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The Comic Book Thread (spoilers)

Your Mom

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I've not seen the show the Boys but enjoyed the comics.

Anyway...anybody got an suggestions on comic stuff?

I want to check out stuff like Daredevil, Iron Fist, Deadpool, Gambit, X-Men in general really...i don't know. Any suggestions? Is the civil war story pretty good in comic form?

Oh, any places you can read them online? Or best place to purchase?

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59 minutes ago, VerbalPuke said:

I've not seen the show the Boys but enjoyed the comics.

Anyway...anybody got an suggestions on comic stuff?

I want to check out stuff like Daredevil, Iron Fist, Deadpool, Gambit, X-Men in general really...i don't know. Any suggestions? Is the civil war story pretty good in comic form?

Oh, any places you can read them online? Or best place to purchase?

I can definitely recommend Gerry Duggan's run on Deadpool. I've enjoyed Chip Zdarsky's recent Daredevil run and I've heard Brian Michael Bendis' is good. Civil War is one of my favorite events, along with Secret Invasion, which I also recommend. 

I'd suggest looking into getting a Comixology subscription or a Marvel Unlimited membership. Both offer big libraries of stuff that come with the membership.

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5 hours ago, VerbalPuke said:

I've not seen the show the Boys but enjoyed the comics.

Anyway...anybody got an suggestions on comic stuff?

I want to check out stuff like Daredevil, Iron Fist, Deadpool, Gambit, X-Men in general really...i don't know. Any suggestions? Is the civil war story pretty good in comic form?

Oh, any places you can read them online? Or best place to purchase?

Civil War (the main title, not all the ties ins with other books) is one of the free runs on Marvel Unlimited. You've only got about a week left though.

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Spawn #76 is a real good comic. Real good.

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So I've taken this time to try and read more comics, pick up some things I've missed out on. Batman books I already have/recently picked up are

  • The Long Halloween
  • Dark Victory
  • A Death In The Family
  • The Killing Joke
  • A Serious House On Serious Earth
  • The Dark Knight Returns
  • Court Of Owls
  • The Black Mirror
  • The Black Glove
  • Batman RIP

I have Hush and Year One on my list. Any other suggestions? I think the only Marvel books I've got are Civil War and The Infinity Gauntlet (mainly due to the MCU). Are there any likewise books for Spiderman, or Captain America? Anyone really. Batman has this whole list of required reading, total classic type stuff, not sure what the Marvel equivalents would be.

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As far as Spider-Man is concerned, I'd recommend avoiding anything from J MIchael Straczynzki's run, but especially the `Sins Past' arc. `Sins Past' should be avoided like its the Plague, Covid-19, AIDS and Ebola combined. It requires some serious retconning to even be plausible (explained in my spoiler below), and it completely ruins the character of Gwen Stacy, whilst also making you wish Peter would just up and snap Norman Obsorn's neck, set the corpse on fire, then go piss on his grave. 

JMS does not understand how comics time works. Because originally Gwen was only in Europe for about a couple of weeks. I used to have the Essential volume containing the issues from that time period.

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Ok so Spawn thoughts.

Spawn has some beautiful art and the story has some really interesting and creative bits to it. There's so much there you can tell a great story with but the whole thing keeps going on circles. Al gets angry, Al gets violent, Al questions his humanity, Al mopes in the alley and it all starts again with Cog pissing him off with riddles. Each lap around has a couple new things get added but it still feels very unmoving at points.

The point I'm at they had an issue where Twitch tells Spawn to remember what makes him Human and then Granny Blake does the same to get him out of his mood then right after Al kills his own ghost and swears off his humanity anyway.

There's also a weird habit of McFarlane wanting to remind you that Spawn is a good guy so he has to take time out of heaven vs hell to beat or murder people that are abusing children and women.


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14 hours ago, Gabriel said:

For Spider-Man, the Clone Saga and Maximum Carnage are two that I always really enjoyed. Though, if you're not opposed, I do highly recommend Ultimate Spider-Man.

