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Well Conor retiring makes some sense. He's seen one of his camp friends win a fight where the other guy died after the fact, and Conor has never hid from the fact he was in the UFC to make money and the moment he felt that he was done he would be done and would walk off into the sunset.

It's a really freak situation with the death, and I think the fighter that perished was no doubt carrying a time-bomb already before the fight, and the fight simply set it into motion. After all it was fully sanctioned, and medical teams were around and in the ring during the entire fight.

But I can't blame Conor for contemplating retirement. He's got 22 fights under his belt and is only 27 years old, which is a lot of mileage for someone that has been doing it his entire adult life. It would be a loss for the sport, but it certainly wouldn't be a loss for McGregor whose made a lot of cash on his own hype in the past few years. And he'd walk out with relative health on top of that.

Diaz is crazy enough to do the same, after all he's been playing the retirement angle since 2013 and has only had one fight a year since.

Punk on the other hand, I think he completely misjudged it and is just joking around. Although he's got plenty of cash from his WWE days to never even get in a cage to begin with.

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McGregor posted this the other day, where he seemed pretty affected by Carvalho's death and the lad who got injured boxing too.


Terrible news regarding Joao Carvalho.
To see a young man doing what he loves, competing for a chance at a better life, and then to have it taken away is truly heartbreaking.
We are just men and women doing something we love in the hope of a better life for ourselves and our families. Nobody involved in combat sports of any kind wants to see this. It is such a rare occurrence that I don't know how to take this.
I was ringside supporting my teammate, and the fight was so back and forth, that I just can't understand it.

My condolences go out to Joao's family and his team. Their man was a hell of a fighter and will be sorely missed by all.
Combat sport is a crazy game and with the recent incident in boxing and now this in MMA, it is a sad time to be a fighter and a fight fan.
It is easy for those on the outside to criticise our way of living, but for the millions of people around the world who have had their lives, their health, their fitness and their mental strength all changed for the better through combat, this is truly a bitter pill to swallow. We have lost one of us.

I hope we remember Joao as a champion, who pursued his dream doing what he loved, and show him the eternal respect and admiration he deserves.

Rest in peace, Joao.


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1 hour ago, Ziggy Srardust said:

Wait what?

MMA group called Total Extreme Fighting did a show in Dublin about a week ago, and Joao Carvalho was TKOed in his bout against Charlie Ward. He was taken to the hospital with head injuries afterward, and passed away from those injuries two days later. I'm assuming that's what EddieG was talking about, guessing McGregor was in attendance for it.

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3 minutes ago, Cloudy said:

MMA group called Total Extreme Fighting did a show in Dublin about a week ago, and Joao Carvalho was TKOed in his bout against Charlie Ward. He was taken to the hospital with head injuries afterward, and passed away from those injuries two days later. I'm assuming that's what EddieG was talking about, guessing McGregor was in attendance for it.

Charlie Ward is part of the same team as Conor is. And yeah, it seemed he was in attendance along with other team members.

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From an Irish perspective!

Joao Carvalho's death here caused a whole lot of negative attention for MMA on the whole and has been heavily debated the past week. It's also not recognised as a sport here either. 

For what it's worth, the press here are reporting it as accurate and an announcement is imminent.


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@Ziggy Srardust Maybe he said he would walk if he didn't get his way?  (Pure speculation)

What do people reckon the chances are that he'll still fight at 200 and try to retire on a win and Aldo v Edgar becomes a fight for the vacated featherweight belt?

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@Ziggy Srardust  because the UFC need him more than the other way round now.  Connor McGregor is/was the face of MMA and another person who appealed to more mainstream media outlets.

So apparently Dana is on Sportscenter clarifying things and saying Connor is out of UFC 200


Trying to get Nate a new fight at UFC200

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