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The Old Sony Megathread


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I'm sorry, but as much as people keep toting used games getting locked out... I see it as a literal killing shot for any company against themselves to seriously attempt to develop a new games only platform. The PSP Go was a pure digital handheld that bombed harder than anyone expected it to-- and it wasn't even expected to be a huge draw for Sony-- and I'd shudder to think how awful the PS4 would actually do in the long-term plans for Sony if it adopted a ban on used games.

Speaking from experience, the biggest reason pre-owned games exist isn't because there's a demand for buying pre-owned games. The biggest reason is that people want the option of selling back their games when they're done with them to make the newer, ever-expensive games less expensive. Remove that option and you're going to see a massive cut in new games sales, and that's not going to help Sony's bottom line in the slightest.

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Personally, a used games block wouldn't affect me at all as I don't have any and just wait for games to come in to my price point. It means my collection still has FIFA 09 but given I only bought it new for a couple of quid I doubt it'd have a trade in value of more than 5p so I'm hardly missing out. Some games move down in price fairly quick too. I KNEW I'd love Skyrim so picked it up on release day, it was only £30 in Sainsburys and adding in 'er indoors' discount it was a steal. There's not been a game I've never picked up on the grounds that it didn't come down to a level I was content with parting cash for and a lot of the time I have the chance to see plenty of reviews, gauge lots of opinions and make an informed choice as to whether or not I want a game and would get any lasting appeal out of it.

What would cause me to dismiss a console though is permanent online requirements. The signal in the flats is so apalling that it's unusable for even a short period of time. I'm not buying a console that I wouldn't be able to play anything on.

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Blocking used games would be a killer for me. Like what Norro said, I resell old games in order to make new games less expensive. I barely buy anything new without trading in games I've beaten or otherwise have no interest in playing anymore.

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I don't think we're at a stage where internet connections everywhere are reliable or fast enough for this kind of technology. Hell, if I remember rightly half of 360 users either aren't online or aren't Gold members. I get the impression these sorts of rumours are getting floated just to test the waters.

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I would be PISSED if they blocked used games. Like Norro said, I like having the ability to sell back my old games so that I can get newer ones for cheaper. Plus, sharing games with friends! That would die out instantly. I really hope that and the always on DRM (I don't know if my internet connection is stable enough for that) is just scare mongering by the internet community. Surely Sony and Microsoft would know that doing something like that would piss off the entire fanbase...right? RIGHT?!

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I highly doubt this will happen. We just had the European court rule that even digital downloads need to be resell-able - everyone would just get their games from the EU in the end. Did it long enough with Japanese and US/CA games on my ModChiped PS2. Ad to that that steam is giving you far better prices.. one WILL fall next genneration. And it will not be SteamBox failing.

Online Only is something i could see happen just because of random paranoia. I don´t know why Sony would do that since the PS3 has been more or less the most piracy save that ever had been made. I see this happening for xbox.

But i said it a few pages back already. There is no reason or need for me to buy a new console within the next 3-4 years, if at all i´ll get a new iPad at some point... so i´ll just sit back and see how Hardware, restrictions and game library will unfold while the price drops.

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I'm just looking forward to seeing the new consoles revealed so we can bring an end to all these contradictory "leaks" and rumours. So far, if all of these "reliable sources" are to be believed, the new Xbox will be a Blu-Ray-only, digital-only, DVD-only device that blocks out used games and only functions with a constant online connection, yet actually does neither. Meanwhile, Sony's device will be both substantially more powerful, yet somehow considerably less powerful, than Microsoft's machine and will also force players to register their games to their online accounts to stifle used game sales, except really it won't.

I don't like to play the role of super-skeptic, but I'm not going to believe anything until I see it.

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Hardware is just talk anyway. What the need is a better concept of getting it to people, because thats something they did not have since PSP/PS2. PS3, despite being sold out due to production shortage in the beginning, took years to take of, PSP go tanked and Vita is far from being there yet.

But with Vitas restrictions to one PSN account at a time i can absolutely see them doing something borderline retarded.

The question they need to answer asap is why do i want a PS4 besides it´s horse power. It needs strong games to pop up regularly before it´s two/three years into it´s cycle like PS3, it needs a better UI and it needs a far better online service especially when it comes the the show (horrid downloadspeeds, bad navigation, prices that are higher than the retail version even years after release - the only positive here is how PS+ evolved.) - Also their SDK is said to be horrible esp. for non japanes Developers.

If they get there things right and don´t do crazy bullshit for copyright protection they might survive.

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They might survive? Did I miss Sonys death knell?

The new numbers should be coming sometime around now. About a year ago they had to announce 2.9 billion US$ looses in the year before. Obviusly this issent only Sony gaming but the company at large.


They need to change things up everywhere. And if after PSPgo and Vita another console tanks/looks like tanking they might just Axe certain parts of their investments in gaming hardware.

I think right now they still have a lot of faith because PSP did good for a long time and and the vita might come ontop many years later as the PS3 did. (which i doubt will be the case since pphones and tablets are catching up each year in horsepower, and esp. phones are something everyone already owns anyway, why get a vita?)

