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What super hero don't you actually like?


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I've pretty much gone by "exists within the superhero genre". If they can be regularly expected to collaborate with Spiderman, it's safe to assume they're a superhero.

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Harry Potter's problems could have been solved if anyone in the Magical World had enough brains to scrape together and look into actually getting a gun. Most Superheroes could have taken down Voldermort's network in one evening. Hell, James Bond could have sorted out the problem with one solid weekend of work.

Also, Black Panther because he's a racist douche.

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Harry Potter's problems could have been solved if anyone in the Magical World had enough brains to scrape together and look into actually getting a gun. Most Superheroes could have taken down Voldermort's network in one evening. Hell, James Bond could have sorted out the problem with one solid weekend of work.

Also, Black Panther because he's a racist douche.

A muggle couldn't have even found Hogwarts. All a dark wizard would have to do is hang out in the Forbidden Forest if muggles were their only concern.

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I've been wondering about that. What constitutes a superhero to people?

To me, pretty much any costumed crimefighter/innocent-protector. So Punisher and Zorro count, but not Harry Potter because he doesn't really have a costume.

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Okay, let me elaborate... by costume I mean a distinctive attire or bodily feature and uses this distinction to make himself recognizable.

So, yeah, Hulk doesn't need fancy spandex because he's the size of an Abrams tank and green to boot. Where Harry Potter wears literally his school uniform and tries to hide his most distinctive bodily feature all the damn time.

Also Colonel Sanders wishes he could make chicken as good as Popeye's.

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Ah, but that's just it--everyone already knows Harry Potter, he's a celebrity before he even arrives at Hogwart's, and covering up that physical feature would do nothing at all.

Except for when people only realize who he is because of the scar...

You know, like every single wizard who recognizes him ever does.

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It's not so much that he's trying to hide his scar, he just has James' scruffy hair. Its not like when he's in disguise all he does is hide his scar. For example, in book two when the trio break into the Slytherin common room by way of the Polyjuice Potion, Potter doesn't just take some concealer and let the other two have the potion. The one example I can think of now of him hiding the scar to disguise himself comes from the last book, where Hermione blasts him in the face so that his face will swell up, distorting/covering the scar in the process. But, again, she didn't just cast a spell that would hide his scar, she cast a spell that would severely alter his face because everyone freaking knows his face.

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