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I can't believe how many people are fapping over Johnny Depp possibly rehashing Jack Sparrow again to play the Riddler. I'm sorry, but I'm pretty much sick of the guy. Let's give another actor a chance to play a role in a movie for a change.

Completely agreed there. I'd rather have someone else than Depp playing that role, specially after his dancing (overall acting) in Alice in Wonderland.

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He's not a bad actor necessarily he's just been doing the same crazy, weird, "out there" character in near enough every mainstream film he's been in for the past ten years.

Whatever you want to call it, I just don't want him near Nolan's Batman. He can stay with Burton for all I care.

Edited by Powerhart
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How about Guy Pearce? He kind of fits the bill, and has links to Nolan through Memento.

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So apparently the rumor mill is a buzz with talk that Joseph Gordon-Levitt could indeed become The Riddler but I can't really find any site that I trust with anything substantial about it so take that with a grain of salt. If it's somehow true, though, I think he'd be a pretty awesome fit.

Also, I hadn't really thought of it before (and I know he was briefly mentioned in this thread earlier) but Sam Rockwell would be an awesome choice to play The Riddler as well. But with him playing Justin Hammer in Iron Man 2 (and with the possibility of him being back in future movies), I don't know if that would ever actually happen.

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So apparently the rumor mill is a buzz with talk that Joseph Gordon-Levitt could indeed become The Riddler but I can't really find any site that I trust with anything substantial about it so take that with a grain of salt. If it's somehow true, though, I think he'd be a pretty awesome fit.

Also, I hadn't really thought of it before (and I know he was briefly mentioned in this thread earlier) but Sam Rockwell would be an awesome choice to play The Riddler as well. But with him playing Justin Hammer in Iron Man 2 (and with the possibility of him being back in future movies), I don't know if that would ever actually happen.

Why not Ryan Reynolds is playing both Green Lantern and Deadpool and Halle Berry was both Storm and Catwoman

Edited by Frederick Jameson
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I'd rather it be JGL than Rockwell, though. I love both actors, but I think Rockwell would be more likely to produce sort of a smarmy caricature (since "smarmy asshole" is one of his default character types, and it's easy to characterize Riddler as that).

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If their experience of making Inception together was enjoyable then I can see JGL coming in as the Riddler. He's a great actor.

Reading the HUGE article on Nolan in the most recent Empire magazine it seems as though Catwoman may be a possibility. Apparantly one of the "spoilers" is when his armour has been upgraded and he asks "Will it be tough enough to stop dogs?" and the answer is "It'll stop cats".

I don't really like Catwoman though so I won't cry if it's not the case.

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Reading the HUGE article on Nolan in the most recent Empire magazine it seems as though Catwoman may be a possibility. Apparantly one of the "spoilers" is when his armour has been upgraded and he asks "Will it be tough enough to stop dogs?" and the answer is "It'll stop cats".

I don't really like Catwoman though so I won't cry if it's not the case.

Yeah, old news. That was in Dark Knight and I'm pretty sure it was just an inside joke.
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Didn't Nolan say he would never bring either Robin or Catwoman into his movies?

Catwoman would probably be the easiest to adjust to Nolan's world, I mean, she's a character that already could actually exist. I wouldn't be surprised if he's more into the idea now that everyone has forgotten about that awful Catwoman film. The Boy Wonder will never make it to Nolan's world though, even if you dressed him up as Nightwing, his whole story is still too campy.

I just hope if they reveal Catwoman as the villain, all of the viral advertisements would be nothing but I GUESS THE CAT'S OUT OF THE BAG jokes.

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