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Batman 3


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I think The Riddler will be hard to pull-off in the Nolan Batman Universe unless he's some kind of Jigsaw-type killer. I'd love to see Bane as the main villain though. He was horribly misrepresented by Joel Schumacher and it would be nice to see him shown in the light of being a physical and mental equal to Batman.

Or pretty much the way Jim Carrey played him but with a darker twist...

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I know they're fake, but some of those posters are actually pretty awesome. In a kind of related topic; do you think they'll market Batman 3 is a similar viral way to the The Dark Knight?

The movie's going to have a lot of pressure on it, but I have faith in Nolan that he'll deliver an extraordinary third film. I just don't see how it's going to top the second in terms of quality or financially. I wonder if the lack of Ledger will damage the film. Either way, I'm hyped for this. Even if it is like two years away. :P

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I hope there's a Batman 3 ARG, I fucking loved TDK's ARG. So much fun. I think I still have one of the phone messages from Jim Gordon on my phone. :blush:

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I think The Riddler will be hard to pull-off in the Nolan Batman Universe unless he's some kind of Jigsaw-type killer. I'd love to see Bane as the main villain though

Why would The Riddler be hard to pull off? The Riddler is probably the most realistic of all Batman villains, hell he's more realistic than Batman himself. He's an obsessive compulsive egomaniac who loves puzzles, he'll translate easily to Nolan's universe.

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I think my personal choice would be Hush. I don't think I want to see them use more than one villain because then you just get films trying to get ridiculous as they try to top one another and you end up with Spider-Man 3, which, whilst not as bad as some would have you believe, certainly didn't give itself enough time to tell the story of the villains involved), some should be two villain, some should be one, there's plenty of stories to go round so that they shouldn't have to reboot, especially in the Batman franchise.

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I just don't see how they'd make The Riddler seem like a threat. He's a bank robber who leaves riddles. Wow, how terrible. And even if he finds out Batman's identity, that's not exactly a threat, as it's not like someone obsessed with riddles would ever give away an answer like that.

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I just don't see how they'd make The Riddler seem like a threat. He's a bank robber who leaves riddles. Wow, how terrible. And even if he finds out Batman's identity, that's not exactly a threat, as it's not like someone obsessed with riddles would ever give away an answer like that.

It would be a bit of a stretch, but you could give some sort of knack alone the same lines of how they originally wrote Zachary Quinto's character in Heroes. He was the son of a compulsive watch maker and was raised to understand how things work which in time made his mind tick (no pun intended) a bit differently than others. Write Riddler the same way - give him a knack that he could use in a similar fashion to make his puzzles threatening so that he seems like he would hold a mental edge over those around him. Just write him so that his brain works differently than those trying to stop him.

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I can't believe how many people are fapping over Johnny Depp possibly rehashing Jack Sparrow again to play the Riddler. I'm sorry, but I'm pretty much sick of the guy. Let's give another actor a chance to play a role in a movie for a change.

Also, since Powerhart's already released the posters, I can confirm the four (yes, FOUR) villains in the movie with this recently released footage.

Apparently Gary Oldman held them up for money.

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I just don't see how they'd make The Riddler seem like a threat. He's a bank robber who leaves riddles. Wow, how terrible. And even if he finds out Batman's identity, that's not exactly a threat, as it's not like someone obsessed with riddles would ever give away an answer like that.

The same way they made The Joker believable. Joker is a mad man who is unpredictable. It's the way you use the riddles and the crime she commits that would make it different. Why couldn't it be a bomb threat or something that The Riddler leaves a riddle for? Obiously it would be something better than that in the movie but you get my point.

I can see the next movie, if they use Riddler, to be "Riddle, Batman trying deperatley to figure it out, chase scene to get to the riddle's answer before disaster"

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The riddles can easily be used to a) mock Batman and b) throw a city into hysteria...Or indeed control a city through fear or lies.

Weird riddles appearing on billboards, in newspapers and on TV could seriously psychologically affect a population, no problem.

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