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Chris and Snoop are pretty much the spectres of death, yeah.

Also, Stephen King called Snoop "perhaps the most terrifying female villain to ever appear in a television series" in an article he wrote about the show.

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You won't really hit Snoop until Season 4 either - but she opens up the damn thing and had me drawn in right away. I'm over halfway through Season 4 as is.. and yeah I'm buying that it's top of the line. I'm glad there's little focus on McNulty - wasn't all that huge of a fan when it came to him, but they bookended him quite well. I would've never seen the change they made with Prez coming - they took a character that had little going for him other than a neat trait or two and turned him into something amazing.

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Smallville is a fantastic show in the later seasons and is a pretty fantastic adaption of the DC Universe once it knows what it wants to do.

First few seasons though... It's like Buffy Season 1 without any of the fun.

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I take it nothing really happens in Mad Men then for it to justify six seasons?

There's a lot that justifies it having six seasons. Like I said before though, it's not a typical show.
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I take it nothing really happens in Mad Men then for it to justify six seasons?

Incredible character work and the best acting on TV and the best writing on TV happens. I just don't think you would enjoy it.

There are shows where I'm like "yeah I think you'd enjoy that" and shows where I'm like "nah, you wouldn't." Mad Men's the best show on TV but it's not for everyone (and tbf there has been vocal criticism of season 6 feeling redundant).

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I read the gist/premise of the show online and it just didn't grab/interest me. Perhaps i was being a tad harsh in saying it put me to sleep but it was the only thing i could think of at the time.

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Yeah, I can't blame you for that. I had a chance to start watching Mad Men from day one because I heard a story about it somewhere the same day it was premiering and I recognized Vincent Kartheiser in the cast, but I had no interest in watching a show about ad men in the '60s and Conner from Angel being in it sure as hell wasn't going to change that.

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