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The Old Nintendo Megathread


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So to accommodate the demands of absolutely not one person hat has ever asked for it, Nintendo is bringing out a Wii Mini. Apparently, it's been out for a while in Canada? Basically a black Gamecube looking thing completely stripped of every Wii feature bar the ability to play Wii discs. No GC compatibility, no SD card slot, no cube pads, no online whatsoever. Weird timing to say the least.

That's in Canada? I haven't seen it.

That part was anecdotal (someone's response to the listing on our company intranet), so I'm not sure of the specifics, but according to the Wii's wiki page, it launched at the beginning of December, costing one hundred Canadapounds.

Also, stupidly our pre-release info only shows it looking like this:


...hence why I described as looking like a Gamecube. It actually looks like this:


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Ruki! How much was that? And let me know how it works out for you, I'd be willing to get one for Pokemon Heart Gold. Probably cheaper than actually buying Heart Gold. >_>

I think it was like...$10, and that is with shipping. Even if it doesn't work, it's no big loss.

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You should be fine (eventually) with just about any DS game as they do constant firmware updates - even the Chinese knockoff that I had eventually worked out every problem. If you are using it in a 3DS you'll occasionally get locked out until the next firmware though, as Nintendo has been pretty big on lockin' em out with updates.

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Dear god I am loving this - I only rarely played the other games in the series, but when I was picking up a new 3DS XL with my tax return my friend at the store told me that they had some of the new Fire Emblem in and it was very rare that they had 'em so I grabbed it. Glad I did.

I'm playing on the Normal difficulty on the Classic setting ('cause I think perma-death is a pretty big part of the game so I should probably play with it) and I was just wondering this - how much thought should I give to making sure I level up certain people and their weapons? Is it possible to get to a point where I am entirely stuck because I leveled too evenly? At the same time is there a point in the game where I can just keep getting into random encounters to level up and such?

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Random Risen enemies will show up on the map, and you can even call in random encounters through the Bonus Box's special teams (under the wireless button). On Normal it's also pretty cheap to buy a Reeking Box to summon more Risen onto the map--and said Risen will have some Bullion for you, so on Normal it pays for itself.

I think the most people you can have on any particular battle on the map is 13 (12 plus Chrom), and aside from the people who join your party during the battle, you're never restricted with regard to whom you take in. At a certain point you can even leave your MyUnit/main character out of every battle in the game (which I wouldn't do because it's a powerful character by design, but it's possible). I usually fall into a groove, leveling up whom I wanted to level up and using Risen fights (and the EXPonential Growth DLC) to build up people I was just using for relationships.

I don't know how far you are into the game yet, so I don't want to spoil the relationship thing, but if you know where it ends up anyway you can read:

Just to give you an example, I wasn't using Vaike in a whole lot of fights in the early game, but he can get access to the Hero class (and the Sol skill) with a Master Seal, so I wanted him to at least get that. Vaike would therefore get used a lot in Risen battles with whomever his mate would be (Olivia in my current game), building their relationship and leveling them up. The point was to pass on Vaike's Sol ability to Olivia's son Inigo since he can go down the Myrmidion/Swordmaster path on his own and become really powerful.

So if you want to sideline somebody for a while, that's okay; the game's not going to punish you by forcing you to use, say, Kellam if he's sitting on the sidelines all game. Unless (more relationship stuff)...

...you want to just build Kellam up to marry somebody else--he's a good match for Muriel since he has good defensive stats and Laurent (Muriel's son) is magically inclined like his mom.

FYI, I haven't been able to get far on Hard difficulty. When they say "hard" they ain't just whistlin' Dixie. My early strategy in my previous playthrough involved using Frederick to build up Donnel because Donnel has great stat growth but starts out horrible (Donnel is the game's Magikarp), but Donnel keeps dying. Very tough.

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This morning I got to the point where I first got access to shops, so I kind of answered that myself by seeing the boxes for sale. I just had the teaming up dynamic introduced to me and I think that'll take some getting used to - but I suppose the best thing to do in non-major fights would be to team up two people who I am interesting in hookin' up or advancing relationship wise? Seems easier than just making sure they're beside each other all the time.

Oh and my instant favorite is Sumia.

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Sumia is great. Get her into the Dark Flier class with a Master Seal, get her to level 15, and have her marry Chrom before (I think) Chapter 13. You won't regret it.

I actually suggest getting a few Dark Fliers up to Level 15--the Galeforce skill is great (extra attack if you kill someone with the attack, and you'll do a lot of that as you power up). I even took Lissa down this path, using my first Second Seal to make her a Pegasus Knight. Lissa with Galeforce leads to great things down the road.

Owain--one of the best of the kids in the game--gets it as well. Holy shit.

But at the very least, get Galeforce with Sumia. She doesn't have to marry Chrom, but she doesn't have a lot of possible husbands, and Chrom's a very good one.

Oh, and the relationship question: yes, use random fights to build relationships. Once you've gotten two people married (up to S) build them with others as well if you want. High support levels add ridiculous bonuses.

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