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The Old Sony Megathread


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Again. It was never going to be the best game ever. It was over looked a lot for how bad the gameplay was. But the RPG style of this made me love the game. I've said this before in here so yeah shows how much love I have for it. While searching for Dead Rising 2 stuff. But also wanting to know the song from the club. Which is turn up the radio. I came across this. It now makes me want to fuck any game off and just play it like this.

Agent Thornton. You may have been called many things by most computer magazines. Just because of the gameplay in the game. But sir. As this bad ass. I think I love you.


Also reminds me. Dead Rising 2. Need Co-Op at some point. ScarfaceLex add me.

Edited by Sexy Lexy
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Matzat, I think you should just, y'know, let it slide?

Anyway, just finished the Killzone 3 single player demo. THEY LET YOU USE JETPACKS IN THE DEMO. JET. PACKS. Visually, storyline-wise and overall epicness, the game is boner-inducing. But it doesn't play as well as that. I mean, it plays just fine. But it it doesn't feel as... fluid as COD. Everything just seems so much more heavier, and yet light and sensitive at the same time. I just... argh. I don't know about this game.

And also, nitpicking, I HATE THE DULL DARK RED OF THE MENUS.

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They're talking about it in the xbox thread, but wow, the Dead Island trailer is fucking amazing.

Benji, please buy it.

Yeah Baddar I gotta admit with that trailer alone it almost deserves its own thread. You get it, Ill totally play that if its multiplayer is ANYTHING as cool as that trailer.

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I just think talking about the hacking and saying that sonys only taken away things is a little narrow.

Ive gotten a lot of things out of my ps3 that werent there when I bought it. Trophies, Netflix, movies rentals, PS plus, 3d support...

So I dont get to use other OS? Never was going to anyways. But I use most of everything else theyve added.

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Ive gotten a lot of things out of my ps3 that werent there when I bought it. Trophies, Netflix, movies rentals, PS plus, 3d support...

Trophies, were already in the PS3 wen i got it and are essentialy a marketing tool to sell games and creat a bond with the customer. A bit like trading stamps (?) in supermarkets. The difference is you don´t actualy get anything out of em. (exept maybe some replay value to hunt...)

PS+ is a lot like a Club, you pay, you join... at pay, you lost.

Netflix (is not around in germany) and movies rentals are a service that requires you to pay.

3D suport is something almost no one can use, it´s essentialy to push the sale of their 3D system. (just like they pushed DVD with PS2 and normal BluRay with PS3 before)

Don´t get me wrong, non of these are bad (exept maybe movie rentals, because they are only dubed in germany and in my eyes way overpriced)... but if you look at the updates the sytem had since i owned my PS3 i only saw:

Hey, we removed x.

Hey, we added some more banners.

Hey, we added another service for you to pay for.

Everything besides that has been minore stuff like colors in the frinds list, a broken facebook link, the ugly sparkels in the start up background and such. - All the stuff people have been begging for (read, cross game chat) have not been don, not even with plus being around for half a year by now... instead you get cloud saving wich feels somewhat pointless for now.

All in all the interface looked cleaner wen i got it about two years ago...



The only new thing i realy like (but barly use) is Vidzone. It could be a lot more user frindly, but it´s a very nice idea now that music tv basicly is dead.

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Ok, let me sum up. Trophies WERENT there when I got them. Im not a trophy chaser but theres people that like them, and I can appreciate that.

Netflix is something you pay for, but its a service thats like 8 bucks a month to watch stuff like DVD sets Id pay 40 a peice to buy. And its infinite to use.

Movie service? Well, I dont use this either, but I can appreciate having the latest shows and movies at the press of a button.

PS plus? Yeah, that paid for itself a LONG time ago. Hell, this month ALONE they gave me 18 bucks worth of free shit, not including Qore which is a fun read but I wouldnt pay for it. No ones asking me to buy it, but in doing so I get discounts on games and invites to betas and free gifts. I play a lot of games, for me it paid for itself 3 months in and Ive got 12 months left. I just couldnt disagree with your statement of "you pay you lost" on this more.

I dont get the ads you speak of. So I cant say a thing about that. Sorry.

I have a 3d tv. Rare, I know. But I do because I could afford it at the time and wanted to embrace the tech. I find sony supports things more when people buy it, and its something I wanted to see grow. Personal choice, but its STILL not an option that was there when the ps3 came out.

Basically they are giving more for their system to do. Some of it I have to pay for, but its still an OPTION I have, one that wasnt there before.

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I don't really see the adverts either? Vidzone has always had adverts, the Store has always had adverts. You can't expect them NOT to. This is one of the biggest companies in the world with a product that is millions of home around the world that has access to the internet where these adverts can be rotated every month. Of course they're going to put adverts in where they can. They've got to make money somehow. When they start being intrusive, when they appear on your home screen, then you've got a problem.

Just take a look at Spotify: it's free to make an account and to listen to whatever music you want, but you have to listen to an advert every 5 songs or so. Fine. I have zero problem with that, unlike the radio I get to listen to the exact music I want without owning it AND whilst hearing less adverts. Don't like the adverts? Then you can pay to make them go away.

And similarily, when I got my PS3 in November 2008, there were no trophies (or games were just starting to get trophies or be patched). They didn't have to add them, especially as they have no real worth, but they did. Basically it was means of prolonging a life of a game. The developer knows there will be at least one person who plays again getting X trophy, meaning more time spent on THEIR game as opposed to others. And Sony allows this because it means more time spent on THEIR PS3 as opposed to an Xbox or Wii.

In other non-going-back-in-time-to-a-month-ago news... yeah, I actually got nothing. :shifty:

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