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The New Kit Thread

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It's not even the sponsor per se. It's the size, colour and the fact it has a white background. It's literally the width of the shirt as is and the background completely ruins the limited amount of "stripes". It could easily be fixed


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At least Ipswich learned from the mistake of having their Magical Vegas sponsor in colours not fitting the kit. This year's has changed to fit and it looks a million times better (spoilered for size):

Image result for ipswich kit 2018/19


Image result for ipswich kit 2019/20

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Is Carl Jenkinson being held at Arsenal and forced to model kit against his will? Carl, are you OK? Blink twice if you need help.

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Adidas under fire for racist tweets after botched Arsenal launch

Company automatically posted pictures of new shirts with offensive Twitter handles on back

Adidas UK has come under fire after a social media gambit backfired spectacularly, leading to the company tweeting out pictures of its shirts with racist and offensive slogans on the back.

The error came as Adidas launched a social media campaign, #DareToCreate, in conjunction with its release of the new Arsenal home kit.

People were encouraged to share a tweet advertising the brand using the hashtag, which automatically created an image of the new Arsenal strip emblazoned with the Twitter handle of the account.

The image, along with the message “This is home. Welcome to the squad”, and an encouragement to buy the strip, was then tweeted out by the official @AdidasUK account.
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However, the promotional campaign was hijacked by people with offensive or insensitive Twitter handles, including @GasAllJewss, @MadelineMcCann, and @96wasnotenough.

The images of the offensive handles on Arsenal shirts were retweeted widely.

The offensive tweets were posted from the @AdidasUK account late on Monday night and were still visible on Twitter through the early hours of the morning, but have since been removed.

A spokesperson for Adidas said: “As part of our partnership launch with Arsenal we have been made aware of the abuse of a Twitter personalisation mechanic created to allow excited fans to get their name on the back of the new jersey. Due to a small minority creating offensive versions of this we have immediately turned off the functionality and the Twitter team will be investigating.”

Arsenal football club was not immediately available for comment.



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1 minute ago, Kaney said:

How have we made it to 2019 and companies still haven't learned not to do this?

It could have been more innocent. @pissflaps, @BonerLaw, @penisland.net

But no, someone has to go and spoil the fun.

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Imagine it without the shitty sponsor. I know that's what we say with most kits, but I'm old enough to still have a couple of sponsor free Barca shirts and it still hurts.

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