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Guest Coowra

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The Dark Knight was about the tale of Dent, from Hero to Villain. Originally Two Face would be created at the end of the second movie or in the beginning of the third, but as Nolan said there was no real character arc for anyone, thus why Two Face was central to the end of this film. In essence, he could easily be dead as his story is over.

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I think the next film could really use someone like Deadshot as a villain. His initial debut (Which was in batman) was him trying to become the new 'Hero' of Gotham while secretly planning on becoming a criminal king. I can see him trying to capitalize on Gotham's new dislike of Batman and be the hero of the people while actually being the villain to those watching.


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I still find it funny that the people that are swearing to God that Mr. Reese means the Riddler is coming seem to ignore the more blatant suggestion of Catwoman being involved in the next movie.

In all seriousness, though, I have read the ENTIRE script now. I'm sure lines were changed for the movie, but I think that Reese actually gets referred to as "Mr. Reese," like...once in the whole damn thing.

I also think that the script doesn't make Harvey's fate any more or less ambiguous. Granted, you could make the case that Dent is consistently called Dent throughout the entire fucking script, even when he's Two Face, but you could still spin it as having a deeper meaning because Dent is dead, leaving only Two Face, etc.

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Yeah, it's from the new MK vs DC game. That'll probably be the only highlight of the game, to be honest.

Anyway, I saw some pictures of a Joker figure on another forum...



Do want.

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What hint of Catwoman was there? Personally I think they're going to try and stay the hell away from her after the debacle of the Catwoman movie - no director in their right mind would want to associate a top-grossing franchise with a stinker like that.

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What hint of Catwoman was there? Personally I think they're going to try and stay the hell away from her after the debacle of the Catwoman movie - no director in their right mind would want to associate a top-grossing franchise with a stinker like that.

... really? They'll stay away from one of the most significant and well known characters because of one bad movie? A bad movie that took basically nothing from the source material? No offence Skummy but if they go by that logic they really don't deserve to make money off the character >_>

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I'd rather believe Nolan who has expressed a disdain for the character in general. But we'll know one way or the other in about 10 to 14 months.

Well yeah, that's totally understandable, but to evade the character just because of one bad awful film so horrendous that words can't describe would be idiocy.

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If Nolan doesn't like the character, it's best not to have him try to work around it really... and besides, I'm tired of Selina stuff. It doesn't interest me in the least bit... not in the first movie she was in, not in animation, and certainly not here.

Or else you wind up with something like Venom in Spider-Man III.

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I'd like Tennant as The Riddler, but I'd have to question it since it's almost certainly going to end up a little close to home with his most known work in Doctor Who, it's why I'm kind of glad Josh Holloway didn't get cast as Gambit in the Wolverine movie, because I'd be seeing what is basically Sawyer as Gambit.

Never happen and I know a lot of people might not like the idea, but I'd love to see Joaquin Phoenix as The Riddler for some reason.

Edited by benji-182
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