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I was walking about city centre with all Christmas lights and stuff today when 'Heroin' by the Velvet Underground came on my iPod. It was quite disconcerting.

I need to listen to that again. Why not Christmas!?

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Woohoo I was at the local preowned movies/CDs/manga/games store yesterday and picked up Feeder's "Picture of Perfect Youth" cos it was all the B sides including some of the stuff I loved from back then including Just A Day and their (superior) cover of Can't Stand Losing You.

Turns out it was limited edition and has been sold out since 2005. Groovy. Not bad for £2.50.

I already bought "Another Yesterday" years ago back in the UK which was Japanese import only.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just before Christmas, I was listening to a lot of Five Finger Death Punch. How festive.

For Christmas I had Pearl Jam's "Vitalogy" and Eddie Vedder's OST for "Into the Wild". Vitalogy doesn't really need explaining, but Into the Wild is fantastic. It's got a real sense of emotion to it. Reminds me of a slightly less depressing City & Colour. The song "The Wolf" which features Eddie howling to the music is powerful, really strange how something so strange can both sound in pain and beautiful at the same time.

Also been giving various Gavin Rossdale projects a spin, including 3 of the 4 Bush albums, his one-album band Institute ("Distort Yourself") and his solo album "Wanderlust". I always liked Bush's "Sixteen Stone", but "Razorblade Suitcase" and the other two albums are nowhere near the level of "Sixteen Stone", but Institute, whilst sounding exactly the same as Bush, is better than the other Bush albums, more hard rock orientated. His solo album is more of the pop/chart type ballady stuff, at least to start off, but Rossdale's voice carry these songs that I would normally not give a chance. Just a good album to put on and chill to.

And finally, I bit the bullet and am giving "The '59 Sound" by Gaslight Anthem a spin. Would've listened sooner, but you can't stream it on Last.FM. After learning that Bruce Springsteen performed with them, the similarities between them clicked. They sound a lot like mash of Bruce and The Killers. A lot of it seems a bit samey, but not necessarily in a bad way. The title track is awesome though.

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Gindrinker - who are kind of like a low-budget version of The Fall, in the best possible way. Anyone who writes songs about murderous luchadores, or writes the lyrics "Hail Bowen, King Of Darts!" and "YOU FRAY BENTOS PIE OF A MAN!" is alright by me.

The Gilded Palace Of Sin's "You Break Our Hearts, We'll Tear Yours Out", which is nice enough, even if it just sounds like a Bad Seeds cover band.

Neu!, because I'm cool like that.

John's Children - the precursor to T-Rex/Tyrannosaurus Rex, and damn good psych-y nonsense in their own right.

"Here Come The Warm Jets" by Eno, which is a bloody classic album.

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After reading the book about the early 90s Norwegian black metal scene, Lords of Chaos, by Michael Moynihan and Didrik Søderlind, I decided it was time to check out both Mayhem and Burzum. So far, I've listened to all of Mayhem's albums and about half of Burzum's.

Mayhem was, surprisingly, mostly very good. I especially liked the earliest recordings, even though the production on them is laughably bad. They actually have, like, good songs instead of just noise. Influences from Venom, Slayer and Celtic Frost are easy to pick up. The experimental, avant-garde album Grand Declaration of War from 1994 is pretty shitty, but otherwise, Mayhem's catalogue is solid metal throughout.

Now Burzum's a completely different thing. Much more evil from the get-go, more atmospheric, and much rawer. Not as good songs as Mayhem, but I don't think Burzum is that much about songs. It's all about the gloomy, moody atmosphere. Especially the stuff he did while in prison is mesmerizing.

Next up for me will be Gorgoroth. I'm already fearing what it will be like.

Edited by Jayzon
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Pretty sure I commented on them a few weeks ago when I first heard them, but I'm giving Them Crooked Vultures another listen now.

My god it seems this album goes on forever. It starts great then just... peters out.

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An absurd range of music at the moment. A friend of a friend is a friend of Darren Hayman (now how's THAT for tenuous links to barely famous people?!), and she's given me a veritable shedload of Darren Hayman, Hefner, The French and Wave Pictures stuff that I didn't already have - gradually making my way through all that. Other than the slight vintage electronic noodlings in latter day Hefner and The French, it's not really anything I've not heard from him before - all very quaint, with some fantastic turns of phrase and some utter rubbish ones, but even the bad lyrics just end up sounding charming. Mostly good, in any case. "Wu-Tang Clan" by The French, and the later live version by Hayman and his mates, is good fun.

Aside from that, I've been filling holes in my CD collection and picked up "Beyond" by Dinosaur Jr. and "John Wesley Harding" by Bob Dylan - both nice enough, really. I've not been in the mood to indulge myself too much with either of them, though.

I'm currently reading a history of Noise Music, so I've been listening to a lot of Nurse With Wound, Merzbow, Pierre Schaeffer, Stravinsky, Varese, SunnO))) and a couple of old Futurism/Dada albums I've had lying around, and I think it's sent me a big wrong.

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