fights at Heavyweight as well. Silva, easily one of my favorite fighters, may have lost some luster with his recent performances, but you must admit that the guy goes go above and beyond when it comes to pushing himself to the limit.

Edited by Gene Kiniski
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Guest Mr. Potato Head

So Rampage/Evans is out, but the UFC 113 (Montreal) card still looks awesome, with Machida/Shogun, Daley/Koscheck, Kimbo/Mitrione, and now rumoured is Forrest Griffin vs. Little Nog.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

I'd argue that 113 could use another big-drawing match actually. Machida/Rua is big but it's not a blockbuster, Kimbo's unproven on PPV (and I'd guess fading as a draw period), and Koscheck vs. Daley is roughly equal to Koscheck vs. Johnson, which only co-headlined 106 because of the Lesnar injury. Rampage/Evans will be a big show no matter what's underneath it, I think Machida/Rua needs somebody the level of Griffin to boost its numbers.

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Canada being Canada its not like the show wont sell out, I am with you on this for PPV buys, I mean Rua vs Machida 1 was not a great buyrate grabber, and even with the controversy invovled I don't think there is enough intrigue from the casual, so a Griffin match on the undercard would be cool. However its not like Griffin is the draw he used to be, he as lost some of his lustre following his title loss, the embarassing KO loss against Anderson Silva, and then a less than impressive victory over an apparently heavily injured Tito.

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I'd still buy for Griffin. I went on rant when Biggz and I were doing the podcast about how much I HATED the idea of Griffin/Ortiz II, but I'd still be watching for Griffin. The same still applies. Even if I wasn't writing and working on relaunching the show I would still watching events featuring the guy because he is a natural draw to me.

Tito on the other hand, I still have no use for. Neither as a fan or as a casual blogger. That is mainly due to stuff like his excuses and pure crap that comes out of his mouth. Prime example, he is now saying that he will not hesitate to pull out of the Chuck fight no matter how close it is if he feels something isn't working for him. Common sense says safety first, but knowing Ortiz it just sounds like pre-excuses. I will be watching this fight mainly for Chuck, not for the fight itself.

MPH, you have to take into consideration regarding the Machida/Rua fight that the UFC is going to over hype the hell out of that fight. Chances are it will be sold as a fight to crown a "true champion". This isn't wrestling, but like Easy E. has taught us: controversy creates cash and the controversy from the first fight is going to be rehashed in every interview, hype video, bit of commentary and Twitter update. People will probably buy into the "true champion" bit and instantly care about Rua tons more than before. (I say Rua because it we all know which way the hype will favor, obviously.)

Edited by Gene Kiniski
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The first Machida/Shogun fight got 500,000 buys and it didn't have any name fighters like Forrest Griffin on it. Velasquez/Rothwell, Neer/Tibau, Stevenson/Fisher, and Johnson/Yoshida are not exactly fights people would pay to see. So if that fight could do 500,000, a rematch could do just as well if not better. So with or without Griffin, I can see it doing in the same range as that one did.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Observer notes:

-The Abu Dhabi show (April 10) will start at 3 PM EST/noon PST. Have to imagine that unlike past European shows, it'll be PPV in Canada as well.

-Even though it won't be on the PPV, Chris Haseman vs. Elvis Sinosic is being pushed huge in Australia

-"Everybody" is asking for a fight with Randy Couture, presumably because it would do a lot of money and he's now beatable if you're a top-level guy

-Very tentative summer plans have Liddell vs. Ortiz in Vegas in July (probably July 3rd)...the June 12 show in Vancouver is without a marquee main event, and the hope is that the winners of GSP/Hardy and Fitch/Alves come out of those matches healthy enough to fight in June

-Chael Sonnen trained at the WCW Power Plant in the 1990s

-Cris Cyborg claims she only trains with men because she's afraid of hurting women

-Joachim Hansen is cutting down to 145 to challenge Bibiano Fernandes at a DREAM show in March

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