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FIFA 14 Thread


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Yeah, they announced it at their (EA) Gamescom conference the other day. Not entirely sure the specifics of it, like if it allows just local co-op or online (or both?), but it's a neat little extra.

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Ultimate Team exclusive content doesn't really bother me. I play Ultimate Team for a bit and then it loses the novelty and I hardly go on it, plus some of the players they have picked are questionable so I'm not really missing out on much.

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So, suppose a short, foolish American wanted to jump on the 360 FIFA hooliganism. Are the usual suspects jumping on the 360 '14 bandwagon or moving over to the One?

'Cause, y'know, if enough folk are opting for the 360, I've got this birthday money that would really be better suited for videogames than later-in-life financial safety :shifty:

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In terms of people from that horrible, horrible club that we dare not speak of again in this thread, lest we feel the wraith of Nerf, pretty sure we'll on be back on 360 this year. That's if you're interested in playing Pro Clubs mode, which if you're not familiar with is you playing as just one player whilst a bunch of us also play as just one player, against a bunch of other people doing the same. We're usually on evening time here so early to mid afternoon your time, I'd wager.

Or if you just want to get smashed by 9 to 5 and rage quit the game like Srar did then he's probably up for that.

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