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Just seen episode 2 of Snuff Box because someone just grabbed the episodes off of YouTube last fucking night, and hunting around didn't turn up episode 1. Two things.

1.) Not gonna watch another episode of this at work, didn't know girls were gonna get their tits out during.

2.) Love the gag with Matt Berry being chivalric by helping girls out, then telling them to fuck off the instant they mention their boyfriend.

All in all pretty fun, gonna have to hunt the rest down when I get home.

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Rosemary's Baby - Just superb. Caught it in the BFI where they're doing a Polanski retrospective and it just hit all the right notes for me. It was psychological and very disturbing. Polanski's ability to present a wholly believable world is what makes the film succeed because it makes everything much more effective and human. There's also some beautiful imagery and a very memorable montage sequence that blends beauty and horror. A near perfect thriller in my opinion.

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Up to episode seven of season 1 of Homeland. It is dangerously veering towards Walking Dead territory where I sort of watch for where the plot goes but I don't give two shits about anyone involved.

The twist of Carrie fucking Brody comes so out of nowhere that I forgot how uber-obsessive she was early in the season and veers way too into Dexter's weird sudden twists that are fun to see but generally destroy interesting characters.

Then again, people seem to like season 2, so I guess keep watching?

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Series premier of The Following. Not bad, not great. Seems more like a series Fox will give a chance to and probably cancel after 2 or 3 seasons.

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, the american version. I've seen it before but hadn't watched it in awhile. Noticable differences if you've read the books and/or seen the Swedish versions of the series, which I have. Good movie, though the rape scene still makes me cringe

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Close-Up: Abbas Kiarostami's documentary was a really interesting insight to a man with an identity crisis. It's not a riveting film, and I can understand how the slow pace could alienate some people, but it's just extremely interesting. The main character pretends to be a famous director in Iran, telling a family that he wants to use their house for his next film before he gets caught and put on trial for fraud. The trial itself is revealing and allows for a real look into this man's mindset. It won't be for everyone, but I thought it was excellent.

The Ladykillers: I watched the original British version and enjoyed it. I'm not sure if I expected to enjoy it more, but I can see why The Coen's went onto remake it (I haven't seen it, but I haven't heard good things) because there's a bunch of themes that would go onto appear in a lot of their films. The cast are all great and the whole thing's just a really fun dark comedy; though I didn't find myself laughing out loud all that much. I'm interested in looking into the rest of the director's work to expand my knowledge of older British film. I think I might've hyped this up a bit too much, don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it, but I think I expected it to just do that extra bit more for me.

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Just watched the first two episodes of Young Justice. I'm loving it so far and surprised I never read anything about it on here since it's made by Greg Weisman (of Spectacular Spider-Man fame).

There's like, a whole topic for Marvel and DC Animations. Where we all talk about Young Justice being awesome.

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The Ladykillers: I watched the original British version and enjoyed it. I'm not sure if I expected to enjoy it more, but I can see why The Coen's went onto remake it (I haven't seen it, but I haven't heard good things) because there's a bunch of themes that would go onto appear in a lot of their films. The cast are all great and the whole thing's just a really fun dark comedy; though I didn't find myself laughing out loud all that much. I'm interested in looking into the rest of the director's work to expand my knowledge of older British film. I think I might've hyped this up a bit too much, don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it, but I think I expected it to just do that extra bit more for me.

The remake is unfairly maligned, in my opinion. It's not the Coens' best work, but it's not their worst either. It's at least an above average film. That said, I haven't seen the original, so I don't know how it compares.

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Just watched the first two episodes of Young Justice. I'm loving it so far and surprised I never read anything about it on here since it's made by Greg Weisman (of Spectacular Spider-Man fame).

There's like, a whole topic for Marvel and DC Animations. Where we all talk about Young Justice being awesome.

To be fair, that topic hasn't been posted in this year.

I liked the one new Young Justice episode that I've seen so far! But I think I'm behind a bit.

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The Third Man - As we're doing a bit about Film Noir in theory, I decided to watch this. I really appreciated everything in it and some of the set pieces are fantastic; especially the final shot, which I won't spoil, but it definitely sticks with you. An interesting narrative which takes twists and turns you don't quite expect and the whole thing looks beautiful. It didn't have me sucked in for the full narrative and, as far as Noir goes, it didn't capture me anywhere near as well as Double Indemnity did. Orson Welles is great, though. I think I'll watch A Touch of Evil next.

Senna - Finally got round to watching Senna and it didn't disappoint. Just incredible. Knew very little about Senna's career before I watched the film, so everything was new, fresh and exciting. A great character with a ton of charisma, it was rewarding to watch his rise to the top of F1. But christ, is this heartbreaking. The end really got to me, just horrible to watch. A real mix of triumph and heartbreak - can't recommend enough.

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I've been ramping up for this triptych of Norwegian plays I'm doing, so I watched a couple of recommended Norwegian films, both by the same writer/director: Reprise and Oslo, August 31st.

Both are intimate, psychological films and fairly dark. I enjoyed both, but Oslo far more so. Reprise is slightly darker throughout and - more importantly - feels like the writer/director got a little caught up in the genius of his own storytelling, to the point of some confusion. That said, it doesn't ruin the film outright. Oslo is stil dark - and it's even more methodical in pace - but manages to tell a simple, honest story that asks plenty of questions without spoon-feeding answers.

If you don't mind a film being a bit "slow" (and likely in a language not your own), then definitely check out Oslo. If you really dig that, Reprise is good for further exploration of this writer/director and Norwegian film in general.

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Disney put the short that appears before Wreck-It Ralph online. If for whatever reason you haven't seen or have no interest in seeing Wreck-It Ralph, you owe it to yourself to watch this because it's really, really good.


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