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Heel Turn

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Everything posted by Heel Turn

  1. Michael Vick's gonna score 1 point for every million that Dan Snyder gave McNabb today. The road to the Super Bowl is coming through Philadelphia, motherfuckers.
  2. Fuck Radical Dreamers. Fuck Chrono Cross. I. Want. Chrono. Trigger. 2.
  3. I was bored, so I decided to view the TEWR/EWR board for fun. Never again.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      Okay, look. Steve Corino might be charismatic, but you're fucking crazy if you think he's 95 charismatic. That's like The Rock charismatic. God, seriously, are you insane? He's a 91 *tops.*

    3. hugobomb


      No way man! He's a 92 and you know it!

    4. Rocky


      REF: DJ Ice comment...

      Some people can handle themselves in a proper manner. You're just trying to pin the blame ¬¬

  4. I hereby officially request a Team No One Gets Over usergroup to be created for posters in the Ring. Comment here if you want to see it also.

  5. Coldstone's annoying songs are the reason I DON'T tip them.

    1. TGWL


      They make it uncomfortable to order.

    2. Sousa


      I instead offer to sing if they give me money.

    3. C-MIL


      As I skimmed this, I read it as "Coldplay's annoying songs are the reason I DON'T tip them." I was of the mind they were doing fine without tip money...

  6. Dana should issue Chuck Liddell an ultimatum: if you want to keep fighting, you move up to heavyweight and fight Brock. I would love to see Brock steamroll Liddell. And I could maybe see Dos Santos giving Brock some trouble in the early going, but his takedown defense is kinda untested, so that's a big question mark going in. I dunno, Brock's just such a total package that finding any real flaws is difficult to do. Plus, he just gets so much cannier with each fight that it's only going to get more difficult.
  7. Yeah, he basically rope-a-doped Carwin. Dangerous strategy, but it paid off.
  8. I'm wondering what kind of game plan you could possibly put together to beat Brock. He can take a shitkicking, his stand up is excellent and we all know how he is on the mat. Clearly it's going to take a better man than Carwin to beat Brock into submission. I'm just trying to figure out who the fuck that could possibly be.
  9. Lesnar has a chin of iron and a guy who never made it out of the first round got gassed. Neither of these things is surprising.
  10. You take the brunt of the age jokes which should rightfully be directed at me, so it's cool.

  11. Sorry. I actually love the idea of Glover as Spidey -- the older movies are still fresh in everyone's mind and I could see Glover as a great way to distinguish the two series from one another.
  12. Fuck yes, Glover as Spider Man. He was great in Mystery Team, and he totally has the personality to be an excellent Peter Parker. And Keith, awesome line.
  13. Happy birthday, man. You have my permission to drink yourself into oblivion to celebrate the occasion.

  14. You can treat that with antibiotics, though. I don't think something like that would be sufficient to keep him from ever fighting again.
  15. Haha, nice catch on the status update.

  16. This thread is Joe Theismann approved.
  17. Couture vs. Minotauro was like a Rocky movie, only real. Amazing.
  18. Nice to see Kirkman gettin' paid.
  19. Definitely TF2. The patches just keep adding more awesome into the game.
  20. Apparently Griffin's jaw was dislocated early in the fight, which explains why he went down so easily, appeared to not want much of Silva as the fight progressed, and left the octagon immediately after the fight. He also lost his hearing in the side of the dislocation. http://www.examiner.com/x-14354-NY-MMA-Examiner~y2009m8d9-UFC-101-update-Forrest-Griffins-injuries
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