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2013 Major League Soccer Thread (aka The Ancient Mystical Society of No Timbers)

GoGo Yubari

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Oh man I don't buy that. Not unless Shalrie's planning on retiring or someone's seriously willing to take him off our hands.

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lol at a manager who got them to the Supporters Shield a year ago being sacked "two years too late." That seems pretty presumptuous.

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lol at a manager who got them to the Supporters Shield a year ago being sacked "two years too late." That seems pretty presumptuous.

7th - 7th - 6th - 7th .... those are their finishes in the Western Conference before riding Wondo's wonder season last year. Yeah, they got hot in the playoffs in 2010 ... but only made it because the entire Eastern Conference ate donkey balls. His early successes in SJ, many think might have had more to do with Kinnear.

It's anything but presumptuous.

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No, it's presumptuous, because it makes the assumption that whoever they brought in would have been an improvement last year. SJ got their great season out of Yallop, now the league's figured out how Yallop made that work and they're back to being on the lower end. SJ's success was partially Wondo's amazing year but also the right roster and tactics being put together to facilitate it.

It's not to say that Yallop is a great coach or that SJ was a great team before last year (though this year they've been absolutely massacred by injuries), but with hindsight you don't upset the cart two years ago.

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So a lucky break to get into the playoffs and managing to pull one out, overshadows the fact that you were horrid for three seasons ?

I guess we just have a difference of opinion. I mean, it was almost impossible NOT to be an improvement at that point ...

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So a lucky break to get into the playoffs and managing to pull one out

What the fuck are you talking about? They won the league. The Supporters Shield is harder to get than the MLS Cup.

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So a lucky break to get into the playoffs and managing to pull one out

What the fuck are you talking about? They won the league.


The fan base was calling for this two years ago, in 2011 ... as in right after he'd finished sucking eggs for the 3rd straight year (which included a lucky break with the East eating ass and allowing them to qualify for the playoffs and managing first round win).

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Okay, one of us has completely misunderstood the other's argument. If people were saying it two years ago and not now, then fine. If people were saying now that they should have sacked him two years ago, then they're presumptuous.

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Okay, one of us has completely misunderstood the other's argument. If people were saying it two years ago and not now, then fine. If people were saying now that they should have sacked him two years ago, then they're presumptuous.


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I had the result of the Whitecaps/Sounders game spoiled by Facebook showing me something from the Sounders facebook just because they'd talked about the Whitecaps.

This happened while I was watching the game, I so rarely get to actually watch Whitecaps games because they're usually on really late at night for me.

When will MLS teams actually learn to defend? This is a question that plagues me.

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When will MLS teams actually learn to defend? This is a question that plagues me.

Some of them can ... it's just that the overall depth isn't there so when some of the stronger defending teams have to use the first or second guy off the bench, the difference is pretty glaring. I think there are several teams that have a pretty damn good starting 4 in the back. I feel though that there is a small handful that can go more than one guy down the bench and not drop off a hell of a lot.

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USOC Update: Carolina 3-1 Chivas. Timbers vs Rowdies will be kicking off in 10 min.

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Timbers strike first blood early, 1-0 in Portland.

Meanwhile RSL may be the next MLS casualty, they're down by 2 in their match.

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2-0 Portland in the 55th min

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Bwahahahahahahahah ..... that's what you get KC, you take away your loaned players and you still lose. 1-0 Orlando takes out the defending champs.

Carolina waxed Chivas (not really a surprise) 3-1 to advance.

So two lower division teams are advancing.

FCD bitch slapped HOU, DeRo showed up and decided to play as DCU beat PHI 3-1, NE dumped NY 4-2, and we've still got CHI/CLB to go.

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