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Grand Theft Auto V


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I think everyone starts off with the same amount but you will be able to buy ingame cash.

I don't think it's going to make a massive difference though as you'll be able to make quick money through heists to buy weapons and armour.

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I blew up four Cluckin' Bell trucks with sticky bombs at once in a pointless effort to manipulate share prices. I ended up in an epic four star wanted chase that saw me escape Paleto Bay in an SUV, end up on the railway tracks boxed in, shoot my way out and steal a cop car, drive onto the beach, swim out to sea only to get caught by a helicopter, steal a moving boat before finally escaping down the east coast.

Then when I ditched the boat, I had to shoot a cougar that was coming to attack me.

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I modded an SUV for larfs and as I'm driving it back to Michael's safehouse to put it in the garage, I pass a construction area where some random event is going on. Bunch of heavy pipes fall on this guy's truck, he wants you to clear them with a bulldozer so he can get out before his truck blows up. Cleared one side, went to the other, and I guess I took too long because the truck blew up and so did my bulldozer. <_< Lost my awesome pimped ride. :@

Also, Cymru, regarding your endgame spoiler

Trevor's mother only shows up after you complete the storyline.

EDIT: Also, as far as online goes - and I may have read the article wrong - but I'm fairly certain in the R* article about it posted yesterday they said that you gain access to better weapons and cars to buy through ranking up. No idea how long ranking up is going to take or anything, guess we'll see come Tuesday!

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Never judge on appearance, that young whippersnapper whose bike I rescued was a millionaire and gave me $100,000 worth of shares and that oil slick whose car broke down gave me a 40% stock tip.

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Snooping round the forums, the plan seems to be to keep pumping money in till 10pm (Timezone unspecified) on Monday then dump the stock before online launches.

Considering if you'd got in at the start when shares were 45 cents and now they're $4.50, some people are already looking at 1000% return.

How obvious is it that I play the real stock market? :shifty:

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