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The Old Sony Megathread


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inFamous is good fun, it starts off horrible, like I'm not kidding I almost gave up on it totally after a couple of hours, but when your powers expand you start to enjoy it much more, it's a little bit samey but it's solid gaming, like Matz says, probably worth renting on a weekend you have free or waiting until it goes down in price. I can certainly see them justifying a sequel/spin-off because it's built a solid base.

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I actualy havent played Fallout 3 yet so i can´t realy compare it. I´ll get Oblivion GOTY Edition first and wait for the Fallout GOTY Edition with all the addons as Hardcopy. Thats kinda the joy of comming in late... i got so many games right now and barly payed anything for em, wen i have finished them all the current stuff will be cheaper. I only have to get used to being smashed online. :-D

Speaking of current games, shouldend there be a Ghostbusters demo comming out? Are there certain days new Stuff comes to PSN or is it just random wen they have it?

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So, were exactly did they test the game on that they managed to get such a gigantic bug pressed and shiped out?! It sucks big time wen such a thing happens on a PC, but this is PS3... there is like... 5 different versions of it tops, and these are not even that different from each other....

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I think Matzat is missing one key point on his getting games cheaper when they're older...he has to sit around forever waiting for everything to download and install.

*glares at Bioshock*

I absolutely despise that get a game home just to find out it's going to be another 40 minutes before you can play. :crying:

I buy all my games usually about 6 months after release I might get them late but I can get more of them.

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Heh. What I buy depends largely on how much money I have and how much I want it. I went and ordered Disgaea 3 the day after it was released, and I ordered Killzone 2 on release day because I wanted them that much and I had the money at the time. Now there's a couple games I want to check out (inFamous, Prototype, Valkyria Chronicles) but I don't have the money so I'm waiting around. I should've jumped on Valkyria Chronicles when it went down to $30 in April though.

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Heh. What I buy depends largely on how much money I have and how much I want it. I went and ordered Disgaea 3 the day after it was released, and I ordered Killzone 2 on release day because I wanted them that much and I had the money at the time. Now there's a couple games I want to check out (inFamous, Prototype, Valkyria Chronicles) but I don't have the money so I'm waiting around. I should've jumped on Valkyria Chronicles when it went down to $30 in April though.

Valkyria Chronicles and Disgaea 3 went down to around £15-20 here I passed them up thinking they'd stay at that price.

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I think I saw Valkyria Chronicles at Wal-Mart for like $40. Disgaea 3 was only $50 at launch (well $49.99 but you know, taxes..shipping..) so that was a good buy. I have no idea what the prices for either are in the UK though.

Just get Disgaea 3, the only other person I know that has it is stoker and he's yet to beat it while I'm on my second cycle. >_>

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The only game I've bought on release is FIFA and I've never had a problem with long installation times.

I'm desperate to get my hands on Uncharted 2 but I know it's the sort of game people are gonna play through once and trade in so I'll wait to get a cheaper copy.

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The only game I've bought on release is FIFA and I've never had a problem with long installation times.

I'm desperate to get my hands on Uncharted 2 but I know it's the sort of game people are gonna play through once and trade in so I'll wait to get a cheaper copy.

Not with Online my friend. That shit will be like crack to everybody who owns a PS3.

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True, true. I might just go for it and get it on release day. I only paid £8 for the first one so it evens out I guess. This can only be better. Heck even if it were just more of the same it'd be worth it.

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If Uncharted 2 is like Uncharted you'll get people trading it in after about 3 days complaining that they'd finished it already despite gaming for ten hours a day and playing it on the easy level and not trying to get all the relics or whatever.

I wouldn't trade Uncharted in as it stands as a seminal game and it's also well worthy of replay from time to time.

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