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The Brian J

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Everything posted by The Brian J

  1. You know, EWB, every year of my life, I grow more and more convinced that the wisest and best is to fix our attention on the good and the beautiful... if you just take the time to look at it.

    1. Josh


      You're some guy, Makonnen.

  2. Last night I watched 4 wrestling fans make fun of a children's Spelling Bee. And it was glorious.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MortonElephant


      No "yes yes yes!" chants? :(

    3. Damian WayLNKe

      Damian WayLNKe

      The same four wrestling fans that had the "Your Fired" signs at Monday's Raw?

    4. Gorka


      The child dressed in an American flag shirt was by far the best

  3. I am hereby declaring Billy Kidman's WCW Theme to be the most underrated theme in wrestling history. Please adjust your opinions accordingly.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Benji


      I used to love his theme. I never really understood why I liked Kidman, he was dull on the mic, couldn't act, had loads of people who could wrestle better, and looked like you could grate cheese on his face, but I always liked the guy.

    3. Your Mom

      Your Mom

      I liked the Filthy Animals theme song

    4. Benji



  4. RIP Ray Bradbury. I will begin re-reading The Martian Chronicles this weekend in honor of one of the most brilliant writing minds of all time.

    1. MNM X Koofi e R-Truth

      MNM X Koofi e R-Truth

      Holy shit, you're not pulling a Morton here right? That is really fucking sad, was a huge fan when I was like, 14.

  5. RIP Richard Dawson, the finest and funniest game show host the world will ever see.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      In honor of Richard Dawson, please make a donation to the fight against Trench Hand.

    3. SlicedBread


      He was the only trustworthy man to pick on Match Game... :(

    4. Josh


      I'm gonna kiss every woman I see, in his honor.

  6. Why don't they look, Ralph. Tell me...why don't they look.

    1. Josh


      You're deep, Harry.

  7. I got to play a demo of this at PAX last year, it was fun as hell. Classic Suda51 insanity, reminds me a lot of No More Heroes in a good way.
  8. Oh my god the new Chrysalids in X-Com Enemy Unknown look awesome. FUCK why can't that game be out now instead of in October.

    1. Evil Chase K

      Evil Chase K

      Probably because they need time to market, produce, package, and ship the game.

    2. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      There's no room in my life for your damn logic and reasoning, I want to be shooting Sectoids in the brain right now.

  9. It seems like a nice night, but I do not know, for I am mad.

    1. Josh
    2. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      I'd say a strong case can be made that it's the best episode of MST3K.

      Also, Worlds Largest Chin-Ass.

  10. Apparently, an iPad Mini is coming. Perhaps with that iPad Mini they could include a way to make phone calls on the device itself! What a wondrous product that would be.

    1. Evil Chase K

      Evil Chase K

      Yeah like that's possible. Psssh... this guy.

    2. Whtie Dolphin

      Whtie Dolphin

      yes, because we all know that market niche for something bigger than an iPhone and smaller than an iPad needed to be filled. And I'm not even being sarcastic.

    3. Rocky


      The joke seemed to go right over your head.

  11. Congratulations, doctor, you've managed to turn milk into bowling trophies.

  12. Excuse me, did anyone see a glass shard-encrusted Yanaglachi go by?

    1. Josh


      Dear sir, please send pants at once.

  13. I'm secretly Jollo as well!

  14. And yet again, I have to ask...who the hell is going to beat Bones Jones? He's just tearing through all his opponents, he legit seems unstoppable at this point.
  15. Apparently today was the Bi-Annual "Brian spills something on his laptop" event. Currently on backup computer while old one sits in box of rice. Fuck.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lint


      Seriously..never try to drink and masturbate at the same time

    3. KONGO


      But I get so sad.

    4. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      You gonna eat all that rice?

  16. The guy who sat down on the bus next to me on the ride home from work had a Mario hat, green sunglasses, and horrible BO. That tears it, i'm buying a Toll pass and just driving to work.

  17. It still shocks me how much of a phenomenon My Little Pony has become. It got added to Netflix a week ago, and it's already the highest ranked show there.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      It's thanks to tools like Ruki.

    3. Sousa


      It's seriously really good. Shockingly so.

