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Grand Theft Auto V


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Keep me updated. I'll give that a go if that actually works for you.

Today was the first day I played in all day without it freezing during every other mission. I'll keep you updated on whether or not it stays that way.

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I was talking to Niner on this earlier, but is anyone else experience a <1 second pause in action on occasion? Not like what Meacon describes with his Box freezing, just a quick hiccup in action before everything returns to regularly scheduled programming.

Niner started experiencing it before this week's patch, but today is the first time I've seen it happen. Anybody else?

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  • 2 weeks later...

After only playing up to the first heist (jewellery store) when I first got the game, before launching into multiplayer and only multiplayer for a few weeks, I went back to the game itself recently and discovered how much great stuff there was.

I'm still only 25% or so through so if you're one of the two people who haven't gotten that far yet then don't click the spoilers. Otherwise, here are some wonderful, wonderful moments.

The cannabis mini-series with Michael (the aliens), Trevor (the clowns) and Franklin (....nothing).

Michael's trip after getting spiked by his son - particularly free-falling towards the psychadelic city with the music playing. Genius.

The weird old couple collecting the celebrity souvenirs.

Putting together heists in general.

Trevor. I thought I would hate Trevor initially but I'm finding it impossible not to love the Ollie-like scamp, even when he's destroying peoples lives.

The convoluted story he tells as he drives to Los Santos about the trolls.

Michael's life unravelling is done really well I think with some good missions (cycling with his son, diving into the water to go and get his daughter, yoga with his wife and yoga instructor...)

Cutting to different characters and what they're doing. Michael sitting in his car with his head on the wheel and Trevor waking up in a barn next to a cow are highlights).

The return of the triathlons.

How whenever you drive into the country it's a nice change and then after a while when you drive back into the city and see the lights for the first time it's all "ahhhh, it's good to be back in civilisation".

Switching between characters during missions really works sometimes, especially when Michael rappels down the building and Franklin takes out the guys with the sniper rifle before Trevor pilots the helicopter away.

The usual discovery of nice touches and different feels to different areas (ran into guys dressed up as Master Chief yesterday and started a fight with one of them).

Actually enjoying numerous radio stations depending on my mood, and finding new nuggets from time to time as I flick around.

Sometimes it just looks really realistic and suburban areas remind me quite a lot of how Japanese town outskirts look (with the convenience stores, wide roads, fast food, outlet stores etc) which is creepy.

There's an amazing driving road just to the north of Los Santos (central) that winds around as you go up and down hill. Great views and great fun to drive in a fast car. Top Gear-tastic.

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Just completed my 2nd run through, this time picking the correct ending as well as leaving Lester's assassination missions until the end. Now each character has just over 2 billion and I'm working my way through the strangers and freaks missions!

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  • 1 month later...

So is there any way to do custom license plates besides the smartphone app?

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