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On 27/10/2019 at 12:03, Maxx said:

Chance the Rapper is a really good SNL host

The cemetary ghosts skit was funny as hell. And I can't remember the last time a host who was also the musical guest introduced themself before performing. (Then again, I haven't watched SNL on a regular basis in over a decade.....)


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I'm really enjoying Nancy Drew on The CW.  Its playing out real good so far...the mystery is pretty good

Though I can't believe Scott Wolf is Nancy Drew's father, because Scott Wolf still looks like he's 30

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Just finished GLOW's third season.


To go back to a prior discussion with @Jimmy in here, I've completely turned around on Debbie and loved how she ended the season. The way she treated Bash and turned it all into a big, big step forward for herself and him, and all the GLOW girls really, was terrific and her arc over the season was fascinating. Really well laid out. As I said in the earlier posts on it, Bettie Gilpin plays the role superbly. Debbie is one of the most complex, watchable characters on television for me.

That Bash scene in the finale where he just poured out his inner psyche to Debbie was incredible. It washed away a season of horrible behaviour from him and I just related to him so much in that scene. The way the writers weave these complex, starkly human characters around one another is superb, and Debbie, Bash and Ruth in particular have been enhanced by that this season.

The Sam/Ruth stuff had me in emotional knots time and again but it felt an unsatisfying conclusion, that they didn't interact at all in the finale after their big blow up in LA. In fact, the way they sorta sidelined Sam after the time jump - and sidelined Justine completely for all but about 2 episodes this season - was the biggest disappointment for me. In fact the time jump on the whole didn't work really, it stifled a few interesting stories - Tamme's injury and transition to managing chief among them - and I would just rather have had it play out without that jump, and have them maybe only run 6 months in the Fan-Tan.

Arthie's arc was wonderful too, again really relatable and had a good pay-off with her coming to terms with herself and everything at the end of the season.

I loved the episode out in the desert, and "Freaky Tuesday" but I think Episode 9 was my favourite of the season. The juxtaposition of the open, freeing fundraiser show and everything that was going on with Sam/Ruth and Bash/Rhonda, then the gut-punch at the end of the hate crime, was just all really well done. "Running Up That Hill" was a great choice for that climactic scene just as "Man On The Corner" was for the end of the accompanying episode in season two when Bash found out about Florian.

Oh, and Kate Nash is brill. A real revelation.

Think that's all my major thoughts anyway. I'm a bit surprised there hasn't been more discussion of the show on here since it came out, I know it's a popular one among ewbers.

Some of the emotional hits have really knocked me for six on GLOW, in a way few other shows have. It is a really impactful show in its writing and presentation, with a uniquely engaging cast. Even though this was probably my least favourite of the three seasons for story, it has had some of my absolute favourite scenes and moments.

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On 29/10/2019 at 04:06, Lint said:

I'm really enjoying Nancy Drew on The CW.  Its playing out real good so far...the mystery is pretty good

Though I can't believe Scott Wolf is Nancy Drew's father, because Scott Wolf still looks like he's 30

Only watched the first episode so far, but the actress who played the medium is Pamela Sue Martin....who played Nancy Drew in the late 70's.

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I've not been this excited for a TV show since... forever.

Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has ruined games for me because it has set a standard that is way, way too high for anything else to get close to. And the books are fantastic as well although I've only read four of them. And from the bits in the trailer it looks like they are going to be doing "The Butcher of Blavikan" bit. If it is only as half as good as in the books it will be amazing.

At first I was really pissed off that Dandilion wasn't listed in the cast list on IMDB or Wiki, but they are using the Polish version of his name, Jaskier, in the show. Much relief. 

Also right at the end of the trailer you get to see him all cracked out on potions.

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18 hours ago, MDK said:

I've not been this excited for a TV show since... forever.

Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has ruined games for me because it has set a standard that is way, way too high for anything else to get close to. And the books are fantastic as well although I've only read four of them. And from the bits in the trailer it looks like they are going to be doing "The Butcher of Blavikan" bit. If it is only as half as good as in the books it will be amazing.

At first I was really pissed off that Dandilion wasn't listed in the cast list on IMDB or Wiki, but they are using the Polish version of his name, Jaskier, in the show. Much relief. 

Also right at the end of the trailer you get to see him all cracked out on potions.

Apparently the showrunner for The Witcher has seven seasons mapped out so far. 

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2 hours ago, Benjamin said:

You know what's a bad show? That Paul Rudd one on Netflix. It had what I thought really good potential, but it's sort of garbage. 

Paul Rudd charm can only take you so far. 

I enjoyed it, but then I could happily watch Aisling Bea watch paint dry.

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Would like a recommendation if possible.

I'd love a new drama/series to get stuck into, Netflix is preferable, in the UK so don't really have much else apart from iPlayer and the like.

I have previously watched and loved Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Peaky Blinders, White Collar, Line of Duty, Parks and Rec and a few more. I tried House of Cards and couldn't get into it.

Thanks in advance you lovely people :)


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