    4. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      I'm not debating the quality of the show, I've seen it and it is funny. But still, #1 on Netflix? A fucking CONVENTION coming here to Seattle? It's stunning that, of all franchises, MY LITTLE PONY has gained this kind of following.

  18. The show is based on a sci-fi novel by Robert Sawyer, and aired on ABC in 2009-2010. The premise is (sorta) simple - on October 6, 2009, everybody in the world blacked out at the same time for about 2 minutes, and saw a vision of themselves 6 months in the future. Naturally, the blackout wreaks havoc on the planet, but the big question remains - why did it happen. The main character of the show is FBI agent Mark Benford, who is trying to piece together clues as to what happened. The ironic thing is that he GOT the clues from seeing his future - in his vision, he had a completed "Clue Board", so he follows leads from his vision to get the clues to complete the board itself. There are several central characters on the show, and we get to see how their lives change based on the visions they saw, as they try to figure out if it's a definite future they saw, or if it's just a possible one. There are a lot of surprising twists and turns that the show takes, to the point where each time you think you've started to piece everything together, the show suddenly throws a new element or plot point your way that The downside is that the show only lasted 1 season, and ended on a sort of cliffhanger, so while a lot of questions are answered, not ALL of them are. It's available on Netflix Instant right now, and if you like suspenseful sci-fi, it's absolutely worth your time. A lot of fans still hold out hope that a Season 2 will be made, but considering the show was cancelled in 2010 and there's been no word on another season, it seems doubtful the show will ever have closure.
  19. Chael Sonnen vs Anderson Silva II on June 23. Best birthday gift ever!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jason Patricks

      Jason Patricks

      I'm rootin for Silva on this one...

    3. gunnar hendershow

      gunnar hendershow

      Oh fuck. My cousin is getting married that day.

    4. Noah


      I'd love to see Chael with a belt. Granted it's partly because I'm a newcomer to MMA and I can't recall seeing Anderson Silva fight so I have no emotional attachment to the guy.

  20. Just once I want a company to call me and say "Sorry, you didn't get the job" rather than shitting out a generic one sentence form letter at 6:30 PM, the equivalent of them saying "You didn't get the job, why don't you go eat shit and die"

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jason Patricks

      Jason Patricks

      At least you're getting interviews, I've been applying for part-time jobs since I turned sixteen and still nothing...

    3. The DBZemon King

      The DBZemon King

      ^ Probably because you're only 16.

    4. Redefine Sick
  21. Well thank god for that! I always found it hard to get into the story of TMNT because, while I can accept Teenage Ninja Turtles, the mutant factor was simply too ridiculous for me. Now I can connect with the characters on a more personal level and truly enjoy the story that Mr. Bay will be telling! Seriously though Michael Bay is the biggest hack I've ever seen in my life and I hope he steps on a rake.
  22. I'm really TRYING to like Sonic Generations...it's colorful and has simple gameplay...but then the characters open their mouths and everything goes wrong.

    1. Liam


      Or you play the 3D levels, and they aren't really that fun or good.

    2. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      Eh, the 3D levels are ok...certainly better than most of the other 3D games.

      My problem is that they're so desperate to make us give a shit about the other characters and convince us that there is this deep story. It's like Sonic Team forgot that they're not writing an episode of Lost, they're making games about a hedgehog.

    3. KONGO


      I don't understand why people try to like things.

  23. Headline at yahoo.com: "How to become a skeeball master". Good to see yahoo tackling the tough issues in this country.

    1. ThrillhouseMAX


      Didn't you know our new national pastime is skeeball? I thought everyone got the memo.

  24. So a billboard near my apartment for a radio station was replaced today. Now, it's advertising Scientology. Tan-fucking-fastic.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      That's what you get for moving to the west coast.

    3. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      Still preferable to the people who walked around Iowa with signs that said "HOMOS GO TO HELL" and the guy who drove a big red car with pictures of Jesus, crosses, and aborted fetuses on it. True stories.

    4. S.V. Ellis

      S.V. Ellis

      You sure you lived in Iowa and not in Harrisburg, PA? Same shit happens here.

  25. Are we back? Looks like we're back. I blame IKEA for the outage.

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