But if they ad some bullshit restrictions and Steam just takes away their share of the marked in US/EU because people are like "fuck you sony, why would i buy your console if i have to veryfy with a drop of blood that this is my game and i am alowed to play it". Deep shit happening. I know in japan it´s a bit different, but you see were i am coming from here. Other big console developers have left the marked and right now Sony might be the weakest link that has to be the most careful.

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Spending time in Japan helped me realise how little British stores supported the PSP and Vita. Soooo many games over there. Same with the DS - ridiculously huge aisles of story games, weird games, horror and puzzle and mystery games. Beautiful.

Far bigger range of games for PS2/3 too. You JRPG lot would get far too excited.

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They might survive? Did I miss Sonys death knell?

The new numbers should be coming sometime around now. About a year ago they had to announce 2.9 billion US$ looses in the year before. Obviusly this issent only Sony gaming but the company at large.


They need to change things up everywhere. And if after PSPgo and Vita another console tanks/looks like tanking they might just Axe certain parts of their investments in gaming hardware.

I think right now they still have a lot of faith because PSP did good for a long time and and the vita might come ontop many years later as the PS3 did. (which i doubt will be the case since pphones and tablets are catching up each year in horsepower, and esp. phones are something everyone already owns anyway, why get a vita?)

But if they ad some bullshit restrictions and Steam just takes away their share of the marked in US/EU because people are like "fuck you sony, why would i buy your console if i have to veryfy with a drop of blood that this is my game and i am alowed to play it". Deep shit happening. I know in japan it´s a bit different, but you see were i am coming from here. Other big console developers have left the marked and right now Sony might be the weakest link that has to be the most careful.

Firstly, if that's the same figures-reporting that I read about (it's been a while), didn't it turn out that the gaming arm was actually the only division in the company that was a turning a profit/not posting a loss/carrying the rest of the company?

There's plenty to reason to get a Vita if you're an avid gamer. The software library needs to pick up a bit, but those near-console experiences they're shooting far aren't available elsewhere, and I'm sure I'm not the only who can't fucking stand virtual buttons and joysticks, ruling out any tablet option.

And I still don't get why you're so sold on Steam taking over the planet and killing off every other gaming option around. PC hardware is still prohibitively expensive for a lot of people, it's more of an effort to set up. The big picture stuff will alleviate some of that, but it's still got to shake the nerdy stigma it has. Why would anyone bother when they can whack £200 down for an Xbox and play?

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A few people are really sold on Steam (usually running on their non-Windows OS PCs).

The vast majority of people who own computers seem to just want to make sure that they're good enough to download porn, play Farmville and watch videos of kittens on youtube.

Such is life.

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Nah :( Lousy thing. Wondering if it's because of that free Plus that we got when the bank details got hacked.

I tried entering it on the PS Store page in the Redeem Codes section. With and without - - - - and both with mine and yours it said it had expired.

Actually I may be really stupid. Do I click to buy a Plus subscription and enter it then just before it takes my money?

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So I played through the Jurassic Park game created by Telltale Games (the makers of the Walking Dead game, as well as a Back To The Future one, a Strong Bad one, and the modern generation Sam and Max games). It's not as emotionally gripping as TWD but still has a fantastic story to it, and really plays out like an interactive Jurassic Park movie.

It also provides a lot of added lore into the series. Including stuff that makes Hammond come off as a massive dick, and a lot of the plot involves a certain can of shaving cream.

Plus a moment where one of the characters kills a velociraptor

with a bowie knife.

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Spending time in Japan helped me realise how little British stores supported the PSP and Vita. Soooo many games over there. Same with the DS - ridiculously huge aisles of story games, weird games, horror and puzzle and mystery games. Beautiful.

Far bigger range of games for PS2/3 too. You JRPG lot would get far too excited.

Did you ever find Atsushi Onita's Political Quiz? That's my favourite "wait...what?" DS game.

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So I played through the Jurassic Park game created by Telltale Games (the makers of the Walking Dead game, as well as a Back To The Future one, a Strong Bad one, and the modern generation Sam and Max games). It's not as emotionally gripping as TWD but still has a fantastic story to it, and really plays out like an interactive Jurassic Park movie.

It also provides a lot of added lore into the series. Including stuff that makes Hammond come off as a massive dick, and a lot of the plot involves a certain can of shaving cream.

Plus a moment where one of the characters kills a velociraptor

with a bowie knife.

All the reviews I read of Jurassic Park were really negative, is it really worth a go? Telltales Monkey Island games were superb if you haven't tried them.

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So I played through the Jurassic Park game created by Telltale Games (the makers of the Walking Dead game, as well as a Back To The Future one, a Strong Bad one, and the modern generation Sam and Max games). It's not as emotionally gripping as TWD but still has a fantastic story to it, and really plays out like an interactive Jurassic Park movie.

It also provides a lot of added lore into the series. Including stuff that makes Hammond come off as a massive dick, and a lot of the plot involves a certain can of shaving cream.

Plus a moment where one of the characters kills a velociraptor

with a bowie knife.

All the reviews I read of Jurassic Park were really negative, is it really worth a go? Telltales Monkey Island games were superb if you haven't tried them.

Fuck the reviewers, it's a wonderful game.

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