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The Old Nintendo Megathread


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Just got my Wii U, now it's updating. Looks like it's going to be a while 'til I play.

You can set the update to run in the background while you play. You just can't switch off the console while it's still updating.

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How do I do that? Only thing the gamepad is letting me do while it downloads in control the tv/sky (which is really sweet).

Just running off memory, as it's my girlfriend's console, but I think you have to do something silly like cancel the update when you're prompted to download it, click "Cancel" instead of downloading it, and it'll just kick in as a background download while you're doing something else.

I don't know if it's possible to do it once you've already started downloading it, though? Might be worth Googling it to find out for sure or something.

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I'm sure other games will be more impressive, but having had a Wii U traded in and set up with Nintendoland in-store, I can't say I'm moved much by the visuals so far. Also the tablet feels kinda cheap. I'll reserve full judgement until I get my hands on a proper triple-A type title, but yeah, not exactly going to rush out to purchase one just yet.

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I played Rayman at the store the other day. I definitely was not a huge fan. I didn't mind the Wii, but the WiiU just didn't wow me. I don't think it'll kill Nintendo but I don't think it was a step in the right direction.

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The guy who traded it in basically bought it because OMG NEXT GEN IS HERE. He was coming from a PS3, so it didn't seem like much of a leap, hence he traded it. I'd imagine it'd be far more impressive to gamers who exclusively played on the Wii. Which might prove a problem looking at the software line-up they're pushing (Mass Effect, Batman, Assassin's Creed etc.)

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Sadly, we can't display anything above a 12 rating in store. I think the guy did trade Zombi U in, so I might go in early on Sunday and have a crack at it. It's certainly the game I'm most interested in thus far.

There are a couple of bits of tablet gimmickry, but for the most part, it feels very intuitive, and it's a lot of fun. I can see why people aren't overly enthused by the WiiU but, personally, I've absolutely loved it so far, and it's been the most fun I've had gaming in a long time. For someone who's more of a graphics nut, coming from a PS3 or 360, though, I can see why it wouldn't feel too new and exciting, but as much as Nintendo have made a fuss about it being more geared towards "hardcore gamers", I doubt they will prove to be the core demographic for the console in the future.

NintendoLand is a tech demo/glorified tutorial for the tablet, so it's not the best introduction to the console as a games machine. I think you need to already be pretty sold on the concept before playing that game, as it's not going to wow you and win you over.

So far, though, what little I've played of ZombiU has been brilliant, and probably the best pure "zombie" game I've ever played, in terms of atmosphere, and feeling like a great zombie movie, and it's the best use of the tablet as part of the game, and not as a fancy new gadget. I thought the inventory/menu/etc. being on the tablet screen and not the TV would be distracting, but it's not at all, for me at least.

Sonic & Sega All-Star Racing is a hell of a lot of fun, though it's not a WiiU exclusive, and doesn't really use the tablet all that much, so it's just a solid game, not really a selling point.

Super Mario Bros U is fun - though I've only played a couple of levels so far. Much like its Wii precursor, though, it tends to fall back on nostalgia and "not broke, don't fix it" way more than it perhaps should, and sometimes feels like it's crying out for new ideas. It might get better later on, I don't know.

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One of the Castlevania games, there's like 3 of them (Unless you adverse to the Metroidvania style)

Elite Beat Agents

Advance Wars Dual Strike (or maybe the second one, I didn't get the best first impression from that one though, seemed kinda gritty which seems off)

New Super Mario Bros

Yoshi's Island DS

Super Princess Peach (Sexism ho!)

Jump Ultimate Stars (If you can get a flashcart to get it and the English translation)

Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (And/or Spirit Tracks)

Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time (And/or Bowser's Inside Story, or just get Superstar Saga on GBA and start there ((The mustard of your doom!)))

Professor Layton series

Phoenix Wright series

Trauma Center

Meteos/Tetris for something puzzly

Hotel Dusk: Room 215

Lost in Blue 1/2

There's roughly 8 million RPG's, I'm not familiar with some of them but they'll probably appeal to you/I've heard good things:

FF III/IV, FF Tactics A2 (and theres a few other FF related titles around), Disgaea DS (Not sure if this is it's own thing or a port of something), The World Ends With You, Chrono Trigger, Dark Spire, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2/Strange Journey, Dragon's Quest (a whole bunch of em)

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One of the Castlevania games, there's like 3 of them (Unless you adverse to the Metroidvania style)

Elite Beat Agents

Advance Wars Dual Strike (or maybe the second one, I didn't get the best first impression from that one though, seemed kinda gritty which seems off)

New Super Mario Bros

Yoshi's Island DS

Super Princess Peach (Sexism ho!)

Jump Ultimate Stars (If you can get a flashcart to get it and the English translation)

Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (And/or Spirit Tracks)

Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time (And/or Bowser's Inside Story, or just get Superstar Saga on GBA and start there ((The mustard of your doom!)))

Professor Layton series

Phoenix Wright series

Trauma Center

Meteos/Tetris for something puzzly

Hotel Dusk: Room 215

Lost in Blue 1/2

There's roughly 8 million RPG's, I'm not familiar with some of them but they'll probably appeal to you/I've heard good things:

FF III/IV, FF Tactics A2 (and theres a few other FF related titles around), Disgaea DS (Not sure if this is it's own thing or a port of something), The World Ends With You, Chrono Trigger, Dark Spire, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2/Strange Journey, Dragon's Quest (a whole bunch of em)

Thanks! I just put an ad up on Kijiji looking for these, hoping to get some of them for cheap. (Really want FF3/4, Chrono Trigger, Advanced Wars, Legend of Zelda and the New Mario games)

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Yeah, crows and rats are the absolute worst. Though wait 'til you get to the supermarket...that's the creepiest part I've come across so far, especially the meat locker.

Though last time I played, I lasted longer than I ever had - still primarily using the cricket bat as my weapon of choice, and after I'd killed a ton of zombies, my guy went from screaming and whimpering every time he hit one to actually fucking laughing. I think I broke him.

Also, as a warning, later on in the game, zombies start disguising themselves as corpses, so they don't show up as lifeforms on your scanner, and don't move until you get close to them. There's one or two that really fucked me up like that. I've just got into the habit of beheading every dead body I find, just to be on the safe side.

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