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AMC's "Breaking Bad"


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Interesting theory from another site:

So my big prediction is that Holly (Walt's baby) will be kidnapped by Todd's uncle and his gang to force Walter out of hiding. This would explain Walt's machine gun and also ties into all the talk here about the Marty Robbins (?) song "Felina," which will be Holly's new name. This scenario would make for a bad ass final showdown. As for how the ricin might play into this I have no idea.

Edited by EndOfAnEra
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Just....holy fucking shit. This damn show.



His last words were great though.

But poor Walt! He loses his brother in law, and then is robbed for $70 million dollars. Not sure why he sold out Jesse though...because he caused all of that to happen?

And that phone call! Oh my, that damn freaking phone call. That was just amazing and wonderful and heart wrenching all at once.

I don't know how I feel about Walt at this moment. I don't know whether to cheer for him or hope he gets it in the end. Speaking of...

...what is the end game here? Walt, Nazi Hunter?

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But poor Walt!

No. Fuck that. No.

Everything Walt does from Hank's death to Holly crying out for her mother is pure bitter, spiteful lashing out. It's not until that scene at the changing station that he gets any real perspective on anything.

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Vince Gilligan is a genius. Pure and simple. For the first time ever I think we finally have somebody running a show realize that ultimately the shows, the characters, etc are for the fans. For most of the iconic television shows that have defined this golden age of dramatic television, the final season was a disappointment. The Wire, The Sopranos, LOST, Friday Night Lights...most of the final seasons were largely a disappointment. Like, I honestly think Damon Lindeloff & Carlton Cuse choked under the pressure of producing that final season of LOST and The Sopranos never should have ran past 6 full seasons. But Gilligan is just going balls out, "emptying his clip" with every episode. I can't believe he's been able to keep this for six straight weeks and somehow still manages to keep the viewer guessing and not have anything be a cliche.

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Walt's confession to Jesse was absolutely


And, uh, cheering on Walt? What? I get the loyalty to him and all, but after this episode, scratch that, after the last season, how can anyone think that? I just want Jesse to be okay at this point, that's who I'm cheering for.

Oh, and Marie. Poor Marie.

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Yeah, what Split said. I feel like I've said it after every episode this season but

anyone who remains pro-Walt is so wrong, especially with that horrendous and downright vile confession to Jesse and the whole baby-snatching escapade.

At this point I'm not even sure that Walt is even people.

But yeah, I echo everyone's sentiments on this episode, none of that was fun, all of it was heartbreaking stuff and god damn I can't wait to see Walt face down in a pool of his own blood. Guy needs to die, like, two seasons ago. I hate him.

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This episode:


Die Walt, Die!

It was nice and all that he tried to buy off the Nazi's for Hank's life, and the phone call at the end showed that he is at least trying to redeem himself as far as his family are concerned, but the man is pure evil. What he did to Jesse, pointing him out and then telling him about Jane, was outright cold - I know he blames Jesse for what had just happened but hopefully he recognises it is his fault. And oh God, the Holly kidnapping, you motherfucker. Short of bragging to Marie that he killed Hank I don't think he could have done anything more in that episode to instigate any more hatred.

But this episode was about heartbreak. Jesse finds out about Jane and also discovers Brock and Andrea are on the Nazi radar. Marie just had her husband killed. Flynn discovers his beloved father is not only a criminal but also a murder who killed off his other father figure. Skyler's panic when Walt picked up Holly. And most of all, Walt, we finally got the moment he lost his family - his wife tried to kill him, his son pushed him away and called the police, even his daughter wanted nothing from him. Aside from the money, what does he have now?

Speculation for the last two episodes:

I reckon we'll see the flash-forwards come to fruition next week, I can feel an epic showdown with all the loose ends getting tied up. I expect more call backs. Lydia bites it next episode, Gray Matter is going to find its way back into the storyline, Jesse parents will show up, Jane's dad will even be back. We'll get everything next episode leading to the final episode where Walt goes full on mad scientist and wipes out not just the Nazis but the entire meth empire he has built.