I really like Ultimate Spider-Man. I've also enjoyed Nick Spencer's current run.

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I ended up buying the next in my Punisher Max series, the Daredevil book that Frank Miller did in the early 90s, and two volumes of Iron Fist.

I want to get some Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor for my oldest son, he loves them. Any ideas? Mind you he loves the MCU version of Guardians of the Galaxy.

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19 minutes ago, VerbalPuke said:

I ended up buying the next in my Punisher Max series, the Daredevil book that Frank Miller did in the early 90s, and two volumes of Iron Fist.

I want to get some Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor for my oldest son, he loves them. Any ideas? Mind you he loves the MCU version of Guardians of the Galaxy.

For Guardians, GotG (2008) is a great starting point. It's the birth of the modern team, and the movie characters and lineup are very similar. It's also got Adam Warlock playing an integral role. And I swoon. That run is also one of my all-time favorites. It's a lot of fun.

For Thor, I'd recommend starting with the second volume, which began in 1998. It's where he and the other heroes return from Franklin Richards' pocket dimension, so it's a soft reboot. There are a lot of cool cameos as well, with Hercules and Namor (I believe) showing up within the first few issues and Thor dealing with his double life.


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2 hours ago, Gabriel said:

Also, @Kaney if you subscribe to Marvel Unlimited, they have curated lists of must-reads for many of the characters. They do a really good job of that, and it gets updated all the time.

Thanks, that is an awesome help.

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Spawn 89

Whoa fucking nelly was there a jump here. In 87 Spawn decided he's Al Simmons anymore and says he quits. 88 he's off playing Punisher beating up child beaters. 89 he's forcing a pedo  to commit suicide AND THEN he bitch slaps and brands a demon who's higher on the food chain than Malebolgia. Suddenly he's that strong and able to pick up and use heavenly weapons. I feel like I missed an event somewhere.

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Annnnd back around in 90 he's punishing racist rapists.

This issue though ticks me off with how bad the end is. Spawn finds three dudes standing over a dead Japanese girl. He forced them to sit and tell him the truth of what happened.

Guy one says they came out to this old house to get high and they found some black guys that killed her. Goes on a racist rant about black people.

Guy two says they picked her up to take her to the house and punish her and stand up for their race. They harass her and try to rape her and then one stabs her after she decks him.

Guy three says he doesn't know the others and just came to sell them the dope as part of his side gig and they tricked him into getting his prints on the knife and demanded his lawyer father get them out of this.

Spawn gives the knife to guy 3 and yells him to bring Justice. Guy stabs the others and as they lay dying they continue to say it was guy 3, not them.

Spawn says he knows and that's why they're getting off easy. Guy three is coming with him and Spawn drags him off into the shadows.

But I say...



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22 hours ago, Your Mom said:

Are the Doom Patrol comics anything like the show? Because I'm loving the show

Can't speak for the TV show, but I'm currently reading Grant Morrison's run and it's phenomenal. I'm gonna guess the comics are a bit darker than the show (I'm thinking of one issue in particular), but it's really a beautiful and absorbing book.

Been using Marvel Unlimited to good measure - I'm loving the original run of Runaways, I wish I'd read this as a teen. 

Also keeping on with Immortal Hulk and just finished issue 15. I like what they're trying to do and there's some really distinctive about the comic, but I'm slightly surprised it's as well-renowned as it is. I've never really been tempted by The Hulk before, and this is doing a good job of keeping me plugging along, especially as it feels like it's really building towards something, but I'm definitely not hitting the levels of emotional investment other people are. 

Edited by Jimmy
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Spawn 100 seems like such a perfect end. Strange that it goes on.

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FYI Marvel Unlimited have changed the lineup of free comics for this month, it now includes Planet Hulk, Secret Invasion and Secret Wars among others.

I quote enjoyed my foray into modern comics last month, read the Winter Soldier arc, Avengers vs X-Men (alright I guess) and a Captain Marvel story I'd have been happy letting my daughter read. Plus they've half tempted me to sign up so mission accomplished Marvel...

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