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The Old Sony Megathread


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Home wasn't nearly as special as it was hyped to be, but I'd still rank the XMB much, much higher than the NXE dashboard. If it was the original dashboard it'd go to 360 easy, but the NXE is awful. The PSN store is much easier to navigate than the marketplace, in my opinion.

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At the moment, the thing I like more about the 360 than the PS3 is the ability to sign in a gamertag for each player. You can only be signed into one account on the PSN. So I can't earn any trophies playing as player 2 in co-op games such as LOTR:Conquest and Rock Band 2.

This would be a huge plus if they could implement this in a firmware update sometime.

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Just borrowed my cousin's PSEye and got the last remaining Burnout Trophy (mugshot) and subsequently the Elite platinum one. Nice.

Arggghhhh....if I give you my PSN info can you get that for me?

Sorry, no can do. I gave it back to my other cousin who took it back to the owner of it minutes after using it. It took me about a week to get hold of it myself.

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I haven't actually played Burnout yet but my brother has it and also has an eye-toy, so I could probably get it for you if you really wanted.

Has anyone else tried this VidZone program yet? It's basically a really clunky PS3 version of youtube for music vids but it's actually not half-bad if you want to put together playlists of your fave music videos. I could see it being used quite well if you wanted to have a sort of personalised music channel playing on your TV especially if you're having a party or somethin'.

So far I've just put together a dance playlist which I had going the other night when we were getting ready to go to a party. Not bad for nothing.

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I haven't actually played Burnout yet but my brother has it and also has an eye-toy, so I could probably get it for you if you really wanted.

Has anyone else tried this VidZone program yet? It's basically a really clunky PS3 version of youtube for music vids but it's actually not half-bad if you want to put together playlists of your fave music videos. I could see it being used quite well if you wanted to have a sort of personalised music channel playing on your TV especially if you're having a party or somethin'.

So far I've just put together a dance playlist which I had going the other night when we were getting ready to go to a party. Not bad for nothing.

I'd had a look a few days ago, decent but wayyyy too clunky. If they sort that out, it'll be pretty good to browse around.

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At the moment, the thing I like more about the 360 than the PS3 is the ability to sign in a gamertag for each player. You can only be signed into one account on the PSN. So I can't earn any trophies playing as player 2 in co-op games such as LOTR:Conquest and Rock Band 2.

This would be a huge plus if they could implement this in a firmware update sometime.

Uuuh... what? Me and my buddy Karl do that all the time.

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On what games? I know LBP allows you to sign in two local PS3 accounts but you can't earn trophies for 2 different PSN accounts or at least you couldn't last time I played on it.

I google searched and apparently this update was to be included in firmware released at the same time as Resistance 2 but since I've never played that and never heard anything regarding this since I don't know if it's actually been implemented.

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That's what I thought. The best article I could find on the matter is this: How Sony is Screwing Player 2 on the PS3 which pretty much sums it up but it is from last year.

I like to play quite a lot of multiplayer games at home with my brother or girlfriend like LBP, FIFA09, LOTR:Conquest and NBA2K9 (soon to be 2K10 which will have trophies) so would be nice to not have to play through again to get trophies.

Nothing recent suggests it's going to be implemented.

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There is a free LBP Costume comming for one week this thursday. A druid that is pritty cute.


Further Rumores about a price reduction of older games.

# Wipeout HD 1,99€ (likely not going to happen)

# Stardust HD 1,99€

I just bought the first Puzzel Quest game today, it´s fun... i don´t know yet if it´s worth the Price but it seems fun even while being a little bit to random ( guss the new game with gems comming from 6 directions will be even more random) ...also got me a Cheap Copy of Oblision GOTY Edition on the web... not that i have any time to play these games. :shifty:

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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Far Cry 2 is a great game with some very nice touches.

I just got annoyed a while in when I realised that EVERYONE you meet on the roads is out to kill you and even when you're doing a mission for a certain faction, as if to make coding easier, they tell you "oh, our men won't realise that you're working for us...So they'll still attack you". That's a bit stupid.

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Far Cry 2 is a great game with some very nice touches.

I just got annoyed a while in when I realised that EVERYONE you meet on the roads is out to kill you and even when you're doing a mission for a certain faction, as if to make coding easier, they tell you "oh, our men won't realise that you're working for us...So they'll still attack you". That's a bit stupid.

I had it, but basically, Hammy got it right. Aspects are nice, but it gets a bit tedious when every 2 minutes sees you having to jump out of your car and engage a group of enemies, irrelevant of what you are up to at that time.

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