And the ending? Walt takes the ricin and dies in custody. It all ends with him.

Speaking of callbacks, anyone notice:



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Vince Gilligan is a genius. Pure and simple. For the first time ever I think we finally have somebody running a show realize that ultimately the shows, the characters, etc are for the fans. For most of the iconic television shows that have defined this golden age of dramatic television, the final season was a disappointment. The Wire, The Sopranos, LOST, Friday Night Lights...most of the final seasons were largely a disappointment. Like, I honestly think Damon Lindeloff & Carlton Cuse choked under the pressure of producing that final season of LOST and The Sopranos never should have ran past 6 full seasons. But Gilligan is just going balls out, "emptying his clip" with every episode. I can't believe he's been able to keep this for six straight weeks and somehow still manages to keep the viewer guessing and not have anything be a cliche.

Ugh, Lost doesn't even belong in this conversation. That was a show that written almost week to week, with no advanced planning whatsoever. Lindeloff didn't choke, he just isn't very good and the entire Lost crew were making things up as they went along.

This is the best final season of a show since The Shield, and Walt's actions in this episode are worse than Vic Mackey's final confession.

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First of all, fuck anybody that is still "Team Walt." Just fuck you. At this point, I don't even know, man. You're immoral or some shit. Just what the hell?

I think my prediction from last week was just wishful thinking. I was so hoping that we'd be able to find some sliver of redemption for Walt. I still wanted him to die, but I wanted to be able to cheer him on while taking down the Nazis. Now.. I don't even know if I can do that. Sure, I want him to kill the Nazis, but I'll mostly be rooting for whatever is gonna kill Walt.

Did I see a couple of you guys blame Jesse for what happened in the desert? Cause no. Just no. That was all Walt's fault. Every single bit of it was Walt's fault. His greed has led him here. His greed and egotism have caused him to lose the two things he ever cared about in the series: his family and his money (for the most part.) He's a thickheaded, evil son of a bitch and deserves to suffer greatly for what he's done. His pride and vengeful spirit are what are driving him right now and they're going to be his ultimate downfall.

Every thing he did on last night's episode was the absolute worst. Poor Hank. At least he got to feel a sense of pride and happiness in capturing his man and putting him in cuffs. he had him. Marie said it best. He had him dead to rights. It was all over. Hank had won. But, of course, things can never be roses on this show. Walt Jr. trying to make sense of it all was heartbreaking. And I couldn't believe the girls I was watching it last night calling Marie a bitch for insisting that Skyler tell Walt Jr. Yes, let's keep him out of the loop. Let's let the cops tell him so that it hurts even more. People aren't thinking, man.

But Walt Jr. and Marie don't compare to Jesse. Jesse won MVP of tragedy last night. This poor kid has been through so much. I can't hate Jesse. Yes, he killed Gale. Yes he sold drugs to people. But while Walt is motivated by greed, Jesse is just a completely misguided person. He's good on the inside, and has realized the errors of his ways. He's just a poor kid that has seen way too much tragedy in the last year and change. He realizes now that he was over his head and realizes that everything he has loved has been taken away from him, or is constantly in danger.

Who am I rooting for? Jesse, Walt Jr., Marie, Holly, and Walt's death. Best show ever.

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I think people were saying that

Walt blames Jesse for what happened in the dessert. Of course the guilt's misplaced, but that just sums Walt's ego centric personality up even more. I want Jesse to get his payback and redemption. And, if he gets that, and it's a big if with this show, I'm going to enjoy it.

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You know...

I know Walt's a psychopath, but how is rooting for Walt somehow different then seeing Episode III and wanting to see Anakin turn into Vader? Or better yet, when Indepdence Day came out, people cheering when the aliens blew up the White House? :shifty:

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