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EWB's Favourite Bands 2010: The Results


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You'll be happy to know that I also voted for Limp Bizkit too, then.

And you'll be happy to know that as they haven't been seen yet, Limp Bizkit will be up soon too.

You're the worst kind of person.


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Fred Durst cameo'd in Zoolander, and was on screen for all of what, three seconds? And it is still a more significant contribution to the world of show business than anything Limp Bizkit have ever done.

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Limp Bizkit only misses out on being the worst anything ever by virtue of Wes Borland being a mostly competent guitar player. He puts them just a hair above ICP as the worst band ever.

We should run that list next.

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If this is the "Limp Bizkit bashing moment", can we please at least vow to get it out of the way now, and NOT reiterate through this process again when LB do actually appear. Thanks.

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Ooh ooh I'll do it!

And I will always be fond of Wes Borland for that weird side project group he did in 2001, as he went on Seattle's local alternative station and did a "set" that involved a lot of distortion, feedback loops, and Borland repeating "abra cadabra" in an ominous, death metal voice. Brilliantly weird.

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Because, as people are saying in Donators, this thread is bringing out the whiny child in the people posting here, I'm going to rank everybody so far on the Ten-Year-Old Scale Of Goodness, which runs from "gay" to "eh" and from "eh" to "cool". Here goes:

Those That Didn't Make It

Guns n' Roses - A real case of First Installment Wins. Appetite for Destruction was tremendous, everything since then has been a bit more rubbish. I kinda like Shackler's Revenge and used to like Get In The Ring before I read more on the band's background and realised that was just Axl being a massive child.

Black Sabbath - Fucking immense. Not quite the same after Ozzy got fired, but they had some fucking amazing stuff in their day. And, let us not forget, they're all mentalists. Read Ozzy's book sometime.

Owen - who?

Laura Marling - pretty, but not the sort of stuff I like a whole lot.

Noah and the Whale - who?

Meatloaf - Really don't know anything he's actually done beyond the big three (Bat Out Of Hell, Paradise... and I'd Do Anything For Love)

Atmoshphere - who?

B.o.B. - Oh, now I'm getting into him (/them?) more as I find more. First it was Monster, from the Madden soundtrack, now Magic with Rivers Cuomo joining him. I may just try to get hold of the album.

ONSiND - who? Doesn't Ollie have a massive boner for them?

Boards of Canada - in theory they should be great through the association with Canada, but Canada also spawned Nickelback so fuck that theory.

The Rolling Stones - a band I have criminally too little of in my collection. I grew up listening to the Stones and the Beatles and, although I'm a massive fan of Charlie Watts, put Ringo Starr with Jagger, Richards, Ronnie Wood and Bill Wyman and you might just have the greatest rock and roll band of all time.

The Prodigy - I'm sure I'd like them if I took the time to get into them.

Broken Social Scene - who?

Lynyrd Skynyrd - unf. Simple Man is tremendous. Free Bird ditto. Sweet Home Alabama also.

The Police - Stewart Copeland has lead a really quite peculiar life. Also, he's like one of the best drummers to ever live. Like fifth or sixth in my own list, I forget how it goes.

Mike Hale - who?

Gogol Bordello - who?

Cheap Trick - They want me to want them. I'm less keen.

The Jimi Hendrix Experience - well, fuck. It's Hendrix. I can understand why he's not on here, but still. What do you say about Hendrix that hasn't already been said?


Darwin Deez - who?

Regina Spektor - kinda fit. No real idea about her music, but bangable. Pity about the whole religion thing.

Opeth - one of those irritating bands I hear everybody fellate but feel absolutely no impetus to check out. The heaviest I like my metal is...like, early Metallica. The Big Four of thrash.

That Dog - who?

Pendulum - see the Prodigy, add about ten of my friends who saw them at Reading (I think) and now arcing ropes of band jism all over their faces.

Marilyn Manson - he has two or three reasonable things then nothing else I'm even slightly aware of.

Less Than Jake - for some reason, inextricably linked to Reel Big Fish in my head. I like them, I don't care for LTJ.

A Day To Remember - who?

Feeder - who?

Kings of Leon - see Marilyn Manson. Although Crawl is pretty bitching. And reads like a Black Lantern Corps fight song.

Miles Davis - nowt short of a legend, but like Hendrix, I get why he didn't get in. When thinking of "bands", I don't think of guys like him or Thelonious Monk or Eric Delaney immediately.

Dillinger Escape Plan - I think the new C&C drummer used to play with them.

Alexisonfire - These guys infuriate me. Is it "Alexis on fire", or "Alex is on fire"? ANSWER ME

The Pogues - It's illegal not to enjoy Fairytale of New York. If it's not, it should be.

Social Distortion - I'm happy only knowing of them from Rock Band. What I hear from there is good, but I'm not bothered finding out more in any way.

Silverstein - who?

LCD Soundsystem - only even know of them thanks to the Scott Pilgrim trailer. Glad for that. Will find out more

Jamiroquai - he put canned heat in all our heels tonight. Baybe. Whoa. Oh oh oh.

Ryan Adams - fuck Ryan Adams.

Animal Collective - fuck Ryan Adams.

30 Seconds to Mars - fuck Ryan Adams. Also, Shannon Leto looks quite like one of my friends.

Faith No More - aside from keeping the words "Epic" in the public consciousness, fuck Ryan Adams.

Audioslave - they missed out? Disappointing. That makes like eight bands I really like who aren't represented.

Zebrahead - no.

Pantera - make that nine. Poor Dimebag.

Manic Street Preachers - don't care.

Art Brut - really don't care.

Lupe Fiasco - if it weren't for GoGo's name change a while back I wouldn't even know they existed

Steel Panther - aren't they that glam metal parody band? They're kinda cool.

Linkin Park - they could produce the next Black Album then top that with the next Moving Pictures, but all I will remember of them is CRAAAAAAWLIIING IN MY SKIIIIIIIN

Johnny Cash - EWB, you persist in making me sad.

Interpol - the international crime-policing organisation makes music as well? Well I never.

Sigur Ros - Hamster's tears taste delicious.

Primus - eh.

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Be: Its "Alexis on fire"

The fact you haven't heard of Feeder scares me, a lot. And you should find some Gogol Bordello, good fun.

Oh and all the bands that missed out are better than Limp Bizkit. Even Steel Panther, and they suck balls.

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The solo? That was a solo? That was... that was something that was supposed to make us like Limp Bizkit?

Holy shit. Holy jumping balls. I mean, at least put up N 2 Gether Now or something, which at least benefits from half the song being performed by someone who isn't Fred Durst, is at least loose and kind of fun without the usual moronic frat boy bluster that makes me want to punch Fred Durst in the mouth, and is thus at least listenable if you're in a car with a friend.

That was awful. Fucking... fucking awful.

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For real, I encourage you all to watch that solo. Start at 2:19 to spare yourself the indignity of the rest of the song. I don't know what a "guitarmatician" is supposed to be, but unless it's a word that means "guy who cannot play the fucking guitar" then it is a laughable title.

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