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Suggest your favourite movies that people may have overlooked.


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Dazed and Confused! I watched that a couple of months ago and it was awesome. Jumped straight into my favourite movies list. And Forgetting Sarah Marshall is a vastly underrated romcom. There's more, I'll probably post again later.

Dazed.. is a total iconic movie, man. For real. That's easily one of my favourites. Matt McConaughey has his best role ever in it too.

Will also second Livid's Before The Devil Knows You're Dead. Fantastic film, the only reason I even knew about it was because of Livid pimping it. Checked it out and it's a fucking amazing "heist" type movie.

Anyway, as for my own suggestion.. Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter. For real. It's one of those "so bad, it's great" types - I mean, all you have to do is read a plot synopsis to get that. Essentially, Jesus is summoned to modern-day Ottawa to protect the city's lesbians from a gang of vampires that prey solely on lesbians. It's wonderfully terrible and features maybe one of my most favourite fight scenes in a film ever.

And then there's Repo!: The Genetic Opera. Seems like it got panned a lot, but I absolutely loved it. Paris Hilton's finest performance, which is a sentence I never thought I'd ever say. Ever.

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Yeah, I didn't even realize that was him until I read the credits. Totally creepy, appropriate role for him though.

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Antichrist. It's the only movie I've ever seen with an eerie as FUCK atmosphere, genuinely disturbing, and well acted all at the same time. Perhaps it's because the only roles are Willem Dafoe & Charlotte Gainsbourg.

But, really, it's a good movie. Completely psychotic, but really enjoyable. Not for the squeamish, though.

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I'd recommend Ghost Dog:Way of the Samurai. Slightly slow and meandering, not for everyone, but I personally think it is a really cool movie. Was an early movie from when Film 4 started and were also producing movies.

Great, great film. But, yeah, if you don't like Jarmusch's style of very slow-building stories were, frankly, not a lot happens for a long time, probably not for you. But if you like a film where subtlety is everything, then this. Or any of Jarmusch's.

My ex-girlfriend, when we were first getting together, once asked me "You've seen Ghost Dog, right?", and almost ended things right then and there when I replied "...I've seen Ghost Dad."

I recently watched A Town Called Panic, and while it's not "AMAZING," it deserves a mention for being totally bonkers. Just totally mental.

And finally,

is a lot of fun (silly, but fun), and James Mason is excellent.

Been meaning to get around to Town Called Panic for a long time. I love the TV series with a passion, but just haven't had chance to catch the film yet. Is it in French, or does it have the same dubbing as the series?

Journey To The Centre Of The Earth is brilliant. I love James Mason, and I love the story. He's such a brilliant misogynist throughout, I used to quote it quite a lot, some of it's so sublimely ridiculous.

I was randomly thinking about it earlier so I'll mention it here - Commando is fucking brilliance. Easily one of my favourite action films ever. Just balls out manliness throughout and a bunch of fantastic one-liners.

I love Commando. It's the height of mindless action nonsense, and gave us, amongst others, "Remember when I said I'd kill you last? I LIED!".

My personal favourite thing about it is the utterly incongruous score by James Horner - amongst film music buffs it's highly sought after, but it's absolutely bonkers - synth and steel drums galore. The main action music is wonderful, my friends and I dubbed that song "Calypso Peril" the last time we watched the movie, and it makes me laugh every time I hear it. Easily my favourite Arnie movie.

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I recently watched A Town Called Panic, and while it's not "AMAZING," it deserves a mention for being totally bonkers. Just totally mental.

And finally,

is a lot of fun (silly, but fun), and James Mason is excellent.

Been meaning to get around to Town Called Panic for a long time. I love the TV series with a passion, but just haven't had chance to catch the film yet. Is it in French, or does it have the same dubbing as the series?

Journey To The Centre Of The Earth is brilliant. I love James Mason, and I love the story. He's such a brilliant misogynist throughout, I used to quote it quite a lot, some of it's so sublimely ridiculous.

(Superhuman levels of indignation) BUT YOUR'RE A WOMAN!

As for Panic, it's in French with subtitles. I haven't seen the show, but thought that the movie might work better broken down into smaller pieces - as it is essentially a series of set-pieces with a vague attempt at an overall plot.

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I'm a big fan of Into the Wild. I'm not sure if its underrated or anything, its just a really good film that I don't hear anyone talk about.

Its not that great, I got told it would be awesome and it ended up being about a guy who thought far too much of himself, was pretty fucking childish about his life and had such a big ego he ran away couldn't even let a single member of his family know he was alright, and was pretty much a jerk to everyone, then he died because he wasn't as clever as he thought and really the message of the story was "Leave your contacts behind, be a jerk, be one with the wild, die if you are a prick"

So yeah didn't really like it as much as I thought I would...

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Buscemi and Campbell can make almost anything better instantly, but I still think LA pales in comparison to New York. New York was one of the most amazing endings ever, and it seemed like they just decided to do the exact same thing but on a bigger scale, for LA. It's still undeniably badass, but I'd put New York ahead of LA.

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I echo Antichrist, where ever it was mentioned. It is a creepy and it is very effective as an unsettling and disturbing picture.

Now for my own input; Oldboy. It cannot be said enough, Oldboy is an amazing movie. A gem of foreign cinema. Please, people, go watch it. It is not the best film ever but god damn, it is a fucking amazing story. Everyone involved with it deserves all the praise they get. Oldboy is brilliant and I know there is at least one other EWB'er who can back me up on this.

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I'm not big into anime, but I recently watched a couple of films by Satoshi Kon, a director who died last year at age 46. Anyway Millennium Actress and Paprika are beautiful, layered stories that make sense in one viewing but are more rewarding the more you see them. His work is really incredible and everyone should see it. I haven't seen Perfect Blue or his TV show, but I've heard good things about those, too.

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I went to the cinema to watch Oldboy when it was released (one of my best Empire magazine tip-offs ever along with Zatoichi).

Oldboy is a sensational movie, although a little slow in points for a Western audience. Some amazing scenes though and, like all good Far Eastern movies seem to do, the tension and mood builds throughout to the end.

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I echo Antichrist, where ever it was mentioned. It is a creepy and it is very effective as an unsettling and disturbing picture.

Now for my own input; Oldboy. It cannot be said enough, Oldboy is an amazing movie. A gem of foreign cinema. Please, people, go watch it. It is not the best film ever but god damn, it is a fucking amazing story. Everyone involved with it deserves all the praise they get. Oldboy is brilliant and I know there is at least one other EWB'er who can back me up on this.

I also thought Oldbody was just fucking fantastic. Watched it with my friend under his recommendation and it's easily one of my favourite pieces of foreign cinema I've ever watched. Some of the fight scenes, in particular - the one big show down the corridor, are all amazing.

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