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The Old Sony Megathread


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People need to buy a cheap blue tooth headset rather than this X-Box Party faggotry. Tonight I play Uncharted online and I request friends :(

I have a headset, I'm just not sure if it works as I've never used it. I don't even know how to tell when it's charged. But yeah the 360 party chat is all Kaney's stupid fault.

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Heres a GREAT option for those looking to buy a Move or have some incentive to do so.

You pay 150, lose the sports game (a loss there, I feel as I still play mine a lot)

You gain a nav controller, socom 4 and a gun holder.

So for 50 bucks more you lose a 40 dollar game, but gain a 30 dollar controller and a new game and gun holder? Id day youre coming out about 60 ahead if you estimate the holder to be about 20 bucks in value.

Cam, move, nav controller, holder and game. Not a bad bundle.

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I'm sure he's gets better, it's just compared to the awesomeness that is Raspberyl (along with her little group) and Almaz, he just came across as a whiny dick to me. I look forward to being proven wrong when I finally get round to finishing it.

I still have Disgaea 2 to finish also. There is a pattern emerging here. <_<

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