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He does look like Bill DeMott....

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Two things. I found a  theme for my dude.

2. Does the Jr Heavyweight story start with you as a trainee and Young Lion too?

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It does, but it's a lot more truncated. There's also timeskips once you get back from SWA


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  • 1 month later...

Doing a forum game based on something like the NWA (with NJPW elements) using Fire Pro WW if anyone wants to join! You play as a promoter within the "NWA"-esque group and compete against other promotions for prestige and titles.

Here's the link to the thread in case anyone is interested:


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I love promoter mode. I think I'll have more fun with it if I can fill this world up with original and fictional wrestlers so I don'[t have to use real ones. I feel like that would add some element of discovery to the world to make it more fun.

I'm looking at wrestlers now and found this guy



Canadian that grew up on classic NWA and was obsessed with the Road Warriors.

Went to Japan at a young age only to get laughed out of the country.

Put on some muscle. Got more tats, grew his hair out and got a cool leather jacket.


Main event guy for a couple of years before his “look” got old and his body broke down due to his brutal style.

As an old man, transitioned to a death match style to pay the bills and keep the dream alive. Got Hep C and died broken and alone.


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  • 2 months later...

So the Suda 51 DLC has an entire arc dedicated to


Traveling around the world, getting into fights at randos in restaurants, all of which have conveniently placed rings nearby as well as a ref for you guys to have a semi-shooty wrestle in.


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I started a new promoter mode game a couple of weeks ago.  Aside from the six game-generated wrestlers that were given to me, my roster resembles a lot of other upstart promotions:  I book basically whatever remotely popular wrestlers WWE or other larger promotions jettison.  But I'm putting on good shows, bringing in decent money considering I'm still running small venues.

Eventually Okada shockingly quits NJPW.  I'd love to bring him in but one-event booking rate is like $200k which I simply can't afford.  So I went a few months keeping costs down and only booking inexpensive talent that work the style of my promotion.  I save up and try tempt Okada with a huge signing bonus and after a few months of courting him he finally agreed to come aboard, so I have a legit star now.

First night on the job, he ends up beating Fandango for the World Title in a match that somehow went 51 minutes and led to Fandango being hospitalized for six months.

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On 08/03/2020 at 12:55, B-li Manning said:

I started a new promoter mode game a couple of weeks ago.  Aside from the six game-generated wrestlers that were given to me, my roster resembles a lot of other upstart promotions:  I book basically whatever remotely popular wrestlers WWE or other larger promotions jettison.  But I'm putting on good shows, bringing in decent money considering I'm still running small venues.

Eventually Okada shockingly quits NJPW.  I'd love to bring him in but one-event booking rate is like $200k which I simply can't afford.  So I went a few months keeping costs down and only booking inexpensive talent that work the style of my promotion.  I save up and try tempt Okada with a huge signing bonus and after a few months of courting him he finally agreed to come aboard, so I have a legit star now.

First night on the job, he ends up beating Fandango for the World Title in a match that somehow went 51 minutes and led to Fandango being hospitalized for six months.

How many wrestlers did you stick into the other promotions? Do they release them all right away like what happens in EWR?

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I bought promoter mode way back when it was on sale and I’ve never tried it. Reading @B-li Manning’s experiences with it makes me want to give it a shot though. I should probably unsubscribe and re-subscribe with all the wrestlers I actually want though, considering I think I just downloaded everything and anything originally.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I fucking love this game

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So I'm playing Promoter mode and I am enjoying it for the most part, though it does seem to get a little repetitive when your roster is as small as mine. I couldn't figure out how to add my downloaded guys into the mode either, so maybe it would help if I had real people playing instead of the default CAWs. It's frustrating that apparently I can only make one signing a month? Am I dumb and missing something? Because I seemingly have the ability to offer one contract a month and if the person rejects it then that's that until next month. That's frustrating when I'm trying to grow my roster. I went like three months without a new signing because I guess I wasn't offering enough. I have absolutely zero Jr. Heavys too, so my promotion is only using the Heavyweight title and Heavyweight tag titles. I'm not sure if I get bonus points for having more than one or two title matches on a card, but I doubt it would hurt. So I need to hope I can find some Jr.s to sign at some point. 

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Me before this match: "This is a great tournament, I should show off one of these matches on EWB. But which one..."

Me after this match: "That'll do, Fire Pro. That'll do."

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On 3/31/2020 at 7:41 AM, Meacon say “Hi People!” said:

So I'm playing Promoter mode and I am enjoying it for the most part, though it does seem to get a little repetitive when your roster is as small as mine. I couldn't figure out how to add my downloaded guys into the mode either, so maybe it would help if I had real people playing instead of the default CAWs. It's frustrating that apparently I can only make one signing a month? Am I dumb and missing something? Because I seemingly have the ability to offer one contract a month and if the person rejects it then that's that until next month. That's frustrating when I'm trying to grow my roster. I went like three months without a new signing because I guess I wasn't offering enough. I have absolutely zero Jr. Heavys too, so my promotion is only using the Heavyweight title and Heavyweight tag titles. I'm not sure if I get bonus points for having more than one or two title matches on a card, but I doubt it would hurt. So I need to hope I can find some Jr.s to sign at some point. 

you'll have to start new but in a bit when I fire up the game I can detail how to add downloads in.


it really annoys me I cant change belts. i have women steal shows with no belt to fight for. i rather have a Women's than a Jr's.


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On 3/31/2020 at 7:41 AM, Meacon say “Hi People!” said:

So I'm playing Promoter mode and I am enjoying it for the most part, though it does seem to get a little repetitive when your roster is as small as mine. I couldn't figure out how to add my downloaded guys into the mode either, so maybe it would help if I had real people playing instead of the default CAWs. It's frustrating that apparently I can only make one signing a month? Am I dumb and missing something? Because I seemingly have the ability to offer one contract a month and if the person rejects it then that's that until next month. That's frustrating when I'm trying to grow my roster. I went like three months without a new signing because I guess I wasn't offering enough. I have absolutely zero Jr. Heavys too, so my promotion is only using the Heavyweight title and Heavyweight tag titles. I'm not sure if I get bonus points for having more than one or two title matches on a card, but I doubt it would hurt. So I need to hope I can find some Jr.s to sign at some point. 

Ok, so there's a button to add wrestlers to save data when you can load, create and delete data. Its pretty simple to add in free agents. But if you want to start with guys you have to use edit mode to make a promotion with the edit team option. Once you have that set you can move wrestlers to that team and it'll be an option for you to start with in Promotor mode.

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19 minutes ago, =BK= said:

Ok, so there's a button to add wrestlers to save data when you can load, create and delete data. Its pretty simple to add in free agents. But if you want to start with guys you have to use edit mode to make a promotion with the edit team option. Once you have that set you can move wrestlers to that team and it'll be an option for you to start with in Promotor mode.

Ah, you rock. Thanks. I don't mind starting over at all. I played a good eight months in-game, but I'd much rather start over with actual AEW/WWE guys than trying to figure out which generic guy I want to book against which other generic guy. 

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