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A Director's Complete Filmography


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Cheap plug but I am writing a series of articles for a friend's website that for the most part cover director filmographies here. Next two I'm covering are Gilliam and Tarantino. I can't remember who I've seen an entire filmography of except for Lynch and Nolan. And George Lucas but let's forget his post-1977 efforts. Certainly I've seen good chunks of work by the likes of Hitchcock, Spielberg, Kubrick, Kevin Smith (for some fucking reason), Boyle, Fincher, Edgar Wright...

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I'm pretty sure I've seen everything Joss Whedon ever directed.

I even sat through a lot of Dollhouse. That's dedication. Outside of that and the usual suspects (Tarintino, Edgar Wright), I don't think there's any apart from maybe Nolan that I'm interested in watching their entire discography. Though I apparently only need to see Away We Go and Road to Perdition to have seen every Sam Mendes films. Also Piranha 2 and The Abyss are the only Cameron films I haven't yet seen. I doubt that's a list I'll ever complete.

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I'm pretty sure I've seen everything Joss Whedon ever directed.

I even sat through a lot of Dollhouse. That's dedication. Outside of that and the usual suspects (Tarintino, Edgar Wright), I don't think there's any apart from maybe Nolan that I'm interested in watching their entire discography. Though I apparently only need to see Away We Go and Road to Perdition to have seen every Sam Mendes films. Also Piranha 2 and The Abyss are the only Cameron films I haven't yet seen. I doubt that's a list I'll ever complete.

Watch it immediately.

I think the only ones I've seen all of are Tararntino's (minus Django Unchained of course), Wright's, Mendes', Darabont's, Apatow's (except for This Is 40 yet), Adam McKay's, Guy Ritchie's, Rian Johnson's and Matthew Vaughn's.

There's a ton who I'm only short by one or two (Nolan, Mann, Coens, Jason Reitman just to name a few).

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I'm pretty sure I've seen everything Joss Whedon ever directed.

I even sat through a lot of Dollhouse. That's dedication. Outside of that and the usual suspects (Tarintino, Edgar Wright), I don't think there's any apart from maybe Nolan that I'm interested in watching their entire discography. Though I apparently only need to see Away We Go and Road to Perdition to have seen every Sam Mendes films. Also Piranha 2 and The Abyss are the only Cameron films I haven't yet seen. I doubt that's a list I'll ever complete.

Dollhouse was a good show! :angry:

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Wasn't Alpha like, the second to last episode of Season 1? I remember hearing the second half of Season 2 was good.

To be fair, my Buffy/Angel/Firefly fandom/obsession being what it is, Dollhouse needed to be pretty incredible to live up to my expectations.

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Dollhouse had an epic second season. They fixed completely everything that was wrong with it in season one.

I forgot Kevin Smith, I've seen everything he has ever done. Judd Apatow too. Even the terribly unfunny Funny People.

And TKZ...The Abyss is a very good film.

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Yeah, forgot about Kevin Smith. Just need to see Jersey Girl. I watched The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo tonight so now I'm down to just Alien 3 for Fincher...which I feel almost shouldn't count.

Alien 3 is pretty good. Just a shame that the studio kept screwing him over - it could have been great (space monastery for a start)

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The only Kevin Smith film I haven't seen is Red State. Is it worth it for the sake of completion, or should I just skip it and call it good?

That latter doesn't make any sense. :/ Red State is severely overrated, but if you are interested in seeing it, see it. Don't push yourself to see it just to complete the filmography.

Either way, I'm sure it can't be worse than Cop Out. But I'm not willing to find out.

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I don't think there's any directors I've seen their complete Filmography but there's a few I'm one movie off from. Besides Moonrise Kingdom I've seen all the Wes Anderson films. I've also seen every Kevin Smith film but Cop Out (which I don't think I'll ever watch). Aside from Django Unchained, I've seen every Quentin Tarantino film. Aside from THX 1138 I've seen all of George Lucas's films.

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I don't think there's any directors I've seen their complete Filmography but there's a few I'm one movie off from. Besides Moonrise Kingdom I've seen all the Wes Anderson films. I've also seen every Kevin Smith film but Cop Out (which I don't think I'll ever watch). Aside from Django Unchained, I've seen every Quentin Tarantino film. Aside from THX 1138 I've seen all of George Lucas's films.

You have to see Moonrise Kingdom! I haven't really thought about making a list but it may be my favorite movie this year.

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