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Status Updates posted by Sousa

  1. I don't think we as wrestling fans realize the irony about complaining about wrestlers named Dolph, Tyson, and Braden when previous champs have been named Arn, Lex, and Honky.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Benji


      How DARE you sully the good name of Arn Anderson, sir. I challenge you to a Spinebuster duel!

    3. Sousa


      I'm just saying. You're not going to go into your local H&R Block and be greeted by a guy in a tie named "Arn." Hell, you're more likely to run into "Dolph."

    4. Benji


      Yeah, but if I run into an Arn, I'm getting spinebustered, right?

  2. Shut up. I occasionally miscalculate my location by 200 miles or so.

  3. ...dude, I live in Dayton, not Cleveland. I've been talking about going to the Cleveland CHIKARA show because it's close enough to my house to be worth it and I doubt it's going to get closer.

  4. Eric Bischoff calls Obama voters "asshats" on Twitter. This guy must really like endearing himself to 50% of this country--and TNA's potential audience.

    1. OctoberRaven


      It's Bischoff. Having only half of all wrestling fans hate him is an improvement.

  5. It would be really, really out of your way to drive to Cleveland to get to Sandusky.


  7. Zaz is a girl; she just says she's a guy in her profile to fit in. She's pretty fit, too.

  8. I just want to let you know that it breaks my heart the way the god-damned HURRICANE comment has been misused by posers. I blame myself. :(

  9. Chester, you blackguard!

  10. What's wrong with being gay on here? I'm going to tell DoubleX.

  11. ...no, I doubt it.

  12. I get it, because Family Guy.

  13. I don't think you have the stones, bucko.



  15. I'll flame you with my dick, boy.

  16. God. Have I told you lately how happy your avatar makes me? It doesn't matter how shitty a day I have; one look at those hip-hopping kids and I'm back together again.

  17. Other outrages include WWE not calling JOHNNY NITRO by his real name.

  18. I'm going to keep calling him Daniel Bryan just to piss people off.

  19. Your profile picture is some girl instead of Daniel Bryan. Thumbs down, Yubari. Thumbs. Down.

  20. Your bespoiler'd bit isn't working.

  21. Where was I? I forgot. Injuns suck, though.

  22. I'd be a bit more skeptical if you were a girl NOT on the Internet boinking Ruki, to be frank.

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