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There's some confusion about it. Apparently it's set that Disney purchased one ad but could have purchased more and nobody is for sure what film they're going to choose (Need for Speed, Cap 2 or Guardians) for that one announced ad. The feeling is that it would be Need for Speed since that comes out the soonest of those but I would think a tease for Guardians would go a long way in upping the general public's interest.

So it looks like they ended up going with Need for Speed so we will have to wait for Guardians footage. Lame.

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I mean, on the surface it's ridiculous. But I guess maybe there's more to it than we know?

I'm so glad that I don't care about the DC film universe anywhere near as much as I care about Marvel, though.

Man, this is like... mind blowing. I don't even remotely get it. I think the fact it's so fucking out there is why I'm not actually pissed. He must have something incredible that he's never shown before, because holy shit what.

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Here's the teaser for Captain America: The Winter Soldier before the full blown Superbowl trailer.


As well as Amazing Spider-Man 2's teaser:


Edited by Johnny Latino Heat
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Oh I'm not saying he's a bad actor, I don't think he's quite that funny, but he's good. But Lex Luthor really requires an absolutely demanding screen presence. He's a normal, human being that can stand unflinching in front of what basically amounts to a god. That's what I don't get - I've never seen that from him. That level of power in a performance. But that's more down to never playing a role quite like that.

But I'm more curious than anything, I want to see it. It's a huge gamble - it'll be either incredible or just super average. It helps that I don't think Lex has ever been played well yet. The Smallville portrayal was great, but Rosenbaum wasn't anywhere near a good enough actor to do it justice. He got it, but he just wasn't that good.

I love Jeremy Irons as Alfred, though. It needed to be someone great to follow up Caine.

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I like Eisenberg as Luthor, I think it'll be fine. They're probably going to portray him as a kid or someone fresh out of college, though, right. r.

There were LexCorp references in MOS, so I'm sure they are going with a Mark Zuckerberg type young tech billionaire, which is a good modern approach. I kind of like the casting, honestly. It's out of left field but in a good way. Eisenberg is definitely capable of playing the intelligent douche role.

I know in a few Superman origin stories Lex is seen as an up-and-comer rather than middle aged, and it makes sense here. They don't even need to shave his head, at least not yet. :P

Oh, and this also means the Social Network featured Lex Luthor, Spider-Man, and, to a lesser extent, The Lone Ranger. (Hammer was rumored for Batman a year or two back)

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I don't like it because he doesn't have any of the qualities I think of when I think of Lex Luthor. So based on my personal opinion of how Luthor should be, it's bad casting. Luthor should be sauve, which Eisenberg certainly isn't, it's one of the reason why I couldn't take that Now You See Me movie seriously. He should also be able to, when needed, give off a menacing vibe, which I also don't think Eisenberg is capable of, at least not the kind of menace I'm thinking about. This seems to go closer to the Kevin Spacey/Gene Hackman styles of Luthor, rather than the Smallville/Animated Series/Comic portrayals, which I prefer.

That being said, I have no idea what type of Luthor they're going for, so he may fit that mold well and excel in the role, I have no idea. Could work out great.

Ultimately though, in my mind Eisenberg would have been perfectly cast as a young Norman Osborne or perhaps Harry Osborne.

But like so much of Superman/Batman, it's totally wait and see for me.

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There's really nothing to get overly excited about, one way or the other, with this film. Everything so far has been so out-there that it feels like they're just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. They MAY have a grand design that this all plays into, but who knows?

We can be excited or dread the coming of the film, but in the end, everything has been so crazy that the only thing we can really do as fans is just wait for it.

It wouldn't surprise me if this all works out and launches the rest of the films that DC has been craving to get out there. But it also wouldn't surprise me to see it flop emphatically.

There may be a method to the madness... but all that we're seeing right now is madness, and it's not coming from a company that's earned our trust. Aside from the Nolan Batman films, DC hasn't done anything to earn any goodwill from fans in the cinematic department.

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I actually disagree with that last bit. If you liked Man of Steel what's happened that would cause you to assume the same creative team (plus Oscar winning screenwriter Chris Terrio) can't deliver again? Hint: nothing. Unless, that is, you talked yourself out of that optimism by confusing what you think will happen as anything more than idle speculation.

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Man of Steel was a Superman movie, which kept a pretty tight focus.

They succeeded at that, sure, but how does that indicate that they're going to be able to do that with what sounds like a pretty big mess of a film?

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Because Man of Steel is what you have to go off of. That's it. That's the only tangible thing you can look at and get an idea as to what they're capable of. Anything else is just the internet speculating what will happen based simply on the character they've said will be apart of it. I really don't know why people just flat out assumed Wonder Woman would have this large presence in the film instead of the more reasonable approach of introducing the character in the film and then exploring her backstory in either the Justice League film or her own standalone one. Batman is going to be apart of the film, obviously, but why assume that it changes the focus of the sequel?

Beyond that, it's like people just threw out the arc they started in Man of Steel. MoS is very much a movie about how we would react to alien life on our planet but it's too much for people to think that Batman or Wonder Woman, people that have taken it upon themselves to protect our planet, wouldn't want to get a closer look at the guy? Everything is set up for the logical extension of Man of Steel being how the heroes now react to having an alien on the planet and how that affects their lives too but that automatically means the focus changes from Superman? Why? To me, it seems like people are getting bogged down by the fact that they're not simply calling it Man of Steel 2.

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