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So what makes EWB Members all misty eyed?


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Armageddon when Bruce says goodbye to his daughter and before that telling AJ that his job is to protect his little girl now.

Toy Story 3 when they linked up hands in the incinerator

Beauty and the beast when Beast has that moment when of reflection and tells belle she is free and must go and help her dad (as a child)

As a kid at the end of terminator 2 i was in floods literally shouting at my grandparents but he was the hero why did he have to die. I just didnt understand.

Also the scene in schindlers list where the jews i think they were all woman get let into the shower. The tension was unbearble and then the water came out and i was in floods for them. I believed they were all going to die and then they were saved. powerful powerful movie.

Edited by jocky
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Randy Quaid made me cry in Independence Day.

Only thing in the whole thread that's made me go o_O

He spent his whole life preaching to the world about something nobody believed in, lived a life of shame and ridicule for it and remained selfless and compassionate enough to sacrifice his life to rescue his tormentors.

The moment where his children finally realize this is kind of powerful IMO.

Not that I've cried to it, but I could see how a sensitive person could be emotional to it.

You'd have to be the kind of sensitive that you'd also cry at viddy game ads though...

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One of the movies that nearly made me cry that I'd paid to hire it. Not since Napoleon Dynamite has a movie been so over hyped as being funny that actually wasn't. The only redeeming feature was the rant against camo shorts.

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Juno made me cry..solely because I thought it was shit and couldn't believe I let my g/f talk me into going to see it

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Ok, here we go....

Deffo agree with the ending of Band of Brothers, although there were so many scenes in that whole series that made me tear up. Also, the scene at the end of The Pacific...


Also, numerous scenes in the West Wing...But this one in particular.

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I forgot to add Superbad to my list. I love that ending so much.

You should be tested in a laboratory setting.

you're probably right. how can a movie about friendship actually make somebody cry, that's crazy isn't it.

Gotta admit, it's a pussy thing to do.

It's like when you leave high school and everyone starts crying, but you're sat there thinking "Wait a minute, out of the 150 of us here, 146 of us are back here next fucking year to spend 2 more years together in sixth form/college."

You terrible human being.

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I don't believe I've ever cried during a movie or show, but there are moments when I've been close.

So many Scrubs moments. My Old Lady, My Screw Up, My Cake, My Lunch, and My Long Goodbye were all incredibly sad episodes and of course, My Finale (which ironically didn't end up being the series finale) was pretty emotional to watch. The whole projector thing was amazingly well done.

50/50 was the closest I've ever come to crying in a theatre as I watched it the day after my friend informed she had been diagnosed with cancer and my roommate's dad was booked for another surgery since his cancer had returned.

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