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I think White has a right to be pissed off. He runs a business here, if every fighter fought like that there would be no UFC because all the fans would be annoyed and just leave. It will probably, and probably already has, been a bit blown out of proportion but seriously, Silva needs to realise that this isn't the "Anderson Silva Can Do Whatever He Wants Show", this is the UFC.

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But we're not talking about those fights, we're talking about the disgusting display from Saturday, there's no excuse for that, and nothing Ali would've ever done.

Don't ya reckon Silva should've done something when the crowd started shitting on the fight?

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Mocking and showboating wouldn't bother me as long as he tried to finish the fight. Plus theres supposed to be some controversy with what Anderson was saying during the fight. It was fun and entertaining at first but atleast try and finish the fight cause we all know you could just end it anytime don't continue to disrespect the fans and your opponent by deciding to walk around the cage and not try and engage after all the showboating you did in the first few rounds


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Also, I think it was kinda unfair to have an English ref during the Etim fight, not that it mattered, but y'know...

What was up with those warnings where he started saying "No elbows" when Dos Anjos was kneeing Etim in the side?

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At least he finished his fights.

Silva has finished every fight bar two decision victories since coming to the UFC.

Exactly what I was just checking. He's won 11 fights in UFC, 9 by KO/TKO/Submission.

The crowd can shit on the fight all it wants. Dana can shit on Silva all he wants. The fact is you can't force him to finish the fight. If he doesn't want to take the risk of getting caught with something when he goes in and prefers to see out the five rounds and win on points, that's up to him. If he wants to showboat while he's doing it to intimidate his opponent, then apparently there's nothing in the rules to stop him. It's a sport, not entertainment - if you want exciting fights, that's what WWE is for.

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Also, I think it was kinda unfair to have an English ref during the Etim fight, not that it mattered, but y'know...

What was up with those warnings where he started saying "No elbows" when Dos Anjos was kneeing Etim in the side?

It was because he was allegedly kneeing Etim's spine, something that is illegal in the Unified MMA rules used by the UFC.

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At least he finished his fights.

Silva has finished every fight bar two decision victories since coming to the UFC.

Exactly what I was just checking. He's won 11 fights in UFC, 9 by KO/TKO/Submission.

The crowd can shit on the fight all it wants. Dana can shit on Silva all he wants. The fact is you can't force him to finish the fight. If he doesn't want to take the risk of getting caught with something when he goes in and prefers to see out the five rounds and win on points, that's up to him. If he wants to showboat while he's doing it to intimidate his opponent, then apparently there's nothing in the rules to stop him. It's a sport, not entertainment - if you want exciting fights, that's what WWE is for.

He did however get warned on numerous times to stop avoiding contact, so obviously, he was very close to rulebreaking.

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Whats next for the lightweight division do you think? Because i like the possibilities that can happen at Lightweight now theres been a change.

I honestly think Gray Maynard will be overlooked for a title shot and will either face Kenny Florian or BJ Penn despite owning a victory over Edgar. I could also possibly see BJ Penn maybe taking on Takanori Gomi in a rematch but i think they'll wanna build up Gomi more get him back in the win column.

I'm excited for UFC 113 thought as Shogun seemed to solve the Machida puzzle and i honestly felt he should have been awarded the decision but it's interesting in what will both men have changed coming into this fight. Koscheck/Daley could be special as if Koscheck decides to be all bravado and try and stand up with Daley i could see a quick knock out on the cards and while i really wanna see Daley knock him out (cause it'll give the division something else and won't have as much emphasis on the AKA problem) i can see Koscheck having some sense and try and take it to the ground. Plus theres Kimbo Slice?!!!!! :D Plus Cote/Belcher should be entertaining and i hope Sam Stout has another impressive showing

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Can't wait for UFC 113, Machida-Shogun II is finally here and I want to see if Shogun is really better than Machida or Machida had a bad night. Hopefully we see a fight as good as the first one. As for the lightweights, i doubt that Penn goes up to 170 with GSP still as champion and he not cleaning the division, wich is a shame. I'd like to see Penn, GSP and Silva all go up a class, to take on new challenges and give something new to the people. But none of those three is probably leaving their divisions.

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I think if BJ would have won he would have tried moving up. Silva will continue to jump about weight classes and i can't see GSP moving cause he feels he will be oversized at Middleweight

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