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Marvel Cinematic Universe Movie Thread


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3 hours ago, Hellraiser said:

After some great news regarding the next Deadpool movie, here are some not so great reports regarding the production of the new Blade movie:


For anyone that cares, this is from a dude that used to work at Collider that I guess is trying to be a leaker now. None of that is verifiable.

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That pretty much confirms Shuri is the new Black Panther, so that's very disappointing that they're replacing Chadwick Boseman with a proud anti-vax moron.

Also I am very distracted by the physics of Namor's wings because I'm pretty sure as soon as he took off he would just flip over and only be able to fly hanging upside down.

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Yeah, they're definitely a thing that just about works on the page but looks a bit daft fluttering away. Agreed on Letitia Wright too, bad choice for me in the circumstances. 

I know it was a hard call to make, but I still think recasting was the way to go rather than what seems to be an off screen death.

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Pretty much every Phase 5 and Phase 6 movie has had its release date delayed.

Most notably, Blade is delayed by 9 months (so instead of a Halloween release it gets the scarier month of June) and Secret Wars has, perhaps unsurprisingly, gone from November to May, so that two Avengers movies in a calendar year is gone.

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Variety reports that Blade is pushed back to September 6th, 2024. Not June.

The only movie in Phase 5 that's affected by this is Blade. The rest have dates that remain unchanged, since Phase 5 starts in a few months.

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Strong rumours going around that Harrison Ford has signed on to replace the deceased William Hurt as General Ross for Captain America: nWo.

I don't understand why this is a good idea outside of the obvious marketing reasons. Surely bringing a younger actor in, maybe as the son of the original Ross, allows more longevity for the character (and a longer run for Red Hulk).


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  • 2 weeks later...

Jonathan Majors! Bill Murray (a decision they might live to regret if the current wave of stories of him being a nightmare to work with get worse than they are!)! The "oh my god, he admit it" guy from I Think You Should Leave!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wakanda Forever was very good. Dragged a little at a couple points and I wish Namor had a little more gravitas to him but it's nice to have a non-Spider-Man MCU film that I can unambiguously be like "I really liked it" about without any asterisks for the first time since Endgame. I would say more but we still don't have spoiler tags and I've got work in like six hours so probably should get some sleep.

EDIT: Though if you want the answer to the "how many post-credits scenes" question, I'll put it in tiny text. 

It's just one, and it's a mid-credits scene. No need to stick around for the whole credits if you don't want to.

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Ah crap, I'd had my whole thing thought out in my head but forgot about the spoiler tags.

I enjoyed it, but have reservations about a lot of things, perhaps the biggest one is the most obvious.

At least two parts got me right in the feels, should've taken some tissues with me. And Angela Bassett is nothing short of a force of nature.

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